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Thinking about getting shoulder surgery ...


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So last season my left shoulder popped out of socket a few times. Last night, it popped out of socket in my sleep as I was rolling over (talk about a rude awakening, holy **** did that suck). So I think it may be time for me to get some corrective surgery to keep the shoulder in joint. I really hope this doesn't affect my SES plans.

Has anyone on this forum had much experience with this kind of surgery? Any advice? Info? I'm talking to my doctor tomorrow.

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Any joint surgery sucks. I would rather go through another colon resection than shoulder surgery. I blew mine to smitherenes on a stupid long board going way way to fast on pavement. The recovery was brutal and 6-7 years later it still reminds me that it still isnt or will be 100%. I have learned to live with it through work and riding style adjustmets. If you have to do it, do it. But be prepared to a painful recovery and learn to keep that hand off the snow. Good luck.

Think Snow!

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Any joint surgery sucks. I would rather go through another colon resection than shoulder surgery. I blew mine to smitherenes on a stupid long board going way way to fast on pavement. The recovery was brutal and 6-7 years later it still reminds me that it still isnt or will be 100%. I have learned to live with it through work and riding style adjustmets. If you have to do it, do it. But be prepared to a painful recovery and learn to keep that hand off the snow. Good luck.

Think Snow!

Thanks Mark - that's what I figured. I've heard a lot of negative things about getting one's shoulder rebuilt ... I'm going to talk to my doctor anyhow. Maybe talk to a couple of doctors and start looking at stuff. I'm wondering if there have been any advancements in this area since you had your surgery, my best friend's mom had the same surgery I need about ten years ago and she still isn't happy about it. Arrrgh!

Last night when it popped out I think it temporarily cut off the circulation to my arm (doctors have warned me this could happen) and it scared the piss out of me. It was like, 5am. That's mostly why I'm looking at surgery.

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Look on the bright side, might not be a complete rebuild. Friend of mine had your problem and just needed a few staples to hold things in more tightly.

That would be awesome news. It really doesn't bother me that much, but having it pop out on you in the middle of the night ... particularly without the aid of snowboarding-induced adrenalin to dull the pain ... god is that not fun. The shock of the pain awakening me from an otherwise restful sleep was nearly vomit inducing, but thankfully I got it back in.

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I had a friend with the same issue, popped out once, then again, again etc. No Strutural damage just the ligiments/tendons loosened up. They did the stretch and staple and he has not had a problem since. Recovery was pretty quick as well.

When I broke mine the Doctor made it clear that strength training was going to be a big part of no future problems. I have not had any issues since the accident.

Have you done any strength training on your shoulders, back etc?

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My left shoulder was popping apart quite frequently 2 years ago. I spent a good bit of time in Physical Therapy and working on my own to help restore a great deal of integrity to the joint. I'm hoping that you going under the knife is only after exhausting all other options.

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I had a friend with the same issue, popped out once, then again, again etc. No Strutural damage just the ligiments/tendons loosened up. They did the stretch and staple and he has not had a problem since. Recovery was pretty quick as well.

When I broke mine the Doctor made it clear that strength training was going to be a big part of no future problems. I have not had any issues since the accident.

Have you done any strength training on your shoulders, back etc?

I have not done any strength training in years, and truth be told, my upper body could definitely use it. I was actually planning on starting some shoulder work today (!!) but last night's incident has me questioning the wisdom of starting that off without input from the doc. I really really hope that a stretch and staple would fix me up, that would be so great. My company has a gym on the first floor with adequate free-weights, and that is what I was thinking of doing as far as strength training goes. I made an appointment to see my Dr. Tomorrow during lunch, and he will recommend me to a specialist who I assume will make x-rays. Very positive to hear that recovery time is fast, I don't want this screwing up my winter!

One thing about this that seems positive: my recovery time on the shoulder is very fast. I can reduce it within a matter of minutes usually, and it feels better soon thereafter; for example - I have full range of motion back already despite having popped it out at about 5am this morning.

Thanks for all the info guys!

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I'd talk to your doc also about what constitutes "strength" training - it may not be as burly as you're thinking. When I had tendonitis in my rotator cuff, my doc gave me a set of exercises to be done with a rubber band, just rotating the shoulder in a couple of directions with quite a light resistance.

