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Are There Any Cosmic Snow Surfers Out There?


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Hi Ed. Welcome to BomberOnline. We appreciate having people with energy like you here. You will find this online community to be pretty small, and that we are not a "they". The first several posts in this thread had nothing to do with Alpine Snowboarding, so I moved it. If you would like to discuss alpine's roots in surfing and how the two sports relate in the Carving Community forum, that is cool, just be up front about it and the thread will stay where you want it. If you just want to tell surfing war stories, Off-Topic is the place for that.

These forums are fairly loose, we don't treat them like databases, but it's not a free-for-all either.

Hope you enjoy your stay!

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The Book below: The Complete History of Surfing by famous surfer Nat Young, has a chapter that sums the history of snowboarding up.

I recomend his book. Here is a snapshot overview:



This is the bible of surfing: Nat Young: " I started writing this book in the late 70’s, it was written simply because it had to be done, somebody had to do it, not an outsider, someone who was involved 100%. In many ways I felt like the book was out of my control, material just appeared, nothing like this had ever been attempted before; I was compelled to make it happen before all the stories and pictures dissapeared. There was another book published in the 60’s called The Pictorial History of Surfing that was really the history of surf clubs in Australia. That author treated contempory surfing as a sport. My book goes beyond the sporting aspect of the activity; to me surfing is an art form, a cultural statement on the state of our society as it is right now. With so many thousands of kids and older people turning on to surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding this “flow” form of recreations is the number one growth activity around the world. I wanted to create, with words and picture a factual account of the activity as it has developed over the past 100 years. Many of the people written about in these pages have passed away, many of the original photographs have been lost and now this book is the only record. A lot of the unique principals and values that are inherent to the surfing tribe had to be preserved. I wanted both surfers, young and old and also the general public to not think of surfing as another competitive sport but a lifestyle. The inclusion of the history of Snowboarding is a good example of this “ From Water to Snow “ is an accurate portrayal of how surfers took to the mountains and the rode the snow in the same way that they rode waves, the snowboard is testament to this linage and gives solid evidence to riding this new medium. "



"From Water to Snow is the most important chapter in the modern history as it gives understanding as to why skiing was on the wane until snowboarding came along. As skis became wider and more user friendly more and more riders were turned on to skiing, snowboarding and surfing. No one has ever documented this lineage before; the fact is that surfers invented the snowboard. Except for one inventor named Sherman Poppen who put a rope on the front of a board for the snow the line is complete. Sherman worked for the Brunswick Bowling Company; they sold a million boards between 66 and 77 for $10 each. Sherman's “Snurfer” handled like a water-ski where the direction was controlled by leaning back and pulling on the rope, this is almost the complete opposite of how a surfboard or skis are controlled. A champion surfer from the 60’s named Mike Doyle built a mono or single ski in 69/70, he was restricted by how to attach his feet to the board, traditional ski bindings were his only option, however this forced him to stand with his feet parrel like a normal skier. Another surfer named Wayne Stoveken from the east coast of America was very vocal about Doyle getting it all wrong. He worked with another surfer named Dimitriije Milovich to overcome the problem of standing like a surfer, either in Goffy or Natural foot stance. The Winterstick was born in the early 70’s. Tom Sims was a very talented skateboarder and surfer who also hailed from New Jersey, he has pictures of boards that he used in the snow back to 1963. Jake Burton is one of the most successful snowboard manufacturer in the world today, his dedication to following the snowboard / surfing dream is apparent is all his companies products. "


"Attitude and hardcore Alternatives is the final chapter in the latest edition. As surfing gains more and more converts, the sheer numbers of extra people in the line-up are creating a fresh set of problems. With intense overcrowding it is all about giving respect to gain resect, so everybody can get a wave. Naturally the amount of rideable waves cannot change to accommodate these swelling crowds. With over 85 Waveloch wave pools around the world and numerous artificial reefs, the problem is being addressed. Windsurfing developed into Kite surfing and is a fantastic alternative. "


