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Groomed slopes---HUH?


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Okay, I've got to ask a general question here...

In all the talk about carving, I'm constantly hearing people refer to groomed slopes, as in "zoomin' the groom" or a given board being good for "groomers."

I understand what grooming is (big machine drives over slope, smooths it out, leaves little ridges, "corduroy," etc.)...but here in the MediocreMidAtlantic, they don't seem to do it often or very well. And when they do, they don't actually remain in that pristine "corduroy" state for more than, oh, maybe 10 minutes? :)

So I'm wondering...are there mythical, Shangri-La-like resorts out west and/or New England where slopes are immaculately groomed, then specially reserved for carvers? Or are the resorts where you guys carve so empty that a groomed slope will actually remained groomed all day?

I'd be a bit jealous if so...but then again, I'm happy to learn to carve on crappy, chopped-up snow...so that when I finally make it to one of these carving Shangri-Las, I'll scoff at the "delicate" conditions people are used to.

I'm just a bit curious about all this!

Scott (in West Virginia):D

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Well....at Giant's Ridge (Minnesooooota) they groom continously throughout the day AND have a "grooming guarantee" where they will refund your lift ticket if you don't like the snow. Can't get much better than that....

Well, it could if it were closer to the Twin Cities.

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Personnaly, I am not that fond of corduroy. I carved a couple of times on corduroy, and I find it very noisy and the feeling is weird (lots of vibrations because of the ridges). I prefer morning conditions after a couple of skiers went down.

Or maybe the corduroy I got was hard corduroy? What are others view on that?

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SWriverstone, (as another newb) so true, you can't really change the conditions, so we all have to deal with them. I've heard referances to 'HERO SNOW' and really didn't 'get it' until the other day. I was riding with another HB and we going to try another part of the hill. I was starting to feel a little tired / leg burn, having a 'not' so great day. Then as we headed down this long traverse to get there as we crested a small rise were 'fresh goomies' they had just run a cat up from one area to another, and groomed in the process. WOW, thought I died and went to Heaven ! I felt like I could 'do anything' in it ! The trail we went to was OK, but we kept going back just to ride that fresh groomed little traverse. All of a sudden my leg wasn't burning and forgot all about being tired. It just really felt GREAT to experience such a good feeling. I think any of us that are serious about learning have a tendency to be 'hard on yourself'. But when something you read here and maybe not fully comprehend, 'clicks' and you feel it then you start to feel a lot more 'positive' learning experience. I can't wait to ride a fresh groomed trail where I can really stick it like on that traverse.

I guess I need to move to 'Giants Ridge" Minnesoooota !

Continuos Grooming ?? How far is that fron New Jersey ?

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Hey Stone,

I grew up riding Hidden Valley and Seven Springs. 7 is slightly big enough to hold the cord a bit longer but it will eventually be eaten up. Get there for first chair and head to the north face. the meandering herd usually does not get over there for about 2 hours, at least when I used to ride there.

I like the grooming guaranteed idea!

Now you will need to excuse me, I need to go back and look at Jacks Pic for a bit.



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I live in Vernon NJ and have for most of my life. My local mountain is in the same town I live in. They groom every night but yet it is rare to find groomed runs except for the first run or two in the morning (weekend crowd). Get used to it. I mostly ride at night when the conditions are hard and icy. I feel the harder the better, it makes me concentrate on perfecting my form. When I'm railing carves down our racing trail on a hard icy night I MUST be at my best riding or I'm sliding out. This morning I went out at 8:00 AM and hit fresh groomed snow. I thought I died and went to heaven. I could be as sloppy riding as ever but yet still rail carves over groomers. When I look at Jacks picture above I drool and also realize that I can't have that very often. Maybe a few times a year, but not often. In the meantime I make do with what I have and love every minute of it.

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