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WTF xl 2017

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snowreport: tue jan 03, 2017

howdy all

got a late start just to catch the warmer part of the day. it was mostly cloudy in the morning than

about 1pm it was blue sky sunshine till the end of the day and it did feel warmer. groomers was

perfect after a couple days of no new snow and really cold temps. there was no wind and it was

a really nice day. ed's was groomed much better and carved good. it's the first day on hardboots

and felt a little weird at first, but just like riding a bike, you never forget. so I made a few runs on

ed's  than went to chair 1 and my pass fell of my thingy so went back to chair 2 to look for it, but

I never found it, but the lefties let me ride till closing. mean while met a german kid with a rentinger

and he asked me for some pointers so made a few runs with him. it was not crowded at all, I think

the cold temps scared them away and I think they are going back to school and end of vacation...

today was awesome and you guys should have been here...

rode the 157fp from 12 till 4...

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Johnasmo sighting!  In that pixilated onesie I'm hard to miss.  Sorry, I haven't been reading the boards lately.  Busy with work and house guests, but I have been getting out on the snow.  My shoulder seems strong enough to withstand the season; now I'm more worried about tweaking muscles in my back than the shoulder.  One more physical therapy visit scheduled then I'll wait 'til spring to decide on more. 

West is right, the last two days were great carving days -- chalky hardpack, but not ice.  Fast and firm, with clear skys.  Woo Hoo!  I was switching boards to compare my latest Bruce builds so I can give him feedback on the Nirvana Triple-X 170.

Ian (Fliersmith), sorry, my old boots are too big, and I already sold most of my non-Coiler boards to angry Rick.  Don't need all the ones I have, but what's left are mostly customs built just for me and my weight (175 - 180).  Though I do have a 157 Factory Prime I found at a pawn shop that I keep around for no good reason (I should trade that to West for something).  Anyway, if you do line up some gear (I got my first stuff on eBay, boots and all), wave down the guy in the POC full-face helmet and colorful onesie and I can share riding tips.  I'm up most days for a couple hours when I'm in town.

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snowreport: sat jan 07, 2017

howdy all

wow! what a great carving day, really! you guys should have been here. it hasn't snowed in a week

and the groomers are buffed out smooth and it was good all day. I sat on ed's about 4pm and the run

looked good like the early morning. I was gonna do night skiing, but I was getting tired and had a full day.

very light clouds in the morning then it's bluebird till 2ish then very high clouds builds with the sun filtering

thru by 4pm. so I called the mountain on Thursday and someone turned in my pass so picked it up in the

morning. well, we are still in need of more snow, Ptarmigan Bowl and Larch was only groomed once and

there's still pine tops sticking out, I saw many rocks popping out and lots of debris from trees from the winds.

forecast is more snow in the next few days and a warm up... carved hard all day...

rode the 157fp from 9 till 4...

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snowreport: mon jan 09, 2017

howdy all

woke up to 4 inches here in town, woke a little late so did not go to chair 2 and waited in line on chair 1.

it was pretty busy for a Monday because the big reported 6 inches overnight and all the powder hounds

were out. first run down toni matt was sweet untracked butter. it was a little warmer and the snow was on

the creamy side and you could hardly feel the hard pack underneath. snowing in the morning than the

fog seemed to get thicker in the afternoon than the snow stops. the crowd left by noon, but by than it was

chopped huge piles, tried to carve thru the huge piles on my last run. was a fun day and could have

stayed longer, but remembered I had to shovel the side walk at home and there's still tomorrow.

rode the 152wfs from 9 till 1...

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Johnasmo sighting!


That's from Saturday.  Like West said, it was a good carving day.  Today not so much - powder, powder hounds, fog...  Had to park at the base lodge.

Steve, I'll be gone 19th and 20th, but otherwise will catch as many WTF days as I can.  Did you do tee shirts?

Edited by johnasmo
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snowreport: tue jan 10, 2017

howdy all

a little cloud/fog on the summit at opening, but soon lifts just above the summit and it was a nice cooler day.

just about 2 inch over kinda soft groom from yesterdays creamy snow. off groom was still soft and fun.

it was carvable on the softies and was a fun day. felt cooler as the artic air is slowly pushing down and the

next few days should see some minus degree nights. forecast is cold temps and clear skies then snowy

by the weekend and in the 30's by Tuesday.

rode the 152wfs from 9 till 2...