Nat Young: "Every time there has been a significant change I have included it in the latest update. We have had three updates since first publishing in 1983. In recent history the advent of surfing bigger and bigger waves by both towing in with the aid of a Jet Ski and traditional paddling has been thoroughly documented in words and pictures. The number of women starting to surf in the last 10 years is phenomenal, on most beaches around the world the number of girls equal the boys. This book is dedicated to Tom Blake; he is the man responsible for putting the first fin on a surfboard back in the early 30’s. This book is an ongoing project that will be updated till the day I die and hopefully added to by my children long after I have gone."

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Well Nat (I assume you are), pleased to meet you by the real name!

With the number of illustrations you posted, I was worried that we'll become "Comic Surfers" :D. Now I understand where all that material came from...

Can the latest eddition of the book be ordered directly, online?

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Amazon.com has it. I'm not Nat Young but I did buy surfboards from Wilderness and met George Greenough the designer (know your history)

I do go back aways. I started snowsurfing in 88. Skateboarding in 3rd grade and surfing at 10 years of age. My uncle was a local 60s surfing hero (So Cal).

The reason we went from the bottom of a swimming pool, to the top coping on a skateboard was- we were going to the lip of a wave. Alot of landlocked people don't know that simple history. Skateboarding was invented in the 60s by bored surfers waiting for a swell . Roller skate wheels on a two by four started the "cross over sports"

Here's some old photos of my history



early 90s


Way back...


80s day glo

l_6c580ab739c4ba80e8642d024608a9d7.jpg L

Larry Bertleman: "The Bert"




I have a "Jeeps Silverton" Colorado t shirt on

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This is the bible of surfing. I started writing this book in the late 70’s,

I'm not Nat Young but

Ed (?), you need to realize you are passing off copyrighted material as your own by posting it under your username and not properly citing it. It looks very much like you are speaking in the first person when in fact you are quoting Nat Young.

Google to the rescue...


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And I opened the first seal.

And I saw, and beheld the Angel of Air.

And between her lips flowed the breath of life,

And she knelt over the earth

And gave to man the winds of Wisdom.

And man breathed in.

And when he breathed out, the sky darkened,

And the sweet air became foul and fetid,

And clouds of evil smoke hung low over all the earth.

And I turned my face away in shame.

And I opened the second seal.

And I saw, and beheld the Angel of Water.

And between her lips flowed the water of life,

And she knelt over the earth

And gave to man an ocean of Love.

And man entered the clear and shining waters.

And when he touched the water, the clear streams darkened,

And the crystal waters became thick with slime,

And the fish lay gasping in the foul blackness,

And all creatures died of thirst.

And I turned my face away in shame.

And I opened the third seal.

And I saw, and beheld the Angel of Sun.

And between her lips flowed the light of life,

And she knelt over the earth

And gave to man the fires of Power.

And the strength of the sun entered the heart of man,

And he took the power, and made with it a false sun,

And, lo, he spread the fires of destruction,

Burning the forests, laying waste the green valleys,

Leaving only charred bones of his brothers.

And I turned my face away in shame.

And I opened the fourth seal.

And I saw, and beheld the Angel of Joy.

And between her lips flowed the music of life,

And she knelt over the earth

And gave to man the song of Peace.

And peace and joy like music

Flowed through the soul of man.

But he heard only the harsh discord of sadness and discontent,

And he lifted up his sword

And cut off the hands of the peacemakers,

And lifted it up once again

And cut off the heads of the singers.

And I turned my face away in shame.

And I opened the fifth seal.

And I saw, and beheld the Angel of Life.

And between her lips

Flowed the holy alliance between God and Man,

And she knelt over the earth

And gave to man the gift of Creation.

And man created a sickle of iron in the shape of a serpent,

And the harvest he reaped was hunger and death.

