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Tanker?? any thoughts

d b

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So I’m thinking of picking up a rad air tanker? I’ve been riding a steep water and have been very happy with that But I’m always looking for something different in the free ride category? Do they really make them in the volkl factory?



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We have a bunch over at the Hardbooter site. They are on Par with any high end free ride board but it is really the shapes that set them apart! If you are a big dude or have big feet there is a tanker out there for you. It does of course make sense to get a board that will complement you as a rider and like all high end board there are benifits a draw backs to any stick based on the riders out look and expectations as well as local snow conditions. I would sugget speaking to some one about these issues before buying any new stick ask the sales person at the shop and if you do not feel as thogh they have enough knowledge to help sent me sojme e-mail and I will try to help!

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Guest dragon fly jones

When I repped them years ago, they were indeed made in the Volkl factory.

Man I still have two of them and ride them when I can, a 192 tanker and a 62 tanker. Man I love those soo much and wish that I could it was always a Powder day, I would ride the 92 to death the 62 is sharp, turns on dime and has that lovely neon green base. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up and adding it to the quiver.

Billy - if you wanna ride it for a review or something let me know and I'll bring it to NorAm finals, that should be epic!


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Guest dragon fly jones

My 192 is up for sale. Couple of seasons old, low mileage, tuned and ready to ride. I am taking it to my tuner for a new base struture in a few minutes XXX crossing it this time.

Make an offer. Serious inquiries only please, it would love to have a new home in a powder haven.


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I liked my Tanker 200cm so much that I went and bought a Reto Lamm LSD 164cm, and then I liked that so much that I started a board shop to carry Rad-Air boards specifically. It's amazing to be able to take the Tankers in the woods, over crud/chopped/ice balls/etc, put it on edge for the groomed, and back into the woods all in one run! I've also been impressed with the durability of the base. Even when I haven't cleared cliffs and scraped on rocks, the damage has been surprisingly minimal.

I won't have my website www.exoticboards.com up for a little bit yet, but if you e-mail me at exoticboards@sbcglobal.net I can answer any questions and let you know what is available. Or you might be able to find a used board from someone on the forum, they come up every so often. I can't really compete with used prices though. However if you want new, lemme know.

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Awesome boards and great service...yes, they are still made in the volkl factory and every year these boards continue to rock. I ride the 200's for all terrain and conditions and would not give them up for anything else that I have tried or seen yet. Everyone I have let ride mine has stated that they want one after one or two runs on them. Hope you get one.

RJ-PS, glad to hear that you were that stoked on them you started a shop. Can't wait to see your site.

speed is your friend...

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Thanks SVR, it was in large part to your and PSR's influence that I even took the plunge in the first place. Man I'm glad that I did, now I am just hoping that others will and find out what great boards these are too!

BTW which year's 200 are you on now? I've heard that Vin Q sports his with Flows and I see you are on Catek FRs. I ride mine with hardboots, have you tried that? Do you have any perspective on the pros/cons. Thanks again for opening my eyes to the stoke.


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How do the oversize Tankers perform compared to the regular ones? I can see the appeal of a long and wide board in wide open fresh snow but how are the bigger boards, 177+, in the trees and bumps etc? I like the idea of the extra float but the idea of trying to manoeuver in tight quarters with a 180 cm monster attached to my feet is a little daunting. Are the big Tankers just for wide open spaces?


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Guest dragon fly jones

The tankers that I have have pretty tight side cuts and they work well in the trees and tight spaces. Man get one and you will not regret it. I love mine, I just wish I had more time to ride them, I am always on plates or on skis working on the hills.

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I have both a 187 wide ( my everyday board) and a 200 that I use on deep days. They are extemely versatile and easy to ride in the trees and bumps. I hooked up about 6 of my fellow instructors with Tankers and they are all surprised how well they deal with the tight stuff.

Tankers are king.


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I am on the 04-05 model for the moment and yes, I have tried them with plates and really enjoyed it, but the only down side I have with the hardboot/plate setup is hiking in the b/c with hardboots as they are not well suited for that so that is why I went with the Catek FR's to get as close to a hardboot setup as I could and still have a pretty flexible boot for hiking, but if I could find a hardboot for hiking in I would probably go with two tankers (one with the softboot setup and one with plates).

Budge, the oversize tankers ride very similar to the regular width boards and there is no difference in performance. As for riding in bumps and trees, well you will find any board over 170 is going to limit you a little in those conditions, but the Tankers do perform well and I ride my 200cm tanker for all conditions in all terrain and I do not limit myself to any part of the mountain, but you just need to think about your own riding limitations before you go into tight trees and moguls. I hope you get a chance to try one or get one as I am sure that you will not be disappointed.

speed is your friend...

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I love my Tankers too. This year I recently traded my 192 for a longer race board. When I rode the 192, I sometimes felt that I wished I was riding the 200 instead. Standing next to the 200 seems intimidating, "wow, thats a big board. How the hell am I going to ride that thing?" But since its such a sweet board, I feel it rides much shorter. And the added length is always a benefit and not a pain. I'm not a tall, big guy either. 5'10" and 200 lbs.

When you place the 200 next to a 180, for example, its only a few inches bigger. Its all in ones mind that the size is so huge. This is my fifth year riding the Tankers and I'm kinda glad the secret is out. Like one guy here says, "Speed is your friend." Now we just need some fresh snow in Oregon so I can ride them.

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Bought a used 200 and am finally going to get to try it this week (stupid local hill closed due to stupid local government - stupid, I tell you).

You guys get any interesting lift line reactions to these boards? I've certainly gotten a few "holy crap!" reactions just from showing it to my friends.

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Holy Crap!

I always thought that was an interesting statement. I guess even Jesus had to go to the bathroom.

As far as interesting reactions, the faces say it all. Slack-jawed, elbow-ribbing their friends, wide-eyed stare, wondering why anybody would want to ride anything over 160. It's great!

The beautiful thing about the longer boards is that you have that much more snowmelting power underneath you. Two weeks ago when the powder was dreamworthy I found myself bursting out of the trees and unfortunately right into a flat section. I started worrying about hiking out in my hardboots, however I just kept stable on the 200 and it just kept floating through the flat and then onward to another incline. GO BIG OR GO HOME takes on a whole new meaning with these boards :)

Anyway, if you set your mind on the oversize boards buy from www.hardbooter.com. those guys are great! And they have the mindset about caring for our small community that is going to help keep us going. If you want to go big, I got a few more of the 200's on the way and I'm waiting on another shipment. Plus I have some damaged boards that I am clearancing out. Let me know what you need.


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