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OT: dry flies are rocking in MA right now


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trout are loving the puffy dries like humpies and wulfes right now, 15 or so fish since wednesday including a 16 inch brown that took me awhile to get in

the swift, burnshirt, ware and the one in athol that I can't remeber the name of have all been fantastic in the last week.

nothing like having a fish take your line to the backing.

there was a casualty though this week I shut my small rod (7.5 foot 2 weight) in the door of my car, it was about time to replace it anyway so its no big deal.

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I just finished a weekend of lake fishing. Lots of people in the BC interior use fly fishing gear for lakes. I did horribly, I only caught about 4 trout all under 13 inches. My wife even got skunked!:D

We usually troll with doc spratleys, gold ribbed hare's ears and wooly buggers. We troll because my wife can't cast her line very good. But when I am alone, I use caddis pupas and some other small flies. But like I said, the fishing was pretty bad this weekend, it probably had something to do with the thunder storms that passed through with more coming this week.

I store my rod under the rear bench in my truck. It seems to tuck in there quite well and is protected from harm. Not like my father who likes to stuff his rod on the passenger seat and bends it around to fit inside the cab.

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skategoat, I wish I had of held off for a couple days, yesterday I bought a cheapo cabelas 3 weight but I was actually looking at a st croix and I really was pondering a G loomis as well.

I was looking at buying a car too but I scored on that today and spent about half as much as I expected to pay for one and I got two.

Its nice to know someone who runs a junkyard and a garage that has the hots for your sister.

So if any of you see a rusty white metro or a brown dodge intrepid with Donek or Bomber stickers on it you will know its me ;)

if I hade made my purchases in the reverse order I would have a much better fly rod :D

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