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Can Snowboarding in the Olympics Be Bad?

NMU Alpine Boarder

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Well Terje has a point but I don't think it really matters. I think what ever contest the IOC judges to be a qualifying competition for the sport to be considered into the olympics, they will instate slopestyle competition regardless. I think Tarje is getting to wrapped up in the details of the sport. Ofcourse it would be better to showcase the top echelon of riders for the IOC to view at the Dew Tour but I'm sure other competitions with maybe the middle top riders will do just fine. My guess is we will see slopestyle competitions at the next olympics in both skiing and snowboarding.

Now I'm sure there are some great athletes in womens ski jumping but the popularity is just not there, at least not for this country. However snowboarding is. Even in the countries where womens ski jumping is popular, so is snowboarding. No matter how unfair it may be to the ski jumping women, it's olympic event probably won't get 1/4 the viewers as slopestyle events.

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I wonder; do more people watch ski jumping or snowboard racing? I assume it's ski jumping for the "OMG, how do they do THAT?!?" factor.

That doesn't bode well for snowboard racing.

Then again; who watches discus or shotput in the summer olympics? They're not going anywhere.

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A little confused ... isn't it up to the individual country's sanctioning federations to set the qualifiers for their athletes? And name their team on that basis? Then what would stop Snowboard USA setting qualifiers as any FIS event during the Olympic year, and not necessarily hosting a special event? I thought that was what they do for halfpipe and BX now.

Sure, pulling together a last minute event this year isn't very cool, but it's not going to affect the IOC's decision at all. They're perfectly capable of looking at the TV like the rest of us.

I hope if they put snowboard slopestyle in the Olys, that they include ski slopestyle as well. The skiers are so much better to watch. Rock on next weekend - "is glued to ESPN"

Sidenote, a triple by Wescott would be a hell of a lot better than tomato face getting 2x in halfpipe.

Fact fail for Terje - Shaun White winning gold in Sochi would make it a triple for him too.

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A little confused ... isn't it up to the individual country's sanctioning federations to set the qualifiers for their athletes? And name their team on that basis? Then what would stop Snowboard USA setting qualifiers as any FIS event during the Olympic year, and not necessarily hosting a special event? I thought that was what they do for halfpipe and BX now.

Sure, pulling together a last minute event this year isn't very cool, but it's not going to affect the IOC's decision at all. They're perfectly capable of looking at the TV like the rest of us.

Fact fail for Terje - Shaun White winning gold in Sochi would make it a triple for him too.

No, you aren't confused. That was Terje's "inner diva" on display, as in the IOC would never select slopestyle without the best riders on display.


I agree that Shaun's success makes his success easier. Shaun is the household name, Terje's is not...

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