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Tight or too tight


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Took a punt on a pair of old Burton Furnace Boots mondo size 26. (I'm 26.5cm measuring)


The boots are super tight - but when in slight forward lean, they actually feel bang on well (tight as hell), they are "unused" in "new" condition from 1999 - my guess I might need to pack out the liner a bit or possible punch out the boot a tiny tiny bit? I haven't worn a pair of hardboots probably since 2000 so i probably don't have a clue how painful it should feel or not!


Anyone ever handed in a pair to a general cobbler or would that be a recipe for disaster?


Maybe I should just wear them over the summer when watching tv. :freak3:


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Pull the liner and put your foot in the empty shell, like the above article. In addition to checking the front/back fit, check the side-to-side fit. If your foot doesn't fit side-to-side, you'll likely need to punch/stretch the shell.

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Wearing them helps , not the same as riding in them.   Tight is good if you have followed the earlier suggestions on boot fitting.  Do more research on prescribed links for sure. 


Suggestion:  Mount the bindings on the board and clip in.  Flex them while on the board, preferably on carpet.  


This will give you slightly better idea of fit.  Keep them buckled during the storage periods.   


At 185lbs the Burton Step In bindings are on the border of "Questionable" .    Go easy at first to verify they will withstand 

your use.   Some absolutely love them , me? , I can not afford to gamble my health on vintage / marginal bindings.  Keeping in mind 

I am at 250lbs these days and occasionally can put some serious pressure on the gear.  

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So can't get a finger in between heel and boot. might sell or trade alright

Your bare foot in the bare plastic shell has less than one finger clearance, yet you can cram your foot plus that thick liner into the boot?


Less than 1 finger clearance can be made to work with a thinner liner. I wouldn't give up on these yet, as too much room is usually far worse.

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Your bare foot in the bare plastic shell has less than one finger clearance, yet you can cram your foot plus that thick liner into the boot?


Less than 1 finger clearance can be made to work with a thinner liner. I wouldn't give up on these yet, as too much room is usually far worse.


Ya - I can cram in the foot with the existing liner. And when in "position" i.e. with forward lean and buckled in it actually don't feel to bad. Now it is TIGHT!!!


I wear really thin socks also - its nicer without. 


Any suggestion for thinner liners - just any hard ski boot dealer?



like https://intuitionliners.com/thestore/dreamliner-lv/ ??

Edited by andiss
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Yes, race ski boot liners are a lot thinner. As for Intuition, the Dreamliners I believe still have foam underfoot. For me that makes them too thick. (I had a pair of Luxury, which I think are now the Dreamliners, but I may be wrong). The Pro Tongue or Race have no foam underfoot. I have some Pro Tongue that are actually too thin for me, and I'm a 29+ cm foot in a 28 UPZ.


No one else will agree with me here, but you could try some UPZ Flo liners. Since everyone else replaces them there should be a lot available for a pittance...


Then there are Zipfit. They sound great and come in a variety of thicknesses (and are adjustable). Never tried them.

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Lads, thanks for all help!!! so last night I'd set it all up, buckled in and onto binding and board and I'm kind of torn between

  1. Its a super tight but "perfect" fit, i.e. I can "move" the toes but not wiggle them. Some pressure points but they seem to change eveytime i put my boots on. Would just be worried of getting black toes and etc.
  2. Maybe I just need a pair with mondo 27 instead?

Reckon I will save the monies and instead of spending 150$ on new liners I've will just wait it out, check the old ebay.de and wait for a pair of second hand 27's to pop up. Keep wearing the 26's in front of the missus while watching TV.

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Another thing to consider is that those are really old boots.  Are you sure the plastic is still OK?  Given the sizing issues and all, you might be best off to sell them to someone who really loves the old Furnaces and get yourself a more recently built boot.  I won't say modern as all the boot designs are old but at least newer.  Watch this space in the early (northern hemisphere) fall, tons of stuff comes up for sale if you don't want to buy new.

Edited by Neil Gendzwill
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