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PCMR and Canyons 13-14


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Hi Tabatha, For questions on Solitude, the guy to ask is "Digger Jr" (Ron). He rides there. I suppose that since Solitude is just a straight up drive from SLC, it too must get fairly crowded on weekends, but I have no first hand experience. Unicorn Poop says that Powder Mountain isn't crowded, but it is a longer drive. Regarding PCMR tickets, there's only a few local carvers that read the forum, so if you don't hear anything soon, you can assume that we don't have any guest ticket deals. There's probably people selling various things on Craigslist, but those deals can be pretty sketchy. If you do buy some kind of online discount tickets, the "Fast Tracks" option can be worth paying for if you plan on riding PCMR on weekends.

Monday, 3/3: Another day much like yesterday. Another 3" of new fell between 9 PM and midnight, so everything was soft. Prospector and Assessment were fairly carvy. Sitka was decent with some cookies, but a bunch of racers were using it for warm-ups. It was pretty crowded for a Monday, with the Silverlode maze filling up at 10:45. After I rode up I went down to Bonanza and found no lines at all. Lots of ski vacationers from all over.

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Tuesday, 3/4: There's no new overnight, so I take out Mr. Flaccid who just got a nice tail repair and fresh tune at Rennstall here in town. 5 freecarvers are out this morning, including 2 women, making for a nice change from the typical sad sausage fest that is our sport. Assessment is good but still a little soft. Over at Prospector, the entire left side has been fenced off to build a slopestyle/mogul course for some kind of event. Muckers must have been groomed right after close yesterday when it was a slushy mess. Now it's just a poorly groomed mess. Brandon and I went to Sitka and found it completely hard, glazed over and bumpy. It was terrible. Snow started to fall right from open, and around 11 it was dumping. I got a little disoriented coming up to the Silverlode maze and caught an edge, leading to one of those fun bodyslams. Mountain temps are just below freezing.

On Sitka yesterday when it was still good.



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Hi Don,

How does a chiropractor fix an ankle? With a hammer? Did you do some back tweakage?

Wednesday, 3/5: A nice sunny day after 5" of new, but only 1" of it fell overnight. Cool at open, but uncomfortably warm by noon. The parking lot is busy early on because of an NCAA ski race on C.B.'s. Assessment and Prospector are nicely groomed but too soft. I thought there might not be any good carving until Brandon and I followed Judie down to Silver Queen where we found really nice, tight grip. Treasure Hollow and Payday weren't bad either.

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Hi Don,

How does a chiropractor fix an ankle? With a hammer? Did you do some back tweakage?

Ankle still sore, and yup did some serious back tweakage. Wasn't till I got in the car and got back to the motel that it really made itself known. Probable disc, (bulging/blown), issues again... Not the first time, not the last time. Chiropractor and time usually takes care of it. The real problem is... I'm just not ready to admit my age yet !!!


Feed the addiction

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A rare shot on the Parley's Park run, then later in the day on Jonsey's. I've been making noise to everyone about not going too fast and not loading the nose. These are prime ejecto-flip conditions.


Thursday, 3/6: Mountain temps are above freezing at open, even on top. Cloudy. I thought the whole place would be soft again, but the Silverlode runs were magnificent. Just on the soft side of hero, Fred, Tuly and I ripped up Assessment until it started to break apart in chop around 11 AM. Another storm is coming in, and I just hope that it doesn't rain.

A new (tiny) resort will be opening north of Logan. http://skicherrypeak.com/


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Friday, 3/7: At base altitudes it rained last night before it turned to snow. Up on top, it was cold enough to fall as snow from the start. PCMR reports 3" overnight. The base is 39F at open but much cooler on top. When I arrive the parking lot has many cars in it already because of the final day of NCAA racing. I'm forced to park deeper in the lot than usual, and have to walk maybe 120 feet to snow instead of the usual 30. I go up Payday, Bonanza, then McConkey's to try the Tycoon run that was groomed by 2nd shift. I got a few good turns on it, but the grooming is ridge-y. Up Pioneer then down Prospector which has a bunch of new snow on it that is already getting pushed into piles. Up Silverlode then down Silver Queen which also is too thick with new to carve. Down Drift to Payday, I'm hoping to find some good 2nd shift grooming but instead find just plain bad grooming.

Since it is possible to buff out the First Time run nicely every day, I wonder why Payday can't be groomed better?

An abbreviated day for me. I've got some car-repair things to do and I figure that I may as well turn the hill over to the hoards of tourists.

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Sunday, 3/9: Sunny and inverted, the base is still in the low 20s while the top is over 30F at open. Variable conditions depending on the place and face, but Assessment and Prospector are good. Sun-facing Bonanza runs are poorly groomed and skitchy. Going up Silverlode, a coyote tore across the Prospector run right below us. It jumped the race fence into the mogul section, then jumped the other fence into the trees. The time change means that there are more shadows on Silverlode and King Con runs at open, but everything is quite bright compared to the dark depths of December. Sunday crowds jammed up the Silverlode maze around 10:30, so that was it for me. This day will probably warm into a slushy mess by the end of the afternoon.

