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Shaun White Perfect Score

Jack M

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I see touchdown at 2:10.

Seth Wescott weighed in on Facebook today:

"Seriously a 100 perfect score in super pipe? I mean Shaun rode well but slight touch on the final hit and steadily decreasing amplitude the whole run... Is there even perfection in snowboarding?"

Regarding the touch: "Whether he did or not is besides the point.. There is no such thing as perfection in a subjectively judged sport..."

(PS - goggle strap outside helmet!)

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I watched and when waiting for the scores, knew there was no doubt that they were going to up his previous score b/c of the last double cork...when they gave the 100, I lost my faith in an unbiased format with judging. What a farce-his hands touched. Look at any of the other judging venues for Big Trick in skiing...a light touch and it was automatically a throw away.

While I appreciate his talent, I do not believe he's the best. I was pulling for Ipod and Vito. It's time for carrot top to move on to marketing skinny-girl jeans, neck warmers and Paul Mitchell hair products.

One more thing--show some class and take off the damn bandana when you're talking to a reporter:AR15firin

There...now I'm done.

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That wasn't even close to a 100 score. High degree of difficulty, but not perfect by any stretch.

Stoked to see Ryo Aono get bronze - I really like him as a rider.

Was it my imagination, or were the entries well down this year? There seemed to be a whole lot of "names" missing, and some of the events only had 6 or 8 competitors.

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Regarding the touch: "Whether he did or not is besides the point.. There is no such thing as perfection in a subjectively judged sport..."

The olympics has many sports where judges gives scores, perfect scores. Diving, figure skating, and gymnastics just to name a few. Judges score off opinions and facts. If you analyze everthing in super slow motion frame by frame you can find flaws everywhere. Judges score in real time.


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I have watched all the X Games at Milk... I have seen some riders ride as good as Shaun at different times but I have never seen anyone ride Better in the Pipe here in the X Games period. They gave him a 100% because they are awed by his abilities to win 5 consecutive Golds in the pipe. Last year he slammed major on the lip and I have seen him crash badly through the years yet he marches on...to bad you are disappointed in his attire or other habits. I do not like anything about snowboarding but Carving myself but I know an accomplished world class athlete when I see one.

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The olympics has many sports where judges gives scores, perfect scores. Diving, figure skating, and gymnastics just to name a few. Judges score off opinions and facts. If you analyze everthing in super slow motion frame by frame you can find flaws everywhere. Judges score in real time.


Judges score off of clearly defined criteria in all of those sports you listed and are both trained and experienced. You don't just show up one day in London or Sochi and get to judge skating...you ascend thru the ranks of the AAU as a judge. I'm not a huge ice skating fan but, a few years ago, Debbie Thomas of the US did a back flip in her routine in the Olys-a clearly illegal move in the realm of ice skating. Do a new trick in the XG and you're "progressing". Do a new trick in diving and you're DQ'd. People shouldn't get an "100" just because they've cruised to 5 gold medals-their routine should reflect perfection and, ideally, it should be unattainable. Once Nadia Comanechi scored a 10 in the Olys, the scoring system in gymnastics was reset...

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It was a celebration score - honoring years of dominance AND progression. If the competition had stil been going on it was going to get a 97+, and realistically a 98+, but since he'd already won the thing it was an exhibition and they scored it that way.

I'm OK with it, just as I was OK with Comaneci getting 10s back in the day (with routines which wouldn't qualify her for the Roumanian team at all now) - she did stuff at a level no one had touched before, so before changing the scoring as they knew they'd have to, they celebrated where they'd got to in the meantime

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