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Cat in crawl space.


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Ouch, sorry about your truck. He looked so cute in the trap it's hard to believe he did all that damage...(I have the sound in the video off because I'm at work -- maybe he doesn't sound as nice as he looks?). Anyway, good work bagging him without getting clawed up.

I am still wondering why he worked so hard to get up on the truck? Did he think it was a way out? Just wanted the heat from the engine?

Jumping up on the hood of the truck was obviously not a small feat. Numerous attempts. It is a Dodge Dakota 4x4 FYI

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That weekend I set the cat flap for enter only. Sure enough we were disturbed by the sound of cats fighting in the house. With his exit blocked, I threw a large towel over the Tom, and grabbed him. Well wrapped in the towel, and with only his head poking out, I took him to where our cat was cowering. I then took him to the kitchen sink and put his head under the tap (not quite water boarding). I went back and forth a few times between our cat and the sink. I growled, and snarled at him a lot to complete the experience. My wife set the flap for exit, and I let him go. After that, he wouldn't come anywhere near our yard, let alone the house, and our cat recovered from his wounds in peace.

I've done the same. There's nothing quite like being woken at 3am by two cats fighting under the bed - while you're in it. My guy was a little slow - it took two spins through the laundry tub for him, but he got the hint the second time.

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PS dude..your voice....all calm and even like.... you have one of those voices that could be on audio to help people go to sleep LMAO

my yoga teacher had a voice like that and some people in class would literally conk out and start snoring hahaha

Thanks! :o Yes, I know that glassy eyed look too well. No wonder I am still single :eplus2::biggthump

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Being in a cage kind of wiped that smug look off his face, didn't it? :mad:

May as well just turn him loose in the living room though - when he turns up in the crawl space again he'll be a lot harder to catch. That boy is WAY too smart to fall for the salmon-in-the-trap trick a second time!

That is what I thought too. Not so cocky when he is in the cage.

I wasn't going to have him thrash the house. Something told me he wasn't going to be all warm and fuzzy anytime soon. That, and the thought of broken hearted kids somewhere. I am allergic to cat dander to boot.

I am really sick and tired of cats using my property as a litter box. When one brave cat peed on one of my old snowboards, that almost pushed me over the edge. That stuff is caustic and vile!!

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Aw, poor guy! I'd like to know what his story is ... he seems way too calm to be stuck there by accident. I'd lay money you'll see him again pretty soon.

It would be cool to know who owns him and what his life is like outside of my crawlspace? He is a pretty cool cat.

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The Pardoned Cat Release Video

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Sure you're not a cat guy? Considering it was 3 am and he scratched up your truck pretty good - you were being awfully nice to Mr. Cat! (And serving up a salmon dinner to boot!) I'd say that's one lucky kitty...... :rolleyes:

Thanks, Pretty sure ;) I just love animals of all kinds. The dinner was to get him in the cage.

It is a pretty burly cat. So as cats go, pretty cool.:cool:

Fortunately there was some time between finding the scratches and catching the cat.

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Ahh, it finally dawned on me.

Might be a good name for the cat also.

When the time space equilibrium was upset the other day, you know that sucking sound that the ultimate gear hog creates while powering up his prerogatives, the cat, an innocent bystander was somehow pulled into the mêlée..

Name it "gearhog" :cool:

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When the time space equilibrium was upset the other day, you know that sucking sound that the ultimate gear hog creates while powering up his prerogatives, the cat, an innocent bystander was somehow pulled into the mêlée..

Name it "gearhog" :cool:

It's good to know that you're not bitter or anything. ;)

Go meet Mr. oldsnowboards sometime. He's a great guy that REALLY loves all aspects of snowboarding. He needs to write a book before he forgets any of what he knows of the sport's history!

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Ahh, it finally dawned on me.

Might be a good name for the cat also.

When the time space equilibrium was upset the other day, you know that sucking sound that the ultimate gear hog creates while powering up his prerogatives, the cat, an innocent bystander was somehow pulled into the mêlée..

Name it "gearhog" :cool:

I laughed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not a sound. Finally got a couple shots of him. (tele-photo)

Just stares back, like no big deal?? He sure is THICK!!

I can't see a collar on him.

Middle pic: "Squatter Cat no like you telifoto shenanigans. Is my haus now. Get aut!" (Yes I like lolcats)

Be thankful it wasn't a skunk. Been there done that.

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