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I'm sure our deposits pay for the trucks to go the 100 or so feet. I know its in the 1000s to get a firetruck anywhere. For the stairs being a good way to prepare for snowboarding, my riding season is done.

So it's ok to waste tax dollars to get these guys down there, at 5am, for nothing? You even said it's in the $1,000s to get a fire truck to go 100 feet. Shouldn't matter, these guys are ready to SAVE YOUR ASS if something is real, and you guys/girls in the building are acting like it's an imposition to you. If you ever really need them, you'd better hope you didn't cry wolf toomany times. I think it's inconsiderate to take the firemen for granted.

And so if your snowboarding season is over, you don't need to exercise anymore? WOW, good for you! Man, I should come and live in Boston where everything is free and easy. :biggthump YAHOO, right PaulK?

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the tax payers aren't paying for this, we are. Each person puts down $500 for a deposit. Its a known fact that no one gets a penny back no matter what because of the fire truck issues, broken this and that. Well it makes sense that they do that. They'll find any reason at all to make sure all the deposit money is used up. Funny considering they charge us an outrageous amount of money to live on campus for a 150 square foot dorm. I defintly don't take the fireman for granted, I respect them greatly, but 3 false alarms from burnt food is already crying wolf.

Oh I excercise plenty. Summer means thong season and I gotta be in shape for that :rolleyes: Free and easy...well i guess thats what some of the college girls are like. anyways, I guess you better come to live in boston then, where up is down and nothing is what it seems :D

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You guys would be surprised to know the percentage of hospital fire alarm tripping that's due to the nurses making popcorn......

Who makes popcorn at 5 am? Just about every night shift nurse and ER doc in the country :biggthump

When Sam and I started our intimate relationship, the first thing he said after the first time was "the shower's over there"...pointing at the bath

I said "why do I need to take a shower? I'm not dirty"

It took me a while to break those habits his ex-wife instilled.....

He's a cuddler, too

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You guys would be surprised to know the percentage of hospital fire alarm tripping that's due to the nurses making popcorn......

Who makes popcorn at 5 am? Just about every night shift nurse and ER doc in the country :biggthump

When Sam and I started our intimate relationship, the first thing he said after the first time was "the shower's over there"...pointing at the bath

I said "why do I need to take a shower? I'm not dirty"

It took me a while to break those habits his ex-wife instilled.....

He's a cuddler, too

Well there are nursing students in my dorm but none of them actually work that early. All freshmen, best year of my life, so far.

When in a relationship, after sex, we always just layed there for a long while. defintly a cuddler. Its just relaxing. Its probably more relaxing than sleeping. It would just be awkward just being done and just leaving. Probably could make a girl feel like a hooker sometimes. That wouldn't help the relationship at all:nono:

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In a normal healthy relationship, about the only time men really NEED to get away is the exact moment after sex is "finished", for some reason, men's brains have an internal routine programmed by years of evolution telling us to leave the area. It's like a fire alarm going off in your head. "Whoop! Whoop! Get out of the building! Whoop!" As we enter relationships we try to fight this, and we do it pretty well. But it's tough. It's like trying to train a dog to jump into your lap after you fire a starting pistol at him.

I know this is a bit late but I posted it the topic in my own forum to get responses from my male friends who then battled out the discussion. Anyway.... I would imagine that the guys that cuddle after sex are more likely to be in stable relationships than the ones that still need to leave. I don't know if it is true, but its what I've experienced with my ex's and male friends.

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I defintly agree with that arguement. I was always very prone to be in a steady relationship, that is why I simply refuse to be in one for a bit. A relationship takes some commintment, and that is something I don't have time for right now. With the approach of my first kite boarding season, I want to have as much time on the beach as possible. WOOHOOO SUMMER!!!!!!

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People often ask for an explanation of "Marketing." So, here it is:

You're a lady and you see a handsome guy at a party. You go up to him and

say, "I'm fantastic in bed."

That's Direct Marketing.

