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Hats off to those that support us!

Jeffrey Day

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Let me just say how lucky we are to have the vendors/suppliers around to help us feed our addictions! Hats off and many thanks go out to people like Dan Joya of UPZ Boots; Fin & Michelle of Bomber; Sean of Donek; Dave & Andrea of YYZcanuck; Chris and his crew up at Prior; Bruce @ Coiler and to those that I may not have mentioned!

The reason that I bring this up is that I was reading another thread about the UPZ ATB boots. That thread got me to thinking about whether or not the UPZ RC-8 boots were going to be coming to North America. The RC-8 boots intriuge me from a non-racing, intermidiate free-carver.

So around an hour ago (about 9:00pm EST on Wednesday August 3rd, the middle of summer mind you all!), I decided to e-mail Dan Joya of UPZ to see if he will be carrying the RC-8 boots. Not expecting a response anytime soon, I went off and grabbed a bite to eat.

As it turns out, Mr. Joya responded to my question in 30 minutes! He told me that he was not going to be carrying them, but told me if I did want a pair, he would get them for me! Now, if that is not customer service, I don't know what is!

Just had to throw that out there! Thanks again to all our great vendors!

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Yeah, it is pretty amazing how close knit and involved everyone is in the sport, far more so than in skiing.

I'm working with Donek (Sean) on a new board and it is so educational and empowering to be talking with a designed about how a board should look and act, even if it ends up being not much different from his stock boards ;)

For less than the price of an expensive import I can get a local made custom, how cool is that!

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It is great to have such amazing carving equipment, made by such amazing companies! My personal experience with Sean Martin @ Donek, and UPZ & Dan Yoja, have opened the door to a whole new world of performance that I am only just beginning to tap into. I look forward to watching the evolution of carving equipment in the coming years, and feel lucky to have stumbled across BOL.

Thank you all!

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I'm working with Donek (Sean) on a new board and it is so educational and empowering to be talking with a designed about how a board should look and act, even if it ends up being not much different from his stock boards ;)

I got to do that last summer. Had a great time designing a board with Sean.

And, it'll be better than a stock board because it will be YOUR'S.

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100% agree. It's ridiculously cool to chat directly with the guys that design AND make the equipment that gives you hours of fun.

I really loved hopping on the different boards at the SES tent, you start to pick up on the different 'feel' of each manufacturer that's fairly common across all their boards. I don't know what it is, but you can feel their choices working together under your feet. It's the soul of the manufacturer poured into an assembly of wood, fiberglass, carbon, metal, rubber, epoxy, and magic sauce.

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