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Buck Hill Diary IV


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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/14/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>30F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>lights</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>soft, loose snow on top, some areas of ice</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1 (me)</td></tr></table>


snow was soft, some areas where there was ice.

beer league was out. i hate getting out on the run and seeing skiers one turn away from hitting me.

only out for an hour. nothing too remarkable.

will be out in friday morning... if the lighting isn't too bad.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/14/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>27F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>gray sky</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>decent</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1 (me)</td></tr></table>


flat light. one of the regulars said that thursday there was fog at the top and impossible to see. i was surprised at how quick i got acclimated to the bad light. my first run blowed monkey chunks - couldn't carve - got a touch of vertigo. second run was okay. after that i was fine for the rest of the two hours i was there. the flat light didn't bother me and i was carving. i had one run where the clouds started to lighten and i could see shadows. my best run.

i was surprised at the turnout today. it was busy with adults. i had to wait for whitespace on a couple runs. i didn't see any school buses. don't know why so many people were out.

milkrun and crossroads... snow was decent.

last night i went down the backside over near teachers pet. just like bobd posted, the rails/boxes were gone. today i thought i'd make a leisure run down the backside. went down the chute, went around the corner, made two carves and then came to a stop when i saw the boxes were back again. damn!

Binding Setup

just trying something new.

last sunday i tried running 3 degree cant plates for front and rear. so last night i tried it again. it didn't feel right.

today i went out and tried to focus on the sensations in my feet and calves. after a couple runs i realized that my stance felt wide. i moved my front binding back a notch to about 48 cm (18.9"). originally i was at 50 cm (19.7 inches) but i was using a 6 degree heel lift. went back out. the shorter stance felt more natural but it slightly throws me off. need more time to evaluate it.

might try 6 degree front and 3 degree rear.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/16/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>32F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>sun</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>excellent</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 4 (me, karl, joe, and some kid)</td></tr></table>


sun! some inexplicably warm weather... it was about 32F. usually at this time its in the teens or lower.

anyways, i got there at 8:50 am and the lot was filling up. went to the ticket office. the line went out the door! i literally jogged in my boots to the ski school to get my ticket.

<a href=" DSC00491" title="DSC00491 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4065/4279857338_860c64af22_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSC00491" /></a>

its hard to see in the above photo but the line went behind the ski rack. i've seen worse.

snow was excellent. joe and karl showed up in matching F2's.

there was gates set up for some race. some kid showed up in hardboots for the race. place was crowded. had to wait. joe did his circuit on the olympic. i was too lazy and i didn't want to overheat in this warm weather. skiers left of the main chairlift was not too crowded. warners had poles set up.

<a href=" DSC00492" title="DSC00492 by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4036/4279857830_45797fb760_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSC00492" /></a>

i took that photo shortly after joe and karl left. it was typical for most of the day... people all over the place. they removed the gates and milkrun was decent despite the race ruts. a couple runs later had problems with snow buildup. the fin-tecs weren't engaging. went inside to play with the bindings. came back out after tweeking my bindings and did a couple more runs. i was hitting the ice underneath.

hated to leave but was hungry and severely dehydrated. left at 12:30pm.

No Reverse?

i was next in the lift line. saw the liftie run out and get something that dropped... maybe it was a pole. there was some commotion going on but i wasn't paying close attention. saw him run back to the lift controls. someone on the chairlift started screaming "STOP THE LIFT!!!! STOP THE LIFT!!!!". the liftie hits the estop. way up ahead beyond the rope fence, there was a small child dangling below the chair. if i had to guess, maybe 8 feet off the ground. another passenger was holding him (not sure how). the liftie got beneath the child and extended his hands and could almost touch the kids skis. don't know what he was trying to do. a couple people ran over to assist. a ski patroller literally ran up through the lift line. the person on the chair lowered the kid down to the people below. the child was probably 4-6 years old and was part of a ski lesson.

Binding Setup

rode 3 deg front/rear with 48 cm (18.9"). felt good. heel-sides were tighter. on one run the nose of the board either dug in or went into a small pit, i lurched forward, the boots felt like they were collapsing. i didn't have that with a wider stance.

went into the chalet after i had problems with the step-ins and snow buildup, i changed out the front disk to 6 degrees and moved the binding one notch forward to 50 cm (19.7 inches). took it out for a few runs. on toe-side, my knees felt bunched together and it didn't feel good. prolly could've used outward cant on the rear binding. toe-side also seemed to take more effort too. heel-side was strange. it took less effort and i felt like i was riding slightly in the backseat of the board. didn't like it too much.