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If you don't get it repaired this year, I suggest purchasing travelers insurance if you are planning any trips. My bill from my catching a nose last Feb was $5,000; Buttermilk to the Aspen ER via ambulance + X-Ray & MRI and snapping the shoulder back in place. No surgery was done until I got home. Ended up with bankart tear; stiched a chip back in place and tightened the ligiments up with 5 anchors. The P.T. told 3 anchors is common and he had never heard of 5 before.

Post Op: Plan on 6 weeks in a sling, sleeping in a recliner or in bed on your back. Followed by at least 4 weeks of P.T. Make sure you ask about mobilization therapy during your 6 week in a sling. I did not know until after my 6 weeks were up when the Doc asked, "did we have you in a mobilization chair?" A what??? Opps, I guess we forgot that for you.

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If you don't get it repaired this year, I suggest purchasing travelers insurance if you are planning any trips. My bill from my catching a nose last Feb was $5,000; Buttermilk to the Aspen ER via ambulance + X-Ray & MRI and snapping the shoulder back in place. No surgery was done until I got home. Ended up with bankart tear; stiched a chip back in place and tightened the ligiments up with 5 anchors. The P.T. told 3 anchors is common and he had never heard of 5 before.

Post Op: Plan on 6 weeks in a sling, sleeping in a recliner or in bed on your back. Followed by at least 4 weeks of P.T. Make sure you ask about mobilization therapy during your 6 week in a sling. I did not know until after my 6 weeks were up when the Doc asked, "did we have you in a mobilization chair?" A what??? Opps, I guess we forgot that for you.

Pat, sorry to hear this, didn't know! Travelers insurance covers medical costs? That would have been good.

The price for my 3 day stay at Aspen Hospital was over 40K / Tib-Fib surgery. Fortunate for me, alpine friends are AMAZINGLY generous and kind!!

Sorry about the thread jack. I would avoid surgery if possibly, especially since you are relatively pain free most of the time. Good luck with the shoulder.

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Never had a dislocated shoulder issue but I did have rotator cuff surgery in 2008 and am happy to say that I am now pain free with no loss of motion. I had some bone spurs and a partial tear. The healing sucked. I slept in a recliner for a few weeks but I can honestly say I would do it again without a moments thought. I was in real pain before, trouble sleeping, hurting to kayak, frisbee, etc.

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I had a rotator cuff sewed back together in 2000. Definitely worth the effort.

My biggest issue was the muscle atrophy from being immobilized for three weeks. Took quite a while to build the muscles back. (With a little bicep tear to go with it. - Take it easy!)

I still have a lot of shoulder issues, Probably from decades of construction and BUI. (Barefooting under the influence. HEY Y'ALL, Watch THIS!)

I've found that good PT makes a real difference. It's not just the exercises they give you, but the actual therapy. (Electro, IR, etc.)

Last year I was in for PT due to my left shoulder. I did all the exercises with both shoulders, but four weeks later my left was better than my right. The only difference was the added therapy (Electro and IR) that my left received. I wish I owned these machines.

Physical Therapy can do WONDERS!

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Consider PT first. Dont know about dis-locations, but I tore my RC twice in a 6 week period back when surgery would only bring it back to 70-80%. A couple months of PT brought it back to 85+% and only bothered me on long overhanging routes. However, a more recent injury to my back and hip had me doing a lot of massage therepy, and she would work on the shoulder know and then and it seems almost 100% now. Shoulder surgery has come a long way since 1989 though.

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Thanks for all the info and replies - I have an appointment with a specialist next week (the earliest I could get!). The specialist is going to do an MRI to check things out and see what the extent of the damage is, so I'll have a better idea then of what I am looking at.

If I can go straight to PT and avoid surgery with a good recovery, then I'd be all about that!

Pat: Thanks for the advice regarding Travellers Insurance - and I'm sorry to hear about your very expensive ER trip - If it's not too expensive I figure I'll be doing that from now on, just to be safe. Bryan - 40K for a 3-day stay at the Aspen Hospital ... GAAAAHHHH! That is seriously rough!!!

What is Mobilization Therapy?

For the moment I am back to riding my bike to and from work with no problems so far. The shoulder still feels a little weird.

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