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Goofy foot cycling

John E

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I just noticed today on a lunchtime mountain bike ride that when I am descending, I naturally keep my crank in in a horizontal position with my left foot leading. While I can ride with my right foot forward, it feels unnatural.

I notice that this correlates with the fact that I ride regular foot.

Has anyone else notice a similar effect or am I just bored and/or over-thinking this?

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I am the same as you riding regular on a board and naturally left foot forward on my mtb. I am not sure if it correlates to your snowboard riding style though, the majority of people I have ridden with mtb left foot forward regardless of which way they snowboard. You might be over-thinking it but now you have me doing it as well. Can bet I will subconsciously note it for the people I ride and bike with.

Just like riding switch, it is something that can be learned on a mtb as well. On very long rides that include plenty of descending, people will tend to tire one leg faster since it supports more weight. I had to force myself to learn to ride switch on the bike so that I could conserve energy and strength but it takes time and conscious thought to work at it.

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I'm with Slim. Regular foot on a board, right foot forward on anything hairy on a bike. It was awkward when trying spins on a BMX as I wanted to spin clockwise but the inside (right) foot didn't have much leverage on the bike being forward.

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I should add that I slide on ice right foot forward, and same for inline skating on half-pipes and ramps. I seem to be the counterpoint to any idea of a convention, or maybe I would have been better at all of those if I did them the other way. ;) LOL!

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Don't work for me. Left foot forward on the MTB, and goofy on a snowboard/skateboard.

Riding right leg forward on the MTB definitely feels weird, but I do it sometimes when I get quad burn in my left leg. But I cannot snowboard regular to save my life.

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So - looks like no correlation.

I naturally go left foot forward when descending on a bike. For reasons unknown to me, I'm regular foot on my board. I think the real reason is when I first started, I didn't want to be goofy. When I slide on ice, I'm naturally goofy. I probably should be goofy on the board but I've got too much time invested in regular at this point.

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So - looks like no correlation.

I naturally go left foot forward when descending on a bike. For reasons unknown to me, I'm regular foot on my board. I think the real reason is when I first started, I didn't want to be goofy. When I slide on ice, I'm naturally goofy. I probably should be goofy on the board but I've got too much time invested in regular at this point.

If I recall correctly the bol community looked at right hand vs left handed in relationship to goofy / regular and came to similar results. Largely random

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I ride snowboards goofy, but bike with my left foot forward. In hockey- I "slide" with my right foot forward...but when I used to race jet-skis (standup type) I rode with my left foot forward. You'd be surprised how much the jetski riding mimics carving in body positioning! Clearly i'm all over the board on this one...so i'd have to say that the "sport" plays a very small factor in positioning...more in how you happened to learn & how comfortable you are.

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It boggles my mind how any handedness comes to be. Writing, snowboarding, cycling, kicking a ball - how on earth do we have a 'right' way to do anything given our fairly-symmetrical bodies?

I'm watching my 4-year-old make these decisions almost daily. She's flipping back and forth on drawing with either hand, same for swinging a baseball bat and hockey stick, but she will only kick a ball with her right foot.

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