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i was next in the lift line. saw the liftie run out and get something that dropped... maybe it was a pole. there was some commotion going on but i wasn't paying close attention. saw him run back to the lift controls. someone on the chairlift started screaming "STOP THE LIFT!!!! STOP THE LIFT!!!!". the liftie hits the estop. way up ahead beyond the rope fence, there was a small child dangling below the chair. if i had to guess, maybe 8 feet off the ground. another passenger was holding him (not sure how). the liftie got beneath the child and extended his hands and could almost touch the kids skis. don't know what he was trying to do. a couple people ran over to assist. a ski patroller literally ran up through the lift line. the person on the chair lowered the kid down to the people below. the child was probably 4-6 years old and was part of a ski lesson.

Holy crap, but it was a busy day.


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There was a lot of riders out today. The place was mobbed for the first hour, then it let up a little bit. Lots of racing going on.

Lights on, lights off, lights on, lights off. It seemed the sun really wasn't sure if it wanted to come out today. The snow was pretty good, it got pretty choppy later on but that just forced me to pay more attention to what I was doing.

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There was a lot of riders out today.

Eight riders in total - We were all evenly spaced, so could sit back and take in a show during every chairlift ride.

Snow was good, but I got so nervous with the masses that I switched pretty quickly to my short board. Good thing - Shortly thereafter I witnessed three on-hill collisions.

Went back to Buck at 7:00pm for my first tubing experience.

At ~8:45pm, the tube trails were deemed "too fast" after one young rider passed up and over the end breaker. There was a 15 minute course hold while the snow cat went out and "chewed-up" the run-out area with it's tank treads.

The high PSI tubes were stiff and mis-shapen but seemed to work best for me in gaining speed.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/18/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>32F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>night</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>rock hard with some light stuff</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1 (me)</td></tr></table>


if you stayed home, congratulate yourself on making the right decision.

got out there about 7:15 or so. there were alot skiers raining down. there was one group of skiers warming up for a race then there was a large group of skiers in blue spyder jackets that must have been training to be instructors. oh yes, it sucked indeed.

i was shut down on every run. i'd get going when the run was clear, get midway and i'd hear people gaining on me or passing me by.

on one run i hit some ice and slid on my stomach. i looked uphill and there was this old guy coming in my direction. he was probably two towers away. plenty of distance to change lines. he kept coming straight at me. i waited to see what he'd do. at the last second he turned away.

is it too much to ask that they deviate their line way in advance when someone has fallen down?

enough ranting.

anyways, the snow wasn't great. it was rock hard. the flats at the bottom were like a washboard. went over to warners and it was hard snow with some ruts. i went over to teachers pet just to at least get away from the skiers. snow was even worse over there.

i left after a half hour.

makes me really appreciate how much fun i had yesterday.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/19/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>21F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>night</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>could hold an edge</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1 (me)</td></tr></table>


this evening was good. contrast to yesterday i was able to hold an edge. a few icy spots but avoidable.

not as many racers this evening. they didn't come racing down behind me... as much.

the hill was covered in a fog or mist. don't understand weather -- why didn't it snow?

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this weather is a pisser! :mad:

had to go out and get some coffee. swung by the hill at 8 am. its groomed snowcone.

hate to be the guy stuck out on a day like this for 7-8 hours.

slight drizzle, flat light, snowcone, etc.

i dunno... what to do?

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/124/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>32F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>craptaculor</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>grape squishy</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1 (me)</td></tr></table>

Late Morning

got there about 10:30. slight drizzle. by the time i left it seemed to have stopped.

snow on crossroads was carveable but not great. there were areas where the snow was extremely soft, or firm bumpy. fell down a few times on one spot of the run near where the pitch changes. the snow wouldn't hold up. i left some serious trenches where i fell!

didn't bother with milkrun. there was a race course and they took it down when i got there. the ruts were deep! they looked like moguls from the chair. seemed like a lot of dark snow on that side.

was only there for an 1-1/4 hours. despite crappy conditions, it was good to get out at least once this weekend.


visibility was a big problem. the drizzle was beeding up on my goggles. difficult to see so i took the goggles off. much easier to see the terrain. first time i've rode sans goggles. better yet, its great to see out of two eyes.

<a href=" sadie_sharpener" title="sadie_sharpener by snurfer64, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2766/4300550475_9994af14ee_o.jpg" width="478" height="229" alt="sadie_sharpener" /></a>

thanks dr. davis!

