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Cypress Diaries 2010-11


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Awesome, awesome day!!!:biggthump

Snow firm soft hero corduroy and the best off all no crowd, no line up:D

Little crowd came at noon, it reminded me of yesterday bad experience to ease off. Still chased by petite cuty lifty to slow down :o

Rod "Hooplah", got first row Rock Star parking, me second line up.

Toys: Hooplah - Crazy "triple cambered" Banana, 2010 SGBX167Pro Team

Scooby: Coiler PR179, 2009 SGBX167TProTeam

Hooplah liked how stable the SG board and carved! Just need the HB

Here some pixs of his on air.





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Pretty much a repetittion of what Scooby described yesterday... minus Scooby ;)

Rod has hit the hill early and I joined about 10:30.

Toys: Rod, SG BX 167, Banana 159; BlueB FLC 183, Ballistic 171.

One could pick and choose the conditions - Around Eagle chair, due to snow making fire-power, it was all hero, man made firmly packed pow (a bit sticky, though), that bumped and chopped in the afternoon. Other side had propper chalky fast hard pack.

FLC 183 "turbo" is quite a board, see the thread in the "reviews" section!

Ballistic is huge, huge fun. It holds well on hard pack, but on good snow, tilt her abrupt and push and you are in for a bronco ride! It can turn stupidly tight and gives crazy rebound as long as you ride her centered. Quite a cardio workout, though. Can't wait to get her out on another hero day!

Rode the chair with Carlo, our L4 staff triner. He enjoyed the Alp 169 I left for him other day. We'll put together a hardbooting clinic for the rest of the staff.

Tomorrow, weather permitting, an assault at Grouse!

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By courtesy of Tenorman and Grouse Mountain promotional policies, we scored free tickets! It dumped all day, but crowd was packing it in, so very carvable. Some bumps on the steeper stuff.

Toys: Doug, Silber Carbon; Scooby, WCRM 173w; BlueB Kessler BX 168n.

Clouds opened and closed few times, allowing for gret views indespite of flat light.

Pics coming up later.

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No people. Conditions, from sucking to good!

Crew: Couz, Scooby, B

Toys: 4WD 169, Classic 179, Volkl Cross 167, Vampire 175, Proto 167

Yesterday's snow/rain/snow/rain/freeze/snow, left us with some 1/2" of fresh over nasty stuff, or over nasty last night's uneven grooming. Relativelly low vis with very flat light in the morning. Yuck. Yet, in the afternoon, we had a blizzard (still on), so Scooby and me had some nice freeride at JJA. Tony left early and missed out...

I started teaching Scoob about switch on h/boots, spins, advanced sliding turns, etc. He's doing great progress! Few good high-sides, though, on toe side spins... Volkl Cross seemed to treat him well.


My new school group consisted of 8 of 17ish old rippers. It could be very nice, once I whipped them into shape a bit. As is, the faster ones refuse to listen, or even stop where I stop, and just want to blast all the way to the bottom of the hill?!

One kid decided to carry his helmet in his hand as the fit was too tight. Sure enough, he cought the edge end fell face to the helmet, while riding a green trail. Helmet cracked and cut his lip. Ouch! After they patched him up a bit at Patrol Hut, he rejoined the group.

We played the "last one wins" game: groups of 3 have to ride a blue pitch making as many of tight turns as possible, slowing down without side slipping or traversing, slowest person down the slope is the winner.

Stay tuned for more fun next Tuesday...

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Over flow of snow, 150cm since Monday. Stop snowing in the morning.

Hero soft corduroy, this time the groomers did a good job on every run. Too bad it clear up only for a few hours total. Then big dump came again at 1PM all the way till 10PM.

Crew: BlueB, Cousin of Beagle, Scooby

Toys: SG FR85T + PBP, Nidecker 167, Coiler PR179, PRIOR WCRM 173w & WCRM177, PRIOR 4WD169

PR179 stiff nose and too much pressure on it, nose wanted to dig in to soft corduroy. WCRM177 does differently and float with ease on its edge. The narrower waist on PRIOR also made it easier to switch.

REPORT: PBP on SG will continue:



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Got to the hill at 1400, after closing out my workday early in order to take advantage of the beautiful weather and recent dump of snow.

Parking lots were crazy full, the most crowded that I have seen since Christmas- but still managed to get a spot in the upper lot.

I brought my 172 Coiler AM today - it's the perfect compromise board for a day when you have tracked out snow but want the stiffness of being able to power through crud and variable conditions. It doesn't have the float of a Prior ATV in the powder, but it still is managable if you go fast enough and you can swing it around the trees....

