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To Fin about Bomber's product reviews


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Originally posted by Barry


Phil was making a joke. You do not have enough posts to start a flame war, anyways =)


ps fill out your profile so we know who you are


I agree with getting rid of the bunk I am sure IP adresses are logged if they all came from the same IP well guess what its crap

I noticed a couple new reviews that were for the F2s and the had no substance and the one with 0 for the coiler seemed to be the same guy but I think there were different names used

Censorship is a slippery slope but until we start paying membership fees here or there are all sorts of banner adds all over the place its up to Fin because Bomber pays the bills for the bandwidth

hell even then someone would have to be the admin

I post at a few other message boards and lurk at bunch more

its pretty tame here and there are few flamewars when there are threads get locked or deleted but that I see as a good thing(as long as done with care), this site has good content and very few worthless threads.

if you don't like it say so, if you REALLY don't like it go post on usenet

If you live close to the border watch US news then watch Canadian news you can watch segments about the same damn thing but everything will be totally different other than the very basic facts

I just don't see the need for pointing out censorship here because its everywhere and 95% of the time its worse than here.

sorry for the long winded post that I could have said the same thing in about four or five lines.

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Guest Randy S.
Originally posted by fin

For example, if someone posts a series of threads that are just a string of profanity and then html links to various "kiddy porn" sights and then we delete it, is that censorship or being a moderator?

Kiddy pron = BAD

Carve Porn = Yum, Yum, Good :)

Heck, even I've been censored on Bomber! The nerve of some people! j/k

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Originally posted by D-Sub

He's a salesman for AllBoardSports!


oh wow..that was just...wow.

sexist? sheesh

She is a saleswoman, Mr. I live on BOL. You need to get out and ride more.

Phil, sorry about my ranting. I really mean that.

I am sensitive to male chauvinists calling women fat. So boys watch your language around here, now that we officially and judiciously censor posts. Keep up the good work Fin.

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Originally posted by bobdea

If you live close to the border watch US news then watch Canadian news you can watch segments about the same damn thing but everything will be totally different other than the very basic facts

Not sure what you mean by this - are you saying Canadian news is censored?

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...don't you think the term "male chauvinists" places blame, that there are only male chauvinists??? I have no problem, calling a (male) guy fat, if this is a fact. If he was 220pound on 5ft, I guess, it would be a fact. So if I am male, is it evil calling him fat? And if I'm female???

Originally posted by rugger

She is a saleswoman, Mr. I live on BOL. You need to get out and ride more.

Phil, sorry about my ranting. I really mean that.

I am sensitive to male chauvinists calling women fat. So boys watch your language around here, now that we officially and judiciously censor posts. Keep up the good work Fin.

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Originally posted by Neil Gendzwill

Not sure what you mean by this - are you saying Canadian news is censored?

I don't think so. I think he is saying that US news is so censored and and a big propaganda that he is conditioned to censorship. As such, he is for censorship.

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Originally posted by skywalker

...don't you think the term "male chauvinists" places blame, that there are only male chauvinists??? I have no problem, calling a (male) guy fat, if this is a fact. If he was 220pound on 5ft, I guess, it would be a fact. So if I am male, is it evil calling him fat? And if I'm female???

Son of Obiwan, a friend of mine 245 pounds 5 foot tall played linebacker for the Cleveland Browns. He is by no means fat. Get the picture.

Fat is blobber hanging of guts or shaking around biceps. Don't confuse with muscular, strong, big boned and sinewed.

Chauvinists think weight = fat on women.

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Okay Rugger,

A linebacker in a pro team only 5 foot tall? ...I don't know too much about football - but that doesn't sound quite right. To make sure that I'm not completely wrong here, I just checked the current line-up of the Browns. There is no player smaller than 5-10. An yes, most linebackers are in the mid 200 lbs range but they are also all at least 6 foot tall... And since we are talking about linebackers - some of those heavier guys look like they could be considered overweight...

I agree that there are people out there that can be quite fit at larger than normal weight/hight ratios. But let's face it a man or woman at 5 foot (and I'm not talking 5-10) and over 200 pound is most likely overweight...

...and yes, please don't be oversensitive...


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Originally posted by Neil Gendzwill

Not sure what you mean by this - are you saying Canadian news is censored?

yes, all media outlets are in one way or another its crumby but a fact of life.

Be it on their own to keep advertisers happy, to not offend certain audiences or when the goverment steps in.

Gotta keep whoever effects your bottom line happy.

That said I am not saying that canadian news is worse I actually think that the US is bad like that, case in point fox news.

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Originally posted by rugger

She is a saleswoman, Mr. I live on BOL. You need to get out and ride more.

hey thanks for the advice! sorry that I missed the gender thing. You DO have a pic of a MAN playin rugby as your avatar. Legitimate assumption.

hope your commission rate is good!

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Originally posted by rugger

OK Luke!

