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city to mountain transplant?


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End of winter usualy result with me looking for a job closer to the Mountain.

One of the major reasons for the possible move is for the outdoor life style and snowboarding. I figure I post it here to get some perspective.

Any one know if Red Lodge montana is a good mountain for carving?

If you done similar move; any regret?

any sort of feed back are most welcome.

I got an opportunity/job offer in Billings MT with 25-30% pay cut.

Still negotating salary.

Bozeman/Idaho Falls are the place I would like to be but Billings seems to be where the jobs are.

Some home work that I did:

Found myself spent less and less time in the city. Don't get me wrong I know I will missed the food and culture. Well maybe not so much the culture lol.

I have been to Montana for ski trip and hiking/camping. I love it there. However living somewhere and vacation are totally different.

Been reading a tons about Montana on:


Talk to family and friends. Almost every one is agasint it.

Looking at housing and the price is dirt cheap compare to Long Island NY.



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Thank you Jim.

Many time we live for others and not for ourself.

Family complain that I snowboard too much as it is.

Is there such thing as too much snowboarding? :confused:

Most are uncle/aunt want me to be around for holidays and stuff.

The cost of living should be lower. My main concern with pay is my current mortages. If I can sell my house then I should be golden. It's very tough in a buyer's market right now. On the other hand any lost should even out when I buy.



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I'd say talk to the Montana-ites on the board. It's definitely a different world in Montana. I notice it even when visiting from Calgary, and Calgary is a lot closer culture wise than NYC...:)

The opinions of aunts and uncles are irrelevant to what you do with your life. I packed up and left New Zealand eight years ago to move to Calgary, a city where my total time count consisted of five hours in the airport, and an hour driving through it to get to Banff. All my friends and family thought I was mental. I still think it was the best thing I ever did.

If you think it will make you happy, just do it. Your head will always find excuses, but your heart will never lie to you.

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The mountains, like the oceans, pay in dividends that know not the tax return...the interest on those dividends are compounded every time you are lucky enough to see a peak alive with the alpenglow of a mountain evening. Mountains are truly the cathedrals of the soul...I NEVER get tired of looking at them. If i ever do, then it's time to move away...for I would no longer believe in their sanctity. I hope that never happens.

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Do it while your still young and not tied down. Worst case scenario, you don't like it, you sell off your stuff and move back. Best moves I ever made were when I went with my gut instinct despite family complaints and moved to Colorado from New York, and a few years later I left a full time job to pursue a personal dream. If your not tied down and don't have the responsibility of supporting a family and this is something you want, how crazy is it not to give it a shot?

Good luck.

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And Montana needs another carver named David. :biggthump Let us know if you land in the neighborhood!

David = dredman

David = BigDogDave

David = notarealname

David = David McAlpine

Just what we need!

I have always lived in recreation towns and have never regretted it!

Head West David!

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A year and a half ago I made the move from Boston to Summit County, CO. Like you, my family was pretty upset. My mom didn't talk to me for a week, which is very abnormal. AND they alread lived 650 miles from me, but this was farther away, they'd see me even less, etc.

I did it anyway, and it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I think the family realizes how happy life in the mountains makes me, and they've learned to deal with it. You have to do this for you and for the right reasons, and while family is important, you need to decide what kind of quality of life YOU want to have and seek it out.

I, personally, couldn't sacrifice my quality of life just to live closer to my family. While it would make them happy, and me happier on some level because I miss them a ton, I know I'd be miserable if I wasn't living life for me in a place I wanted to be.

Like I said, moving to the mountains was the best thing I could have EVER done for myself - for lots and lots of reasons, which I won't go into here ;)

And remember, you can always go back but you won't always be in the position to take the leap like you are now.

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David = dredman

David = BigDogDave

David = notarealname

David = David McAlpine

Just what we need!

I have always lived in recreation towns and have never regretted it!

Head West David!

No, no, no - so many Daves already.

YOu are a recreation town dred. I know about your kind.

To the OP - do not emulate this man. :biggthump

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No, no, no - so many Daves already.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Makes it very easy to remember names! And Casper, Allee and I can all answer to Dave/Davette as needed. So when the Targhee patrol busts us for excessive trenching we can just say, "It wasn't me! Dave did it!" ;)

OK Pow, seriously - I have never lived in the city. I grew up in the mountains, but did do some time in the desperate flats (Minnesota.) Just couldn't make it work. There's no time like now to get yourself out here!

(Hmm.... should we tell him that he'll need to wear some brilliantly hued attire to fit in with the Montucky carvers? Nah... we'll spring that on him once he gets here! :))

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Thank you all for the encouragement and advice!!!

Two_Ravens: You are too funny!!!!

as Warren Miller would say “If you don’t do it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do.”

I am putting my brother through college now. he should be graduating this year. That's the only thing holding me back now.

GF broke up with me after I ditch her and spent 2 straight weeks snowboarding. Well it is ECES year lol.

Was half raised by aunts and uncles so we are pretty close.

Came home and found the front door:

It must be a sign. Thank you bomberonline classified. :1luvu:

frivolous spending like this will have to be curb if i take that pay cut.

My carving skill are no where near it's capability. It will probably punish me severly for lack of proper technique. Can't wait for the winter.


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You should go if for no other reason than avoiding the inevitable. By that I mean the wondering that will come later if you don't. If it works out, you'll be happy and if it doesn't, you go back. Either way you'll have scratched the itch. If you do nothing, you'll just wonder "what if?". So, it's decided. You are moving.

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