After two warm up laps on Midway to check out the snowbase under the pow, I spent the rest of the afternoon chasing the sunshine on the Raven runs through the trees and off to the Sky Chair to poach some powder off of the Death Star and through Slash.

The untracked powder in the shade of the trees is still excellent, and all of the recent 30plus centimeters of new snow is very welcome- otherwise the snowbase ran he risk of being VERY eroded due to warm rain washout over the past three weeks.

I didn't see any of the crew this PM, they probably all started early in the morning and left before I got there.

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Roy and me never made it to the hill, today...

Please, be very carefull with Death Star - snow pack is very unstable, we had a mini slide under the Sky Chair few days ago. You know how that place looks - can not get out of it, even with a smallest slide going after you, it becomes exactelly what the name says :(

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... after closing out my workday early in order to take advantage of the beautiful weather and recent dump of snow.

The untracked powder in the shade of the trees is still excellent, and all of the recent 30plus centimeters of new snow is very welcome-...

I didn't see any of the crew this PM, they probably all started early in the morning and left before I got there.

I misssed out the Friday duty :( but paid back time on Saturday visit.

Crew: Rod "Hooplah" - Crazy Banana 156, Pierre - Virus Extreme 170, Yoshii - BX + HB, Scooby - Prior WCRM177, Coiler PR179

Soft corduroy and as usuall no one at Eagle Chair and trenchin down JJA for 1.5 hours thn move to quiet Crazy Raven and move away from here to Rainbow and ends up at Midway to practice and shooting some pix. Start 9AM took off around 3PM


Pierre in action



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It's REAL! For $660 GOLD PASS-no restriction!! And even cheaper than last year paid $749. Today's "Early bird" w/o BIG 5 is $825, saving of $165.


I have 5 already on my list, let me know if you wanna join, limited quantity. Send me PM to carvingchanel at yahoo dot ca



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He, he, I love that clip of Pierre, I was going to post the same thing. Never the less, here's another one below.

Since no one wants to mention, proud daddy has to do it himself: Luka was killing it on the skis in that Saturdays hero snow! Carving both edges down Midway, all the heads turning from the chairlift! No photos, dang...

Before we came to the blue run, I noticed him doing the up-unweighing, without me teaching him that.

Also, Scoob doing a heel side by the book; loving the life and his toe side.





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Woo-hoo day! More hero snow, sunshine, not too big crowd (for a Sunday), 3 hours private request h/boot lesson - life is good!

Charliechocolate came for 3-hour lesson to speed up his transition from softies. He was a great student!

Yoshi was there with entire familly, doing good job on h/boots. More I look at him, more that board looks a bit too stiff...

Scoob loved his Priors, as well as playing with his new camera. All the pics here are clipped from the vid.

I rode my WCRM 173, and had huge fun, as usual. Demonstarting carving in 3-hour lesson, on a softer board, has great effect on self-education, too. Stepping on narrower stiffer board afterwards and being filmed, showed some stuff in my heel side, that I'm less then happy about...

Few more pics:





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...Since no one wants to mention, proud daddy has to do it himself: Luka was killing it on the skis in that Saturdays hero snow! Carving both edges down Midway, all the heads turning from the chairlift! No photos, dang...

Before we came to the blue run, I noticed him doing the up-unweighing, without me teaching him that.

Upss, bad "Uncle"...yeah I saw Luka rippin on Midway :biggthump

On the chair: I didn't notice at the beginning until I heard a couple on skiies sit behind me that having a high level volume conversation suddenly say/shout Whoaaaaa...(Really loud, honest:p) so I turn back to see what the... and I saw both are looking at Midway with the mouth open:rolleyes: (honest). Here what I saw: Luka just turn towards the chair with increasing speed and I can see he's widen his right feet and angulate and at the same time he bend his left knee and he carved!!!WOW!! To bad camera not in hand.

Charliechocolate came for 3-hour lesson to speed up his transition from softies. He was a great student!

I met Patrick in the lodge: Actually he recognise from my HB first.:rolleyes: What's cool, more beach boys turn in to Carvers:biggthump Good meeting u bud. Hope u can ride again soon

...Scoob doing a heel side by the book;....

I know u r filming, what I did was trying to hide the other side of my jacket ;)


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Epic day at Cypress – more hero groom, hardbooting visitors and large number of locals, blue skies for a part of the day! No crowds what so ever.

Gord (Gtanner) and Karen, both former racers, came to school the “old boys” crew – thanks for shearing the turns with us! Rod and Crucible were there in the morning only, while I had to teach few lessons. Tenorman and Scooby played all day.