Oh yeah, I'm starting to have cowboy hat sightings which can only mean one thing: Texans on spring break.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tuesday 3/18: overcast and recovering from 7 inches of snow (some groomed in by first shift). I ride to ride with the Utah crowd and man do they ride hard and fast. Before 10am we have torn down Prospector, Assessment and Parley's Park; all a little soft and grippy. Next we decided to brave Sitka which was just plain messy. The wind on Monday had scoured much of the mountain and the fresh snow and grooming had not restored the natural order. After another run on Assessment, a top-to-bottom got us over to the Payday lift. After coffee there was some sightseeing (headed over to the Town lift) and then I proceed back up the mountain to confirm that conditions were no longer favourable. Being stubborn, I still stayed out for a few more hours.

I have to say that riding with the Utah pack is fun, exciting, FAST, and incredibly welcoming. And the biggest surprise? Of the five riders out today - only two were guys! That is right, more of us girls to guys today!

Looking forward to what ever tomorrow might bring. Looks like the conditions will be amazing.

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While the forum was down lots of weather happened, there was good grooming and bad, people carved and crashed, parking lots had cars in them.

Wednesday, 3/19: Pretty darn cold for March. Tabatha is on the hill again with special guest carvers SmoothDougall and Keith who have come over from Snowbird. Prospector and Assessment are firm, grippy and fast. We tried Sitka and Shamus which were harder and a little bumpy. A great sunny day of good turns.




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That's the Donek 179x12 "Mr. Flaccid".

Thursday, 3/20: A little warmer with no new. The snow from last Monday is firmly packed down now. I went out at open and got a nice run on Silver Queen, then 4 laps down Prospector which was grippy and fast. The other locals showed up a little later, but I was already too tired to continue riding. I got some good turns down Treasure Hollow on my way out. It's going to get more difficult to get good camera whore passes because the conditions on Sitka are deteriorating with the thaw-freeze. If we could have our way we'd get the photographers to set up on Assessment, but they have their own agenda.

Fred on Monday, another shot of me on Sitka yesterday.



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So jealous that I couldn't join you today.

For anyone thinking about Park City Mountain Resort as a place to carve - do it! Not only are there some great runs and good groom, the local carvers are amazing and very welcoming. What a wonderful way to see and learn a new mountain. Thanks so much everyone.

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Thank you Tabatha! We had a great time during your visit.

Friday, 3/21: Another nice day with no new, chilly at open but warming into the upper 30s. Grooming is firmer, faster, and flatter. A little crunchy hard at open, the conditions were exposing flaws in my heelside that had me sliding on my butt on the steep upper section of Prospector, then I got smoked by 4 sit-ski racers from the National Adaptive Center. 3 other local carvers were out as were a young racer and coach. Many runs down Assessment, then around 11 it started to get "Friday crowded" down at the Silverlode maze.

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Monday, 3/24: Sunny, Bonanza load is 30F at open. Silver Queen is "Groomer's Choice" but it was terrible, an affront to all things grooming. Prospector had good firm, grippy snow, and it was our best choice because Assessment was a little crunchy with cookies strewn about. Brandon is riding my Coda swallowtail skwal.

An awful turn on my way out on Jonesey's last Friday. Those sunny-side Bonanza runs are skitchy and uneven.


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Tuesday, 3/25: Sunny again, around 30F at open. 7 carvers are on Prospector and Assessment, which is somehow nice and grippy again without chunkage. Brandon had another close call with a squirrel incursion, but there was no bloodshed. On my way out after 11AM I hit Silver Queen which was already a slush bog.

Pretty much all of the known regular freecarvers happened to be out today.


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Wednesday, 3/26: Over 40F at the base, but maybe 30 on top. A storm is coming in, and when I reached the summit it was snowing and windy. Pretty much everywhere was really firm, like a hard marzipan with crushed walnuts on top. I didn't dress warm enough and wasn't having a good time, so I headed out and made it home by 10 AM. A short day, but new snow will fall today.

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This post is a little delayed, but it was good to meet up with you guys a couple weeks ago! (at Park City on the 12th). Thanks for the Tip on locations to ride, we found one spot that was not too crowded that I was able to learn and progress at. The day after we went over to solitude and met some other hardbooters too, one of them at-least was crazy good. I am now ruined compared to the "snow" I see here in California (especially this season) haha.

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Hey Acoustic, I remember seeing you guys at the top of Bonanza. I'm glad you had a good time in Utah.

Thursday, 3/27: It is stormin' at open so I stay home. Fred goes up and finds several inches of new in cold blowing snow conditions with several lifts running at half speed. I go up at 11 after the weather breaks and the snow backs off. Very slow, sticky new is packed down and cut up. I ride the Coda and sluff around. The easy cruisers are smooth but intolerably slow. The higher angle runs are bumpy or lumpy. Even though it is still windy, it is kinda nice to be out in the sun breaks with some snow still falling. It's a sluffy world.

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