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Deeluxe 325 tweaks.


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Hi all.

The season started, but i've havent tried hardbooting this year. I'm hardbooting for 1 year and maybe as all the other newbies thinking about swapping my gear.

So, here what i have:

230-240 lbs in me

US13 foot size.

Not racer, just amateur all mountaing carving. Got Prior 4WD 179 board and thinking of something like Prior FLC, SG Full carve or something in between.

I got pair of deeluxe 325 with standart liners. Shell is 332, so this is M31 size, liner size is M30.

For me they are just a bit big, and as the liner ain't thermo, i think i can go 1 more size down. I figured out that i need track 700 with 319mm shell or pair of UPZ.

As it's really hard to sell boots or swap it, i got some thoughts how to improve what i have (for cheap :)

1. Race tongues. I expect this to stiffen the boots. With 230-240 lbs and being quite young and fit i think it can't be too stiff for me, right?

2. Deeluxe RAB. Or something similar like BTS or ACCS. People install this and seems spring is something better then regular one.

3. Deeluxe SB Spoiler I've now cheched my boots, and yes, there's space to install this. This can be useful thing for cheap. At least track 700 have it, so why not, right?

4. Booster strap. I got some on my liner, and having two straps can be a problem. but i've included this to the list as an option.

Honestly, i see this are all positive thing and help fit a bit better.

Price for 1-3 is $105, with booster and BTS instead of RA this will be like $200.

Here's what i'm aware of:

That all this upgrades can give me less improvement, that simply changing my boots to track 700 or UPZ

Thay're stiffer and i can get one with thermoliner. They comes with a spoiler, different strap(shell strap, not liner strap). UPZ even have a own spring system.

I still have some space in my boots, and smaller footprint is better.

With 230 lbs, even top-race boots won't be too stiff, i think.

So, guys, what do you think about it? Pull a trigger on some upgrades or keep riding and simply get a new boots later?

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If I were you I'd buy the stiffest Thermofit liners available. Someone more knowledgeable about current Deeluxe stuff can maybe add more information but when I swapped out my old stock liners for some Red Speed TFs, I found that they took up way more volume than stock. I had to wrap my foot in foam tape to get enough room, my first try at molding them resulted in the boot being way too tight. So I think you may well be able to take any slop out of the fit with some new liners.

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out of curiosity, why do you want the spoiler?

if you are bigger, depending on your leg/calf shape, that may hinder you, and put more pressure on you. I went to a bootfitter this year, and we are getting rid of my spoilers on 700's, they dig into my legs too much, my calfs are very wedge shaped and much bigger at calf muscle than ankle.

just something to think about...

I learned a lot from going to a bootfitter btw, and it would be good if you could go to one. also, some of the stuff I learned, and what is helping is not at all what i would have thought would work, or have read online or was told by less experienced bootfitters.

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I would go for new boots, it's a strong argument for better fit and shorter sole length which opens up more angle & board options with such big feet.

But if i can't find the boots i need nor sell mine, should i consider theese upgrades, or that won't make a lot of sense?

out of curiosity, why do you want the spoiler?

I put this in a list, simply because track700, AF 600/700, Indy, even some older SB models have it, and 325 have a place to install it, but it's not installed.

other AF models have it, and seems loke noone complaining about it. So why not?

The closest bootfitter is about 600-700 km away from me :) So if some of this can improve comfort or stiffen the boot, i'd go for it. Really looking at race tongues and spring mechnism.

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replacement thermo-moldable liners will go a long way to improve fit and can stiffen up the overall flex. If the shell is slightly big for your foot, a high volume Intuition power wrap or luxury liner will take up any extra sloppiness between your foot and the boot shell.

http://www.levelninesports.com/Intuition-Liners-Performance-Wrap-(Thermo) on sale cheap


Hm... The one that're on sale are interesting.

Here comes the math:

They got size 31.0-31.5.

My shell is 31.0 (332mm shell size) and my liner now says it's 30.0. It from track 700 and used for a couple of years, When i take it off the shell, ant put my foot in, i got some space. When i put my foot in liner in shell, i got right enough space to say, that it's enough. I still can move my toes in, and it's pretty fine.

I have a foot-pain, but that's because of a flat foot. I'd do a custom soles this season.

I wonder how 31.0-31.5 liner will fit into 31.0 shell? I suggest best fit is once liner is one size down, right?

I still unsure about the extra liner, cause i can probably get some new boots with thermoliner, and get a perfect fit.

For ~305 foot i was told to get a M29 size boot(319 shell) with thermo and that give a really good fit. This looks to be right, as i have a M30 liner and M31 shell and still have a free space. With thermo i expect to go down one size.

The second argument for not getting a liner, but the boot itself, that it'd be shorter and that really matters. Even swapping for a same model.

I'd still try to find a new boot, and it fails go for liner.

BTW, with that liner(without a strap) should i get a spare strap like booster or not?

EVO.com have this: Full Tilt Plush and Full Tilt Performer. I've googled and got that Plush liner is a stock liner for a women model. Performer liner is stock for a mid-range models. People say, that Pro-liner is way better. How do you think that compare to Intuition Performance wrap liner?

Edited by TLN
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Shell 30 is ment for 30 and 30.5 liners. Your 30.5 liner in 31 shell is wrong. When you try bare shell with your tors touching in front there should be max 2 finger space behind the heel.

I got shell M31(332mm). with bare shell, i can put three fingers there. Liner there is 31.0-31.5, so this probably will fit. But anyways, all this are a bit large to me.

I'd like to go with: AF shell size M29 (319mm). I was told with regular liner it will work for 285-295 and with thermofit for 300-310.

Initially question was, should i got for some parts to improve my comfort, but it seems, that all advice to get a proper shell first.

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heh, I didn't win track700 on ebay yesterday, even the final price is quite sweet (but the shipping is terrible).

So I'd likely to stay with this boots for one more season.

Keeping in mind UPZ RC10 or Track 700 for next season, I'd try to do something to improve my comfort. Custom insoles, trying to mold semi-moldable liner, or new intuition liner from the link above. Still unsure about parts from a 1st post, but i still think that a race tongues or spoiler is a nice idea.

Checked my boots today. When i close all the buckles quite tight, it looks like i got about 2 cm in shell.

If anyone have a deeluxe AF 319 shell or UPZ 324mm shell for a reasonable price - PM me.

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