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Where do you live? Frappr Maps (beta)


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Just discovered this cool site: http://www.frappr.com/hardbooters

Just put in your zip code (I'm pretty sure it works for non-US postal codes) and upload a comment and photo if you like. It's based on Google Maps and gives you zoom in and satellite capabilities.

Check it out!


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I wonder if it's possible to assign "sticky" status (or whatever it's called) to this topic. I suspect it could be a handy resource for riders looking for someone to hook up with.

If that can't be done, be sure to save this in Favorites/Bookmarks.


p.s. I have Admin capability so let me know if anything needs changing.

And GeoffV - since you were the first to post a photo, you get to be first to have your photo posted at the map page.

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Wow! In the first 18 hours of existence http://www.frappr.com/hardbooters has generated 52 entries!

A few folks have had difficulty because Frappr didn't recognize their zipcode. I'll look into the problem but, in the interim, you might want to select the closest larger community and we can edit the entry later if we figure out a solution.

Any chance we can get a link to this page somewhere in the Bomber site? Or create a sticky?


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It might be great for finding people, but you have no way of contacting them through it. What if everyone left their e-mail or phone number on the comments section?

I figured out a way to do it. If you've already registered, click on your "pushpin" and scroll to the bottom of the page. In the blank where it says Shoutout, copy and paste the following:

a href="mailto:yourname@youremail.com?subject=Hardbooters Worldwide Map">e-mail</a

but be sure to put a < and a > at the very beginning and end of the script or it won't work. I had to delete them here because it would have automatically generated the desired result: <a href="mailto:yourname@youremail.com?subject=Hardbooters Worldwide Map">e-mail</a> and you wouldn't have the code. Obviously, you'll need to substitute your own e-mail address.

BTW, inserting this won't replace the comments you've already posted. It appears in addition.

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I found the code to create a pushbutton link in case it's possible to position this somewhere in Bomber

<a href="http://www.frappr.com/hardbooters"><img src="http://www.frappr.com/i/frapper_sticker.gif" border="0" alt="Check out our Frappr!" title="Check out our Frappr!"></a>

Every time I tried to post the code (even without the carets) the graphic appeared. Sorry to do it as a graphic but it's the only way I could figure out how to do it:


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Oops. I accidentally posted twice on there... please feel free to remove one of them.

I took care of it.


Wow! We're up to 87 folks in just two days. It's interesting seeing our geographic distribution. I had no idea there was such a concentration of hardbooters in Finland.


If you haven't already done so, click on the "Satellite" button in the upper right of the map and zoom in to your hometown with the slide controls on the left (it won't work on the example above - that's just a graphic). Depending on where you live, the resolution will vary. As a general rule, green is low resoution and gray is very high. In some locales, you'll be able to make out detail as small as cars. In either view, you can navigate by clicking on the map/photo and dragging the mouse. Occasionally this will result in false pushpins so you mignt want to refresh.

Remember this is still in Beta status. There are a few hiccups. I noted that you can add items to your shoutout but not edit previous ones (hence the 2 e-mail links in my own entry). I can always delete an entry totally so you can re-register if anyone requests.


Unrelated note: Okemo got 12-18 inches a couple of days ago and plans on opening November 5th!

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I'm not suprised of that number of hard booters in Finland.

We have 250 registered members in our hard booting forum here, that is not bad for country with 5 milion people. So with these numbers you can count reference number of your contry if you know your population figures :)

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I entered my zip but it put me somewhere where I don't actually live. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me? Anyone know how to correct this problem?

That problem has popped up before. Remember this site is still in development. You might want to try a nearby larger town.

Hey - we passed 100 participants today! I switched the initial view to Global since we have so many carvers scattered around the world. For some reason, the "pushpins" in Australia don't appear until you click and drag the continent to the center of the map.

Any chance we can assign this topic "sticky" status?

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