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RR :Coiler AM 172/23


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WOW, I like it:)

It took a while to get used to the wide width and reduced angles 60* down to 50* but what a board, once I dialed it in a bit and got used to it, it rocked. I found that a cross under technique really works good on this board with the short turning radius. You pitch the board out and it swings back ready to go to the other side.

Held on icy patches and offers a really smooth ride.

Works good in the bumps and crud, the swing weight is a bit more than I am used to but it tracked and busted through like a truck.

Plus it looks really trick with blue flames.

Can't wait to get it into the powder and trees.

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Originally posted by ethanpt

do you find the all mountain to be less tiring than a freecarve or race board?

It is way easier to ride than my Coiler 188 PR, but that is mainly due to the shorter turning radius of my AM. The board is no less tiring to ride unless you decide to slack off and skid for while. I am usually gasping for air when I reach the bottom on any of my boards. I also consider myself somewhat in shape.

The board handles a bit different than freecarve boards because of the wider waist. If that is a concern, Bruce makes a 21cm waisted model also. The board is really easy to carve with, it rides the same as other boards. The only difference is when changing edges while going slow you definitely notice the board's width but with speed you hardly notice the difference.

Once you get used to changing edges on it, it becomes second nature to ride it. You could compare it to riding with ski boots then trying real snowboard hardboots, same idea, just different.

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Originally posted by bobdea

its a bit "racier"

Could you elaborate? I just put in an order for an AM and have always ridden race boards. I have only tried the 4x4 and found it a little soft, so I'm curious as to what kinds of modifications were made and for what reason.



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I've got the 172/23 too, and I will say it will give you a workout. Mine is an 8.3 on Bruce's stiff-o-meter; when I took it out of the box my initial reaction was uh-oh, but the first time out was wonderful. In comparison to a race board think luxury sports car vs race car, Maserati Quatroporte vs Ferrari F1. You still don't relax and not pay attention, but it will not bite and will let you go anywhere you want. I've put myself way out of shape, thinking I'm going to crash, but just pressure that edge some more and the thing comes right back under you.

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work in a race situation for a couple reasons

1. I was planning running gates this year (changed my mind and moved)

2. I am not a fan of most "freecarve" decks usually too soft in certain places and tend to "flap" at high speeds

what matters the most to me is the ability to rail on the corduroy but I do ride in allot of conditions that are not suited for a race stick or at least I did when I decided to get that board

what I do like about them is the full nose and the tail that allows me to ride switch

my board in flex is a blend of a SL deck and the AM

and I should add that its 20 cm wide 173 long and stiffer between the bindings

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I have the 172Am in 19cm. It is the First choice in my quiver for all conditions except Boiler plate, then its the Ice Piranah Madd. I thinned out the closet and the 172am is my #1 board. I just got back from Crested Butte, It was the Only board I took. I think it works so well because Bruce actually softens the board under your feet making it easier for you to pinch the board or change the shape of it while you are in the turn.

The softness under the foot also makes it one of, if not the Easiest boards to ride. It is very tollerant of technique errors.

Some times I think I dont even need the Madd/bbaM and all I need is the Am

I really want to get one for my wife.

Oh yeah Crested Butte is the best kept secret in the Rockies

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Has anyone compared the Coiler AM to the Donek Axis or F2 Speedcross?

I have had no reason to think of buying one until this year. There hasn't been this much powder in the NE for years. ( Sorry NW guys)

I'm too old to be cartwheeling race boards in the pow.

Any thoughts?

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Just got back from a week in Panorama with my brand new AM172, 21.5 cm waist. Conditions were rock hard and it wasn't uncommon to see blue ice. One of the instructors I talked to said it was typical Ontario conditions (where he was from). Any problems with edge hold were purely mine - the conditions were certainly revealing any technical problems I have. The AM is quite a bit stiffer than my older Prior 4WD and much less inclined to be skidded or ridden lazily at all. OTOH if I was on top of it there was no washing out or folding or any other problems I had due to the Prior being too soft for my weight (it was a short one). I'm anxious to get it in more typical Western conditions and see how it does, right now I have no clue how it behaves as an all-rounder as there was no soft snow and only a few small icy bumps. It was good in what bumps I found, but they were not going to be fun nor matter what the setup. Hope to be in Banff next month.

I also had my new (to me) Tanker 200 and was thoroughly impressed. I think it's actually lighter than the AM172 and of course quite a bit more forgiving. Once you get used to the width/length, it's surprisingly easy to toss around and rails on the hardpack no problem. I loved it!

PS You can see a (very) brief movie of the AM in action here. The videographer was my 12 year old daughter with a digicam in video mode - quality is as you'd expect :)

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  • 1 month later...

And still snowing :D . This board is nice in the pow. We had medium weight powder on saturday. It floated quite well and bounced around nicely on the steeps. I loved it. Today with wind blown and wetter powder, the board shined again. My legs are burning and I can't wipe this sh it eating grin off my face.

Two thumbs up.

Thanks Bruce.

Now all I need to do is fix all the bad gouges in the base I made while riding all this powder on top of the old crap that was underneath. It is a good thing I have lots of beer to help me along while I work on the board.

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Funny! I just tried to view Neil's video of the Coiler AM but our school district's online porn/violence filter denied me access having it categorized as a "weapon"! Damn....I knew they were good but I never knew they were good enough to be called a weapon! What a compliment.

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