Toys: WCRM 177, AM 172, Banana, WCR 185, Proton 160, VSR 173, WCRM 173, SG 185.

I had Roy’s SG for few laps, without the PBP this time. It is one of the burliest boards I’ve ever ridden (Burner included). While it is tremendously stable and capable of crazy speeds, it is a bit too much work, for me, to ride it non-sc railing mode. My legs felt much happier later, when I stepped back onto my nimble WCRM.

Gord is a magnificent rider, of an aggressive race style. Real pleasure to watch and discuss the tricks of the trade with. I really hope to ride with you more in the future.

Karen is a local, from Richmond, also a former racer, but somehow doesn’t ride much... We are scheming to get her to ride with us more often.

On the less bright side, Doug popped out his problematic shoulder, again. That must be the 4th time over the last 2 years. Ouch.

I tried lowering my angles on WCRM, from 60/55 to 55/50 and loved it. However, the spray on some photos and inspection of my ruts, clearly show that the rear bail and maybe toe ledge too, are dragging through the snow. It would be a boot out on hard pack… Maybe I’ll go back to parallel stance for EC.

Pics of the gang:

Gord, Karen, George, Rod

Boris, Karen, Doug, Roy, Gord

Bole Man remouved by popular request ;)

instead: Doug and our Czech friend, Petter, or skis vs. slpine board:





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Thanks to the Cypress guys for letting Kabi and I crash your party for a day.

Cheers Boris for the kind words.

These guys are awesome to ride with and truly embody the passion of hardboot snowboarding...the search for the perfect turn. If anyone is in the Vancouver area, be sure to give yourself a day to ride with these guys!

I'm looking forward to more pics and video of any of it turned out. Thanks for taking the time Boris.


Although it was -14 at Whistler today and I froze my butt off, the snow was firm and hero-awesomeness. Thinking of doing one last day up there on Friday before heading back to the Fort, so if anyone wants to bundle up and join us, let me know.


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Wohoooo...FRESH POW and keep dumpin all day!!!

Visibility early morning not great to non. Tried JJA for couple run , whack my side side face, my jaw sound like my chiro crack my spine when hit the slope :eek:.

Move to RAVEN chair, haleluyah:ices_ange...fresh track, visibility great and no line up:biggthump Start 9AM all the way to 12PM on this side.

Rome 173 great board, float under my 210 lbs, ride so well and it manuver tight turn when start to get choppy. It carved on steeper slope and it holds.

Crew: xy9ine - Palmer Titanium 164(?), Ben - K2 156, Scooby - Rome 173, Tanker R200LE

Ben & me stay at lodge for nice clam chow, burger & crappy poutine. By this time Tanker hasn't touch no snow we almost call off for the day when visibility clear up...continue 12.30 - 2.30PM.

Tanker Rocker 200 Limited Edition, AWESOME board, rocker made this board turn tighter as if shorter board even as short as my 3800-169. Board just stay afloat on big chops hilly pow and choppy packed snow. This board saved me too many times. The rocker camber made the nose easy to tilt up, sometime I think nose tilt by it self, this way nose most of the time above the snow. I can concentrate to where I wanna go and the board just follow and deliver to destination. I almost can forget the crappy terrain under the board. When landed rigth in the centre on flat ground or on an angle the rocker camber absorbed nicely just like a leaf spring...At first I thought the board will be too flimsy but it change my opinion as soon as board slams to the ground, it stiffen when flattened...GREAT BOARD :biggthump :biggthump

Ben was following my track and he had a hard time, his comment : u looks so easy going thru those tracks...

Pix: Ben on air at bottom Trumpeter




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My flue finally mellowed a bit, and I was able to make it to the mountain for my shift and a bit of riding. Much better way to spend b-day, then under a blankie on the couch...

10cm of fresh, over soft groom from last evening, no crowds, visibillity not great but still ok. A bit of snow coming down right through the day...

Scooby, Couz, BlueB... I had to teach all morning, by the time I was done, everything was tracked out. Ah, well, I like soft small moguls a lot, too! Most of the fun Scoob and me had on Ravens, 2, 3, 4...

Toys: Tony - 3800/softies, Roy - Tanker rocker 200, Rome Notch(?) 172, Boris - 3800/plates, Maverick 175.

I didn't ride my 3800 for almost 2 years now. I'm always surprised by manouvrabillity, float, yet carvabillity. However, it's wide like a pig for my tiny boots. Wish I had one in 24 or 23 width...

Maverich performed surprisingly well in the soft snow and chop. Narrow max stance is pain in the neck, though. Next time, I might try to drop the most of cants/lifts from my Snowpros, to facillitate the narrow stance.

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