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/25/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>18F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>lights</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>uncarveable</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1 (me)</td></tr></table>


the snow looked promising from the chalet.

guessed wrong:

1. crossroads, hard ice underneath snow. very fast. the top snow was bumpy. could not hold an edge.

2. skiers right was rutted. at some point in the day there was a course. it took up about a 1/4 of the run. some skiers were training on it.

3. warners way. abso-effin-lutely uncarveable. yet another race course was set up. ruts everywhere.

4. crowded with racers.

a total of 5 runs this evening.

the good news is that mister C set up the snow guns all along the lift towers.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/29/2010</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>0F early morning, not sure when i left, maybe 5F </td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>sunny</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>excellent</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 2.5 (me, wild bill, and bobd on skis)</td></tr></table>


conditions were excellent (much better then wednesday at afton, sorry). not too crowded but then kids started clotting up the lift line around noon.

couldn't have asked for much better snow.

had the boot gloves on. i think they helped. i folded the material inside itself at the front of the boot to keep it away from the bale. the only part of my foot that was cold was my big toe. the rest was fine.

anyone know if tomorrow has races?

Rossi World Cup

after riding my donek for an hour, i took a ride on rossi world cup. 185? 16m scr?

took a couple runs to feel to get used to it. trent warned me that the board wasn't very lively and that i'd have to work it to make it turn. yeah, it did feel a little different but not a whole lot. turning was definitely wider.

bobd was telling me that you can push the board. on the following run after he said that, i tried pushing it on a heel-side and wound up slamming down on my back and bouncing my head off the snow. i think i lost an edge on a small roller. the headache i received forced me to anticipate the turns over rollers.

towards the end it was fun it was just like riding a 12m scr.

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I'[m here now and will

ride tomorrow Jan 30th and maybe the 31st:lol:. anyone game????

Its better to be a skidder that a squirter I guess. I hope this skidder **** ends soon it is not what I live for. trenches baby

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

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I think Bob L is of the opinion ....

Most skiers develop an equilibrium with their environment. You skijammers do not. You move to a ski area and you multiply, until every run is consumed. Then you move on to another ski area.



ahhh yes... i was rooting for agent smith. phnk neo and morpheous.

if the skijammers could pull to the side of the run for their tech talks and let the public go about enjoying the hill, then it could be win-win.

the last thing i want to hear behind me as i start a run is "OKAY, LETS GO HAVE SOME FUN!". scares me everytime.

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I'[m here now and will

ride tomorrow Jan 30th and maybe the 31st:lol:. anyone game????

Its better to be a skidder that a squirter I guess. I hope this skidder **** ends soon it is not what I live for. trenches baby

i'll be there saturday and sunday. usually sundays are the best -- early in the morning.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>1/30/2010 International Bob Day </td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>5F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>sun</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>excellent</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 4 (me, joe, bobd, d3dan2001)</td></tr></table>


snow was excellent. from 8:45 till 1:30pm (no break) i had serious perma-grin. it felt absolutely great!

my plan was to ride a rossi world cup (15m scr) then change boards to my 12 m scr once the ski jammers showed up. i never did. i was having too much fun on it to even consider changing. i was cranking the board! it felt solid! joe was riding his f2 slalom board, never broke out the kessler.

after the ski jammers showed up it wasn't so bad. i think they were on warners or elsewhere. eventually they started to show up on crossroads and milkrun. there were times where we'd need to wait out the masses but the snow was worth it.

at the end of the day i started to get sloppy. i had to force myself to leave.

run down...

olympic: was off limits. there were three courses set up on that run.

milkrun: first couple runs i took were on milkrun. the cord was really good. later they set up for ski challenge. after it was over, milkrun was still in good shape - the ruts weren't too bad. you could carve through them with no problem. there was still cord to be had.

newcomer dan was doing surfy heel-sides off the knoll. i'm always envious of heel-sides off a wave. i couldn't quite pull off sharp toe-side off the knoll... the location of the race fence was too close for me to pull it off. next best thing was jumping out of the knoll. on one jump i accidentally crossed through a snake of ski jammers. whoops! my bad. felt frickn cool to jump heel-side and land in a toe-side carve!

crossroads: in the early morning, cord was muy excellente. bobd brought out his world cup to partake in the festivities.

later on i started messing up. on one run i blew a toe-side at the bottom quarter, landed on my stomach and slid as far as i could go. i didn't even try to slow myself down. i was tired.

warners: earlier there was some course set up but i think it was for the ski jammers. there were some minor ruts, some icy sports but not too bad.

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