Can you jab into that postal freak that called me a salesman please?

again, sorry. saleswoman.

just noticed that quote a few of your posts say "go to allboardsports"

maybe youre bola's wife. he seems like a really good guy and Im sure the shop rocks, it just looks funny.

oh, and...get in line if youre gonna try to bag on me for my post count. youre a bit late in the game

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Yeah know what???? I'm 5' 10" and about 145 lbs. I'm skinny, fact. I don't get overly sensative about it. Learn to laugh a little bit. Learn to tell the difference when people are joking around and haveing fun and when they really do mean hurtfull things. Also I don't buy into a 5 foot tall NFL linebacker. Kicker, punter, running back, I'd say yeah maybe there is a chance, but no way linebacker! Give a name please, I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just don't beleive it, but if it is true, what a athlete he must be.

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All this over a hypothetical person who is very likely to be a false identity - Reread Fin's post where he mentions all the reviews where made within in minutes from each other from the same computer.

Rugger, you are new here and you have to accept that people in general will make off-color, un-PC remarks on online forums like this. I mean you aren't going to change anyone's opinion by jumping down there throats whenever they say something that could be considered offensive. Many people here will be happy to go toe-to-toe you if you try to pick a fight like you are now.

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Originally posted by Kirk

I think "skywalker's" avatar is Anakin. No father (as far as we know!). Sure as hell wasn't Obi Wan - Maybe I need to review Episodes 1 & 2 again!!

Sorry, couldn't help it :D

For sure he is ;). But also for sure, there is no "luke" in my nick *LOL*. I'm seriously thinking about Palpatine as Anakin's father, the other option would be the "no father" theory...

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Originally posted by bola


To the person that alluded earlier that outliers should removed, I beg to differ seriously. Outliers are never removed they eventually fall out of the specified sigma limits. That is why they are called outliers. By removing them, then outliers no longer exists. Then you cannot deal/discuss with a non existing entity. I hope you follow the logic. Removing outliers is censoring data (Fancy or diplomatic words for manipulating data). Please let me know if you will like to delve deeper into this statistical argument. Enough said for now.


Hi Bola... if they were just outliers, than I would agree... but from what I understand, someone posted several reviews of the same board within minutes from each other from the same IP address (so likely the same computer). If this is true, then these reviews are actually invalid/duplicate data and should be removed, right? I didn't take stats so bear with me, but my quick Google search saids the term is imputation or data editing so you competely, correct input data.

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We are a small community and therefore my belief is that any information put here errounously will degrade the REVIEW section. If we were a community of 100's of thousands then the argument about a few posts being watered would be valid. But that is not who we are or what this site is about. I'll stand corrected if as a group we wish to have false reviews posted and then I'll just not visit here anymore or else I can go with the flow and post multiple posts myself.....Let's as a group not go there....please.

We take the information we all gather here to heart since we are a tight bunch and wish to promote our sport. So yes we should censor whether someone gets on the board and rants and raves that we are idiots or whether someone gets on the reviews and stacks a bias against or for any product and is probably be doing it malicously. Otherwise why come here at all and expect truth and honesty. At least we are being honest with each other that the posts in question, with a 99.99 % accuracy, came from one person who wished to not even declare who he/she was. that's just plain bogus and deserves our attention to change. Are we to look out for each others welfare or for the right of one person to throw us all into turmoil???

If we have trust, which I do and asked for at the beginning here, in our moderator to look into a situation and correct it ONLY if it is in their opinion to be bogus then that is why I have trust in that decision.

thanks for listening to my rant. The season is winding down and I am beginning to go into the withdrawal stages....Oh I wish for a few more good storms to hit here....this freeze/thaw cycle is killing me.


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... because I'd much rather talk snowboarding

To the person that alluded earlier that outliers should removed, I beg to differ seriously. Outliers are never removed they eventually fall out of the specified sigma limits. That is why they are called outliers. By removing them, then outliers no longer exists.

I'll agree that perhaps my analogy of outliers and this current situation wasn't the best. And perhaps we're both saying the same thing, but in different ways. When you say "fall out", I'm assuming (not always good) that you mean the exclusion of observations outside, say (example) 2 standard deviations about the mean. In this case a person, researcher, etc is making a decision to exclude infrequent observations outside a certain range, no? In my view, this exclusion is a removal. If infrequent obervations are to be retained (esp. w/ a small sample), that will significantly skew the data, conclusions, etc. At least this is how I understand it. Look, it's been a few years since Biostats and I am NOT a statistician. So you could probably blow me away with your knowledge here Bola.

Bottom line, once again, we're a small group who actually take this info. into consideration when trying to make decisions about gear performance. Reviews for any given product WILL run the gammut. But I believe this situation needed to be handled by the site moderator(s) and, IMO, they/he acted appropriately. I think JoelP summed it up well too. I'm done!

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Just my 2 cents. Those obvious BS reviews are kind of annoying 'cause you know someone is just trying to screw with us who might actually be reading the reviews for information. Don't really have a view on whether there should be a screening process or not -- just wish we didn't have to worry about such a thing.

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