You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a handsome guy. One of

your friends goes up to him and, pointing at you, says, "She's fantastic

in bed."

That's Advertising.

You see a handsome guy at a party. You go up to him and get his telephone

number. The next day you call him and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed."

That's Telemarketing.

You see a guy at a party, you straighten your dress. You walk up to him

and pour him a drink. You say, "May I," and reach up to straighten his

tie, brushing your breast lightly against his arm, and then say, "By the

way, I'm fantastic in bed."

That's Public Relations.

You're at a party and see a handsome guy. He walks up to you and says, "I

hear you're fantastic in bed."

That's Brand Recognition.

You're at a party and see a handsome guy. He fancies you, but you talk him

into going home with your friend.

That's a Sales Rep.

Your friend can't satisfy him so she calls you.

That's Tech Support.

You're on your way to a party when you realize that there could be

handsome men in all these houses you're passing. So you climb onto the

roof of one situated near the center of the block and shout at the top of

your lungs, "I'm fantastic in bed!"

That's Junk Mail.

You are at a party when a well built man walks up to you and gropes your

breast and grabs your ass.

That's the Governor of California.

You like it, but twenty years later your attorney decides you were

offended and he files a lawsuit on your behalf.

That's America.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

my brother's(not the stockbroker one) is in marketing.....I'd sent him a link but he may not want to see all my previous posts.....or I may not want him to see them :biggthump

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This is fantastic its like one of those crazy women shows in the afternoon. very disjointed and yet srangely fascinating. No wonder its dragged out for 10 seasons and only covered five days worth of material.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Those of you looking for nice guys

they've already been ruined by the evil phase or the friend zone and no longer trust women. They have in fact sought out the advice of CADS like Randy and learned how to get some without getting stepped on. Good luck finding one that can be restored. Sounds like Skatha's got that part figured out.

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don't get me started on the soap opera stuff. Up there with some of the worst stuff on tv. Well not worst than reality shows because they actually involve creative writers, but Dr D is absolutly right, 5 days of plot in 10 seasons. No exaggeration at all.:sleep:

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There is still the X-files on syndication....

I get excited when Sci-Fi has their X-files day, but I'm rapidly getting to the point where I'm seeing the same shows over and over..I was a rabid fan until my daughter was born in 1997. The show aired during the hour I was getting her ready for bed so I missed from about 1998 on....

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My fav is the episode with Charles Nelson Reilly and Jesse Ventura-the total spoof episode...

Another fav is the one with the vampires and Scully and Mulder are telling the stories from their own perspectives....the sheriff is a fox to Scully and Mulder sees him with buck teeth, etc..

I loved the spooky ones during the first run, I prefer the lighthearted ones now....

YOU WERE 10!!!!!!!?????!!!!

I was a doc in the USAF..... :smashfrea

I'm not old, I'm not old.....

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My fav is the episode with Charles Nelson Reilly and Jesse Ventura-the total spoof episode...

Another fav is the one with the vampires and Scully and Mulder are telling the stories from their own perspectives....the sheriff is a fox to Scully and Mulder sees him with buck teeth, etc..

I loved the spooky ones during the first run, I prefer the lighthearted ones now....

YOU WERE 10!!!!!!!?????!!!!

I was a doc in the USAF..... :smashfrea

I'm not old, I'm not old.....

OOO ya those were good. I like the spooky ones that scared the **** outta me, but the light hearted ones are decent too. Ya I was 10ish. Those were the days when life was easy. My highlights for that year were that I was in 4th grade i think, and I got a gerbil as a pet.

The USAF came by my school with a bunch of pharmacueitcal companies so we can find about each. The air force has alot to offer but if we sign up, there is a good chance we don't get a choice of where we would be stationed. I need to be near snow for obvious reason.

I have an interview with the "evil empire" of the pharmacy world: CVS. My sister works for Brooks Pharmacy and we'll be then working directly against each other:D:boxing_sm

not really though.

lastly, you're not old...I just don't know how to finish that sentence :eplus2: Actually, for me, you can never be old as long as you're on the mountain or in the water. I love riding or skiing next to 70 year old guys at my local mountain. It makes me hope more than anything that I will be able to do that at their age.