And I turned my face away in shame.

And I opened the sixth seal.

And I saw, and beheld the Angel of Earth.

And between her lips flowed the river of Eternal Life,

And she knelt over the earth

And gave to man the secret of eternity,

And told him to open his eyes

And behold the mysterious Tree of Life in the Endless Sea.

But man lifted his hand and put out his own eyes,

And said there was no eternity.

And I turned my face away in shame.

And I opened the seventh seal.

And I saw, and beheld the Angel of the Earthly Mother.

And she brought with her a message of blazing light

From the throne of the Heavenly Father.

And this message was for the ears of man alone,

He who walks between earth and heaven.

And into the ear Of man was whispered the message.

And he did not hear.

But I did not turn away my face in shame.

Lo, I reached forth my hand to the wings of the angel,

And I turned my voice to heaven, saying,

"Tell me the message. For I would eat of the fruit

of the Tree of Life that grows in the Sea of Eternity.

And the angel looked upon me with great sadness,

And there was silence in heaven.

And then I heard a voice, which was like unto the voice

Which sounded like a trumpet, saying,

"O Man, wouldst thou look upon the evil thou hast wrought,

When thou didst turn thy face away from the throne of God,

When thou didst not make use of the gifts of the seven

Angels of the Earthly Mother

And the seven Angels of the Heavenly Father?

And a terrible pain seized me as I felt within me

The souls of all those who had blinded themselves,

So as to see only their own desires of the flesh.

And I looked, and lo,

'There appeared a great wonder in heaven:

A woman clothed with the sun (Earth), and the moon under her feet,

And upon her head a crown of seven stars.

And I knew she was the source of running streams

And the Mother of the Forests.

And I stood upon the sand of the sea,

And saw a beast rise up out of the sea,

And from his nostrils wafted foul and loathsome air,

And where he rose from the sea the clear waters turned to slime,

And his body was covered with black and steaming stone.

And the woman clothed with the sun'

Reached out her arms to the beast,

And the beast drew near and embraced her.

And lo, her skin of pearl withered beneath his foul breath,

And her back wa s broken by his arms of crushing rock,

And with tears of blood she sank into the pool of slime.

And from the mouth of the beast there poured armies Of men,

Brandishing swords and fighting, one with the other.

And they fought with a terrible anger,

And they cut off their own limbs and clawed out their eyes,

Until they fell into the pit Of slime,

Screaming in agony and pain.

And I stepped to the edge of the pool and reached down my hand,

And I could see the swirling maelstrom of blood,

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I don't think I am very cosmic, but I think of surfing a lot when i snowboard.

Never surfed, or skateboarded for that matter.

You say snowboarding is derived from skating and surfing.

I think it is derived from mountain snow people wanting to simplify their life by using a more elegant way to get down the mountain.

I do watch more surfing and skateboarding on the tele than snowboarding, but that is more about snowboarding videos sucking badly than anything. The same hit over and over with variations of ????? just don't do a thing for me.

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but I agree with carvedog that snowboarding comes from mountain snow people who like the ocean and use the best of both worlds, surf & ski, to flow gracefully through the environment.

Ski mountaineering has the same zen that surfing does. The urban skatepunk railslide jibonk thing is a different vibe/mentality altogether.

Skiing technology gave snowboards control and versatility; snowboard shapes returned the favor giving skis better control and versatility.

You wouldn't know it from mainstream media/advertising but the soul of snowboarding is not endless repetitive rail slides & wall hits to a hiphop soundtrak, that part comes from skateboarding.

Carving is a perfectly balanced blend of surfing & skiing.

No one takes their skate board into a natural environment and that is where the soul shines through to light up our cluttered hearts & minds.

I'm not diss'n skating; a freshly paved, traffic free road creams my jeans, but it's a different spirit.

