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MES 2020


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my new years resolution was to cut and paste more, so here you go! (yes, i'm lazy and needed a reminder to set this up) last year was a pow day, i think zero carves were made (at least by me). 😉  somewhere i've got a video..


it's almost that time of year again. let’s all go outside to play!

when: weds, jan 29th, 9:30am - ?  

where: afton alps www.aftonalps.com lift tickets are $59 on the preferred program, $64 not on the program. There’s also a 3-day option for $119.


eats: bring your lunch, or money to purchase food. as usual, there will be plenty of homemade food from the sugar group.

who: invite everyone you know who carves, wants to carve, likes hanging out with carvers, wants to wish bobble a happy 70th birthday, or just wants homemade caramels at lunch!

see you on the hill!



Edited by trent
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trying to add photos from last year....





1 hour ago, Scott.Creer said:

I think I am gonna try to make it for the morning. I have a meeting that afternoon I need to be at.

well at least this year we'll know why you left! mr leaves without saying goodbye.

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Had to jam early, due to last minute notice of hosting in-laws, for dinner. And my legs could take no more. So.

Always fun to see a variety of style and gear. Love that duct tape knee patch, Trent!   

A few pot-shots with my Point-and-Shoot, before the battery abruptly quit.



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good turnout! 11 people! (I think that's right?) i had low expectations. i thought maybe 5 people at most would show up. 

  1.  brian (mnsurfer)
  2. dave (nelsonboat)
  3. greg
  4. joe
  5. paul
  6. randy (donpablo)
  7. steve
  8. tom (mr. t)
  9. tom (?)
  10. trent
  11. me

to all the others that couldn't make it, you were missed.

snow was decent. light... not so much. flat all day. no injuries.

Edited by bobble
i farted
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