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snowreport: fri jan 13, 2017

howdy all

worked in the morning and I knew it was going to be great groomers as we had no new snow since

Tuesday and was hoping we were slow at work so they cut me loose. got on snow just after 1pm and

perfect groomers that was lightly skied off. there was a youth race on nice day and a few runs later it

was done. ed's run was good as was toni matt and not too many people on the hill. high overcast and

foggy on top and down low kinda flat light. it was great carving at 4pm and did a few laps into night

skiing and would have stayed longer, but it gets really cold as the sun goes down. tomorrow should

be really good in the morning... carved really hard and made some tight turns...

rode the 165amt from 1 till 4...

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snowreport: sat jan 14, 2017

howdy all

perfect groomers! what a great day. normal cold day with the voodoo fog on the top half and a bit

rimey that stuck to the goggles, but wasn't too bad. flat lighting in the mid section then by 2:30pm

the fog lifts and then its blue sky sunshine. everywhere good carving so made a full day of it and

close the place down. could have done night skiing, but gets too cold. work tomorrow then more

snow thru next week... hope the groomers stays this way for WTF... see you guys soon...

rode the 165amt from 9 till 4...

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snowreport: mon jan 16, 2017

howdy all

grey and cloudy here in town, but on the big it was mostly sunny with a few thin high clouds, inversion.

hasn't snowed since Tuesday and groomers were hard pack and could hardly get an edge in, but it was

a great carving day. there was a youth race league on the skiers right side of ed's run so it took up most

of chair 2. the inversion kept the cloud level really low so all of the mountain was nice and sunny. it was

so nice that I ate lunch and rode the whole day. forecast is a warm up and maybe some rain wednesday

and Thursday then more snow beginning next weekend, WTF might be a pow fest.

rode the 157sx from 9 till 4...



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snowreport: tue jan 17, 2017

howdy all

super high clouds that seems to be hauling ass from the southwest to northeast so very flat light,

but it was so high you could see glacier park and the mountains all around as far as you could see.

another great day of carving and the snow was softer than yesterdays a bit crunchy icy in the morning.

snow gets lightly skied off so stayed good all day. the sun comes out about 12pm for an hour or two

then it's flat light again. I was pooped from riding all day yesterday, but as I got into it, got a second

wind and stayed all day. we were supposed to get some snow today, but it never came and wenesday

rain has been down graded to very little around here. let's hope it doesn't get too wet as the condition

now has been very good. I may get ride Friday afternoon then all week after that. see you guys soon.

rode the 165amt from 9 till 4...

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snowreport: fri jan 20, 2017

howdy all

had to work this morning for a little while than got on snow about 1pm and it was kinda firm snow.

it was mostly sunny and felt like a nice spring day. the snow was icy crunchy and skied off into

little marbles in some places and good the further up top. it was good to see Cuban and we did

a run as he was ending his day and me just starting. the sun soften the snow later in the day so

we will see a firm morning tomorrow. should see some colder overnight temps this week so this

looks good for some epic carving. could have done night skiing, but it was setting up icy hard chunks.

rode the 152wfs from 1 till 4...

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Ok this is what West didn't tell you. His description was spot on. But he failed to say that he was carving on a soft setup things I was gust sliding down. I was looking to get back up top to better conditions. I will say in my defense he had fresh legs. Let's see what conditions we have tomorrow. It was warm today darn sun. 

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snowreport: sat jan 21, 2017

howdy all

a really nice morning with the sun peaking thru super high clouds. ed's run skied off into little marbles.

up high better snow and today they groomed ptarmigan bowl which is a fun run. rode with Cuban all

morning and the snow was firm all day as the high clouds kept the snow cool and it did not get soft.

started to lightly snow about 2:30pm and hope it goes all night so we get a refresh and it gets mixed

in and softens the groomers tomorrow. this week looks really good for some epic carving, monday

more snow than sunny Wednesday thru Saturday sunny with single digits nights. today was fun...

rode the 157fp from 9 till 3...

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