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I hate CVS-I once told the pharmacist who called me about a prescription they didn't have in stock(the CVS guys always say the item is unavailable when really they don't want to order it)-to give the prescription back to the patient so they could take it to a real pharmacy....

We have about 10 CVS pharmacies about 1 mile from the house, no there wasn't a population explosion, CVS just entered the market...

Of course, Walgreens(here for 30 years) had to match them pharmacy for pharmacy...

We don't have any "mom and pop" pharmacies around here...

As for the USAF, my original dream sheet had no TX bases on it. The USAF called me up and said "we know your top 20, but here's our top 4"

2 of the 4 were closing so I figured I wouldn't get there.

1 was too good to be true-Fairchild in Spokane

1 was Sheppard-the way they talked up Sheppard, I figured they'd pencilled me in there already so I ranked 'em


2 Wurtsmith(Great Falls, MO)

3. KI Sawyer (UP, Michigan)

4. Sheppard

guess where I landed.....yup....

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My fav is the episode with Charles Nelson Reilly and Jesse Ventura-the total spoof episode...

Heh, yeah, it's called "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" and it might be the best hour of television ever. The opening (with the teenagers getting abducted by two aliens, and then the two aliens getting abducted by the bigger alien) had me rolling around on the floor. Also, don't forget, Alex Trebek (Jeopardy) was in it, too ;)

The best part of the episode is that it actually makes coherent sense - it's not just a big absurdest spoof - it actually has a story and carefully ties everything together, just in a really, really, funny way. "I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage." Ha ha ha.

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I hate CVS-I once told the pharmacist who called me about a prescription they didn't have in stock(the CVS guys always say the item is unavailable when really they don't want to order it)-to give the prescription back to the patient so they could take it to a real pharmacy....

We have about 10 CVS pharmacies about 1 mile from the house, no there wasn't a population explosion, CVS just entered the market...

Of course, Walgreens(here for 30 years) had to match them pharmacy for pharmacy...

We don't have any "mom and pop" pharmacies around here...

As for the USAF, my original dream sheet had no TX bases on it. The USAF called me up and said "we know your top 20, but here's our top 4"

2 of the 4 were closing so I figured I wouldn't get there.

1 was too good to be true-Fairchild in Spokane

1 was Sheppard-the way they talked up Sheppard, I figured they'd pencilled me in there already so I ranked 'em


2 Wurtsmith(Great Falls, MO)

3. KI Sawyer (UP, Michigan)

4. Sheppard

guess where I landed.....yup....

Ya cvs has ooodles of stores around here. None in colorodo yet, which is my 2nd choice after anchorage, Alaska. And yeah, some pharmacist can defintly be lazy, which I defintly don't understand. They pay them ass loads of money to stand behind the counter. There is no excuse

My sister and my RA on my floor defintly complain alot about the stuff that happens and it makes me never want to work retail at all. If people have a problem about their insurance, instead of talking with the company, they take it out on what they think is the rep for the insurance company...the pharmasit. I guess its pretty often that someone has to be removed from store by security. Here is a good one: a woman goes to the pharmacy my RA works at. She has insurance coverage for some nasal spray. Unfortunatly, she can't get the brand name because if there is a generic, insurance doesn't cover the brand name. It only makes sense. She makes a huge scene about it and eventually has to be escorted out of the store.

Some of the other stories go along the lines of doctors messing up with the doseage and they would have to call them when there is a huge line, while getting put on hold for a long time. Doctors screw up, but she said its the same doctors everytime. In a busy pharmacy, most pharmacist usually are on the phone with the insurance company for some reason.

From what i've seen, it doesnt take much time at all to order a drug. Those guys must've been lazy.

No one ever gets their first choice of location. Thats why I'm stayin clear of the armed forces in general.

edit: 901st post in this thread. damn!!!