I'm a skirfer, buckled plastic boots and hiking sticks with baskets are my snow/powder tools regardless of the board/s the boots are attached to.:ices_ange

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Eye am the


"Having transcended the seven evolutionary superuniverses of time and space which circle the never-beginning, never-ending creation of divine perfection, Murphy arrives at the heart of the eternal and central universe of universes on the stationary isle of paradise, the geographic center of infinity and the dwelling place of the eternal living God!!!

it is here our story opens...



-Murphy, Surfer Magazine, May 1969.!Bb,KZzw!mk~$(KGrHqUH-DcEq)dSTWjuBKv6tr!c2w~~_12.JPG

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=vs_w-a><CENTER>!Bb,KmEw!Wk~$(KGrHqUH-DkEqutDJNbHBKv6uDW)L!~~_12.JPG</CENTER>

</TD><TD class=vs_w-spr id=vv4-0_sp></TD><TD></B>




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The Cosmic Children are the dynamic, space age surfers of the 1960's who "Feel the juice" of the oceans' swells. They are 50 of the most well known surfers from around the world, like Mickey Dora, David Nuuhiwa, J. Riddle, Johnny Fain, Jeff Hackman Barry Kanaiaupuni, Mike Doyle, Corky Carrol, Owl, Rolf Arness, Billy Hamilton, hot locals and new names. Filmed in California at the Ranch and the North Shore and Honolulu Bay. Surfer Magazine says "Excellent shots . . . remarkable footage of Jeff Hakman, Barry Kanaiaupuni . . . powerful . . . it righteously stokes."


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The term: "Expression Session" was coined by soul surfers in the early 1970s.

"The Expression Session was presented as a soulful anti contest."

The Golden Breed Story, History of Golden Breed, Nick Van de Meere ...

It was Hakman who came up with the concept for the Golden Breed Expression Session, but it was Duke Boyd who sold it to the

Australian beach cultures: the history of sun, sand, and surf - Google Books Result

by Douglas Booth - 2001 - Social Science - 260 pages

Sponsored by the surf- clothing manufacturer Golden Breed,71 the expression session aspired to promote an egalitarian anti-competition ethos. ...



<CITE>The Encyclopedia of Surfing - Google Books Resultby Matt Warshaw - 2005 - Sports & Recreation - 788 pages

Expression Session Surfing showcase event without judges, scores, winners, ... idea to life with the Golden Breed Expression Session...

Eddie Would Go: The Story of Eddie Aikau, Hawaiian Hero and ... - Google Books Result

by Stuart Holmes Coleman - 2004 - Biography & Autobiography - 288 pages

The final blow to Butch's pride came when he wasn't invited to the Golden Breed Expression Session in 1970. Sponsored by Golden Breed, a new surf clothing ...

<CITE>Kelly Slater’s New Tour Concept Gaining Traction

Kelly Slater’s New Tour Concept Gaining Traction - Phil Jarratt Blog

NOOSA: While Kelly Slater was rising from the ashes of three consecutive losses to win in Brazil last week, his manager, Terry Hardy, was apparently in Los Angeles nailing the lid (ashes, coffin lids,what’s going on here!) on a megabucks breakaway world surfing tour.

I say apparently because at the time of writing I could find no media coverage of the matter, and neither Slater nor Hardy responded to my requests for information, which proves that it’s true, right? Anyway, my sources are reliable and highly-placed, so remember where you read it first.

The tour, with nine-times world champion Slater as its figurehead, will consist of eight events offering more than a million bucks prize money, as opposed to the current $US300,000 on the ASP Dream Tour, with first round losers walking away with $US40,000. With the worst performer guaranteed $US320,000 a year to show up, this would mean that surfing’s elite could at last feel relaxed about giving their all to the tour. When you consider the case of Straddie’s Bede Durbidge, who started his year without a sponsor and finished it at number 2 to Kelly, that means a lot.

