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GoPro mount for Snowboard


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What is the recommended option for mounting a GoPro to a Snowboard (using a GoPro mount - not a homemade item)? I see the Suction Cup mount is geared toward cars, airplanes, snowmobiles, and motorcycles but says it is, "... not recommended for surfboards, snowboards or other high-impact sports. Only recommended for non-impact activities." I didn't think snowmobiles and motorcycles were non-impact activities with all the bumps they might hit. Perhaps GoPro means it is not recommended for a snowboarder throwing down tricks and big air jumps but that is not me. The Surfboard mount looks to be the better option but it also means it is a fixed location and can't be moved from the nose to the tail or to someone else's board or ski.

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I used the suction cup mount for part of my video on this forum. Definitely use some kind of leash as it will occasionally release. It held up quite well just below freezing but wouldn't stick for more than a few seconds when it was around -5F. A board does have a lot higher vibrations than a car body even when just carving, the camera moves around a fair bit.

I debated using the 'flat' helmet mount but I doubt it would take the loading. I'm debating using a small metal plate (a little bigger than the camera) with some foam tape and the GoPro tripod mont on top of it. That might hold. Of course I'd use a sturdy leash with that as well!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did a little research and ended up buying the Surfboard mount (it is billed as a High Impact Sport camera mount). It should do the trick except it can't be moved once mounted so putting it on someone else's board for a few runs is out of the question. Oh well -- will just have to get creative.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used the surf board mount. I first removed the wax from the topsheet, heated it up with a blow dryer (board & adhesive) then pressed it into place, used a clamp to compress it and left it overnight. Fell off on the first run when i hit a hard bump. I am working on my own boom design that attaches to the hardplate. will see. good luck:)

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I made a custom mount. I have two setups made up. It'll be interesting to see how they work next time I'm out.

I'd be surprised if they let you on the lift with it... and if they do, if ot survives.

I'm thinking you would want to do a covert removable/reattachable set up that can be stashed away for the lift ride, then quick-connection mounted when you're ready to drop in.

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I'm not worried about durability on the one on the side of the board. You can hold and shake the board around with it. It's surprisingly strong. I'm sure it'll be able to hold a little camera.

I'm sure it will hold the lil cam, what I was thinking is that as your chair reaches the unloading ramp, the chair may very well land on the mount, bending/crushing it the way it does the BTS on some folks front boot

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  • 2 weeks later...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have used the suction cup provided with the motorsports GoPro, without difficulty. Some vibration, but not too bad. I am sure one of the engineers on the forum could figure out what spring would be appropriate for the weight of the camera, and the frequency of the vibration, to provide damping, but until then, it seems to work OK.

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neuroto, I tried the suction cup, but only got 1:06 :( until everything 'laid over'. That was the best view I have found so far :) so will try (if their is any snow left after this weekend) siliconing a mount on the front and back of my 'rock board' and try again. Season is about done here :( unfortunately.

Rocker_Binding, Ace is right, Cateks on Gizmo's.

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Have used the suction cup provided with the motorsports GoPro, without difficulty. Some vibration, but not too bad. I am sure one of the engineers on the forum could figure out what spring would be appropriate for the weight of the camera, and the frequency of the vibration, to provide damping, but until then, it seems to work OK.

I looked at the spring constant needed. It was extremely soft to the point it's not practical.

Assuming a 500gram weight and resonance frequency of 1/2 Hz (away from the resonance frequencies in the board), the spring need would have a spring constant (stiffness) of 4.9 N/m. For reference a slinky has a spring constant of about 1 N/m.

I've been working with the behind binding mount.

How I built it.




I had two version (v1.1 and v1.2) and the more rigid one seemed to be better.

I also made a nose mount but haven't had the time to try it.


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What is the recommended option for mounting a GoPro to a Snowboard (using a GoPro mount - not a homemade item)?

I also have a GoPro (not HD), which I use often for mountain biking. But this weekend will be my 1st time using it on snow.

Since I don't have the automobile piece (suction) or the surf piece (big white stick-on), I'll plan to use my Chesty this time and see how it turns out. Anyone already have any carving videos with Chesty that I can see as visual samples?

Since my GoPro is of a mt-bike package, I also have some small black helmet stick-on pieces, which I've read come off easily (maybe it'll last just a few runs, which would be enough of footages). Or maybe I should just save those for its intended helmet use only. If so, on top (too high?) vs on the side?



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I also have a GoPro (not HD), which I use often for mountain biking. But this weekend will be my 1st time using it on snow.

Since I don't have the automobile piece (suction) or the surf piece (big white stick-on), I'll plan to use my Chesty this time and see how it turns out. Anyone already have any carving videos with Chesty that I can see as visual samples?

Since my GoPro is of a mt-bike package, I also have some small black helmet stick-on pieces, which I've read come off easily (maybe it'll last just a few runs, which would be enough of footages). Or maybe I should just save those for its intended helmet use only. If so, on top (too high?) vs on the side?



Anyone who has had a 3M sticky mount come off did something wrong.

Clean surface w/ alcohol, stick, let dry for 24 hrs and you're set. Good luck getting it off. I ended up using a heatgun and knife to pry mine off.

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Even if you clean with alcohol and let stand for 24hrs the sticky mounts can still fail and come off. Given enough time and abuse, it will fail. If you take the proper steps you can save yourself a lot of time and frustration looking for a lost camera.

3 things every GoPro should have:

1. Leash, in case the mount fails you will know right away but not lose the camera.

2. A bright neon paint job, in case the camera actually comes off, you have a much better chance of finding it. The silver camera and clear case blend in VERY well with the snow.

3. Personal contact infos inside, in case all else fails and some honest person finds it.

I'd post pics of my new improvements to my camera, but my other SLR camera is missing right now....

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Ace, Excellent Ideas!

I was thinking about using a 'powder strap' (bright orange plastic Surveyors Tape) secured to camera, folded up and held to camera loosly with a rubber band (attach to the board with a small piece of Duct Tape). If the camera took off it 'should' leave the powder strap unraveled behind it to more easily find ??

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