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People do call the insurance companies-they are invariably told the doc/pharmacist messed up.....

I cannot tell you how many times patients told me that-until I started showing them the denial letters I got or had them talk to my referral clerk about when we actually filed the paperwork and how many times we called back(and waited on hold) about referrals.....

We have socialized medicine now-it's socialized by a bunch of for profit insurance companies......

But, we were talking about matters of the heart, so let's not digress....

my newly ordered Dynastar 4807 came today.....hmmmm, how many snowboards can I hide from my husband....

The 178 4807 is in the attic of the cabin in CO...

the 168 4807 is hiding behind a backpack and my sexy lingerie

The Proto 59 is hiding behind my dresses...

My Burton Feelgood 54 is in it's leather bag hanging out with the Proto, but he knows about that one....

My Alp 57 and Burton Custom 49 are in the sport-tube ready for the trip Friday...

Sam can get his ski boots on now over the muscle flap-he's planning on a turn or two....

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my newly ordered Dynastar 4807 came today.....hmmmm, how many snowboards can I hide from my husband....

The 178 4807 is in the attic of the cabin in CO...

the 168 4807 is hiding behind a backpack and my sexy lingerie

The Proto 59 is hiding behind my dresses...

My Burton Feelgood 54 is in it's leather bag hanging out with the Proto, but he knows about that one....

My Alp 57 and Burton Custom 49 are in the sport-tube ready for the trip Friday...

Well, if it's any consolation, you have finally caught up with me. Mine are all in the rafters in the garage...Mrs. doesn't usually spend a lot of time looking up in there.....it's looking like the second floor is coming along fine!! I'd a had you beat still if I would have bought that lonely looking 187 Tanker Heli in Salt Lake City.....

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my newly ordered Dynastar 4807 came today.....hmmmm, how many snowboards can I hide from my husband....

The 178 4807 is in the attic of the cabin in CO...

the 168 4807 is hiding behind a backpack and my sexy lingerie

The Proto 59 is hiding behind my dresses...

My Burton Feelgood 54 is in it's leather bag hanging out with the Proto, but he knows about that one....

My Alp 57 and Burton Custom 49 are in the sport-tube ready for the trip Friday...

Sam can get his ski boots on now over the muscle flap-he's planning on a turn or two....

Don't get me started on pharmacies and drug companies:angryfire

I don't know if this will work on a man but when I buy a new gun I just make sure its the same color and/or has enough similiar attributes as the ones I already have. I guess that rules out cool new top sheets but you should be able to work it if you remember not to have more than one 4807 out at any given time:eplus2:

the wife caught me with two pistols out once that she thought was only one.

boy did I have some explaining to do:smashfrea

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Well, if it's any consolation, you have finally caught up with me. Mine are all in the rafters in the garage...Mrs. doesn't usually spend a lot of time looking up in there.....it's looking like the second floor is coming along fine!! I'd a had you beat still if I would have bought that lonely looking 187 Tanker Heli in Salt Lake City.....

You know it's a sin to let a snowboard be lonely, don't you....

REPENT!!!! :ices_ange

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my newly ordered Dynastar 4807 came today.....hmmmm, how many snowboards can I hide from my husband....

The 178 4807 is in the attic of the cabin in CO...

the 168 4807 is hiding behind a backpack and my sexy lingerie

The Proto 59 is hiding behind my dresses...

My Burton Feelgood 54 is in it's leather bag hanging out with the Proto, but he knows about that one....

My Alp 57 and Burton Custom 49 are in the sport-tube ready for the trip Friday...

Sam can get his ski boots on now over the muscle flap-he's planning on a turn or two....

Mine are either in a rack in the garage, under the stairs or leaning up against the wall near the door to make all my mates jealous. :eplus2:

But I am not married, so any time my girlfriend complains about me buying another board, I tell her to get over it, it's my money! But seriously, I'm stuffed when I do marry the girl, because then all the toy buying ceases. I'd better buy up big while I have the chance.

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