The word on the tour is that all events will be covered by cable sports network ESPN and packaged for global sales, which sounds eerily familiar. But what hasn’t been spelled out yet is how it will differ from the ASP tour, and knowing Slater’s views on this, I suggest it will be very different. For years Kelly has been a severe critic of the ASP’s judging criteria (with more than 40 tour wins under the belt, I wouldn’t be rocking the boat, but there you go) and even put on his own invitational event in Fiji to showcase his more adventurous ideas. Over time, the ASP has actually adopted some of them, like overlapping heats, but the pace of change has never been fast enough for Kelly.

His personal view of the “dream tour’’ is a small number of elite surfers competing in high quality waves with a license to thrill, the judging criteria based solely on “raising the bar’’ of surfing performance.

In a sense, this is turning the clock back to pro surfing’s roots in events like 1971’s Golden Breed Expression Session, in which the judges simply watched the guys surf all day and then declared the coolest dude the winner. But there has also long been a feeling amongst the top pros that the gulf between contest surfing and creative surfing has been widening. Interesting times ahead for the struggling ASP, which has governed pro surfing through thick and thin for more than 30 years.



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"Take It Back"

"Her love rains down on me easy as the breeze

I listen to her breathing it sounds like the waves on the sea

I was thinking all about her, burning with rage and desire

We were spinning into darkness; the earth was on fire

She could take it back, she might take it back someday

So I spy on her, I lie to her, I make promises I cannot keep

Then I hear her laughter rising, rising from the deep

And I make her prove her love for me, I take all that I can take

And I push her to the limit to see if she will break

She might take it back, she could take it back some day

Now I have seen the warnings, screaming from all sides

It's easy to ignore them and G-d knows I've tried

All this temptation, it turned my faith to lies

Until I couldn't see the danger or hear the rising tide

She can take it back, she will take it back some day

She can take it back, she will take it back some day

She can take it back, she will take it back some day"

Lyrics Pink floyd


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softboot - looks like you posted and pulled. No problem there I pull posts and threads all the time.

FWIW - I enjoy your contributions here and find you to be one of the most benevolent among this unruly, over testosteroned, equipment addicted, mostly type A tribe that we both seem to be part of.

Love the carve, love your brothers ( and sisters). Hopefully I make it for the SES and we get to make a coupla turns, whether you are part of the officialness or not.

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Cosmic Sounds:

Yes: song "Awaken"


Peter Gabriel Plays Live: song: "San Jacinto"

Planetary Chronicles 1 by John Serrie (Master of Space)

Brian Eno: "Apollo"

"Learning To Fly" (P. Floyd)

Jon Anderson "Solid Space"



“Awaken”. Quite clearly, the last of the great Yes epics, this symbolic masterpiece boldly and grandly brings us to the pinnacle once more and shows us what lies beyond the norm and what lives in the mind of greatness. The piano mischievously dances into view like a pixie inviting you through the garden wall. It tempts you with the melodic treasures of what is yet to come; teases you with one step closer to the variation on the theme and eventually succumbs. The listener is transported to a place, the likes of which no one theretofore had ever been: a golden land of shimmering musical perfection you can almost feel and taste.

The high vibration goes on... to the sun. Cascading guitar scales announce the presence of the main theme: almost a march-like feel, with all five members playing various percussion instruments to give this section its 'biblical odyssey' atmosphere. Waltzing through a maze of musical convolutions, the mind is transformed and transported to nearly every point in the galactic map of Yes' universe. The pipe organ, the lap steel, the wonderfully unpredictable precision of the bassline, the lyrical and vocal ballet between Jon and bassist Chris Squire culminate in a mellifluous cacophony of sound and imagery and vision and wonder and magic and subtlety and quietly dissipate to the brilliant recapitulation of the glorious opening theme. Standing hand in hand with the main character one last time, a fading pulsar image sweetly glimmers into the darkness and this masterwork leaves you ...enlightened, enthralled, entertained and thoroughly satisfied.


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