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Summit moves on to his next journey


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Another Bomber dog has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. My boy Summit, who was with me an amazing 14 + years. He greeted customers by always walking over to get pets. He was the best companion and my canine soul mate. Summit, you have accompanied me on so many adventures unquestioned, but on this journey I can not follow you just yet. I know you'll be greeted warmly from all the other angels we have lost, and you'll be there to greet me too one day. I'm sure Zsa Zsa was first in line to say hello!

It's quite surreal that you are no longer here every day, following me around the shop to see if I am doing something exciting. I know you are in a better place, but you took a piece of my heart with you. :1luvu:

Summit is survived by his littermate Fozzie, his adopted brothers Moscow and Willy, and his humans who miss him more than words can say.


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Very sorry to hear the sad news, be will be greatly missed. The Bomber shop is not going to be the same. I know it may be soon, but the Bomber shop has some open positions as far as canines go, don't leave those positions vacant too long. All the best M.

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Thank you to everyone for the kind words and virtual hugs. It is appreciated. Steve, he's getting one on Sat. I'm having a memorial walk/hike on his favorite trail, to remember not only him but all the other 4 legged angels we have lost. I'm inviting everyone to bring their dogs and hopefully we'll get a good howl going! Summit and all the others will be there in spirit I'm hoping.

Those of you who can't be here for it, take your dog out for a walk at 10am MST and we'll get a positive vibe going to send to them.

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