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Mt Hood Meadows Reports 2009-2010


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Looks nice Bryan! I will post up when I go sunday with my daughter. I hope you got the deposit at the Credit union. Looking forward to riding with you soon. Might go again on monday if it looks good.

Take care of yourself and dont end up where I work. Both my kids had h1n1 with super high fevers but recovered easily. I got the vaccine early and it worked so far! However Emanuel has had the most patients in the usa on ecmo support for bad h1n1 . (artificial lung) Its been pretty crazy here and i am working some OT again tonight.


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Anyone interested in meeting an out-of-town carver for supper? I'm going to be in town this coming week.

How about Monday (Nov 16th) at 7 PM-ish? I'm going to be over near the Portland/Troutdale airport a little before that, so I could meet people anywhere between there and my hotel in Beaverton. I don't know the area at all so I'm open to suggestions.

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Anyone interested in meeting an out-of-town carver for supper? I'm going to be in town this coming week.

How about Monday (Nov 16th) at 7 PM-ish? I'm going to be over near the Portland/Troutdale airport a little before that, so I could meet people anywhere between there and my hotel in Beaverton. I don't know the area at all so I'm open to suggestions.

Sounds great to me!!

Maybe one of the brew pubs in the area??

I will start calling!!

Jim, Scott, Ross, guys and gals?? Short notice call to arms (brews) :)

Show and tell? I can bring the new SliverTanker Rockered 200cm?

Use this thread for updates. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27132


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Surface Conditions: Mogul fields, groomers and a mixed bag off the groom. Early season conditions exist, so expect unmarked obstacles

Sounds like a wet one today. YUK!!!

"Rain Top To Bottom" === Bummer.

Good news? Parking lot was only half full!! According to Jim.

Hope it dries out Monday.


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Looking for a reason to put a "Gathering" together :1luvu:


I opted out of the Meadows pass this year (will probably go for a spring pass), so photos of people having fun in the snow are kind of painful to look at. But it would be great to get together anyway, so I can hear all about how much fun other people are having. (And maybe get some tips on earning your turns, Mt. Bailey and other things to do when you don't have a pass.)

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I opted out of the Meadows pass this year (will probably go for a spring pass), so photos of people having fun in the snow are kind of painful to look at. But it would be great to get together anyway, so I can hear all about how much fun other people are having. (And maybe get some tips on earning your turns, Mt. Bailey and other things to do when you don't have a pass.)

Dan, you are not alone, I have been told by several riders they are not buying passes this year. I understand how things change. If I can offer some routes, equipment, dos and don't of getting the goods on Mt Hood, I would be happy to share with you what I have learned. Perhaps make it a point to chat with Jim and myself about some options? See you tonight.

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This blizzard has shut down all lifts for today day. =( Join us tomorrow.

on the data site / a 66 mph wind peak recorded today?


Another 10" while they were closed!!!!!! 58" base !!!!!!!!!

The Silver Tanker 200cm is mounted up, ready for it's maiden voyage.




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Got up extra early to make sure I was on the first chair for the "Big Dump" of 24" , it was closed yesterday due to high winds. Broke out the new SilverTanker 200cm . It was a good day, however, the new snow was very wind effected. After a half dozen runs , we switched out to alpine boards.

The Tankers rode well, although not really the proper conditions. AGAIN!!

Spotted a total of 5 hardbooters.

Groomers should be really good over the next couple days.




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Jim carving on his new Rad-Air "SilverTanker" 200cm today.

Didn't even notice the near miss until re-viewing the video.

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Fun spring like day of carving. Dan, Mike H.,

Sam and myself. Dan demonstrated an elegant example of

The "Turtle" and Sam ,although he swears he was there at 8AM, didn't show himself until we called "BEER".

Good to meet you Sam!

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It may have been cloudy in Portland all day, but it was brilliant blue sky at Mt Hood. Wind kept most of the high speed lifts at 1/2 speed. Surface as variable. Night skiing areas were tilled soft on hard. The best runs were Shooting Star Ridge and some of the runs off Vista. It was definitely hard and fast!! I rode couple different boards and switched to skis when it started getting rough. Fun day with only 1/2 a parking lot full on existing.




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i made it there at 8am (roads were as clear as i

have ever seen them) and got first chair on shooting star. it was

beautiful up there with groom and an amazing sun/clouds/colours all

throughout the day. in the morning the trails were fairly stiff, a

little to stiff for the years absence. i had forgotten how to really

control my board and my heelsides were ****e, this was paired with

being timid about how stiff the snow was. to top it off my boot strap

broke and i had to hobble down the mountain to the pro shop. we got

the strap taken care of and i talked with rob (who knew a thing or two

about alpine). got back up to shooting star and switched up between

the ridge and voyager, carving came back to me and i was ripping

turns. spent a while on SS then headed over to vista/daisy and

cascade express, never found a good run on them so i went back to SS.

i think there were only 5 rows of cars there, no waits for lifts, and

you had runs all to yourself. despite the so so morning, i had a

great afternoon and got a lot of runs in by not having to wait. my

legs gave out abut 2:30 and my feet were not too happy so i headed

home. i definitely have some boot issue especially my back (left)

foot. in order to have control i cranked my boots tight and i am

paying for it now... the side of my foot is quite swollen and its a

bitch to walk. i pushed myself fairly hard especially considering i

have been getting about 4 hours of sleep a night for a few weeks now

(my architectural final was yesterday) and while i should have slept,

i could not pass up the conditions... i think the trail of the day

was def voyager, i could carve up the one stretch and the rest was an

easy ride down. while i like the size and length of the ridge way

more, the turn to the steep section under the lift is just too steep

and tiring for me...

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7" of new, COLD and very high winds. Looks like some of the lifts were on standby? I did not plan to go Sunday.

I didn't expect that much new??? Should help out the groomers allot?

Anyone? Mon, Tuesday or Wednesday??

Hey I can go tomorrow if your game ! Hopefully it will be good !


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Hi Jim, I will probably work on the house Monday and ride Tuesday?

Let them groom it in a bit?

Hey didnt go today but will plan on wednesday if you can make it? Looked at my Volkl 183 and noticed some issues around the front binding. I need to show it to you next time for a diagnosis? Might be needing a new go-to big carving board ?


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Hey didnt go today but will plan on wednesday if you can make it? Looked at my Volkl 183 and noticed some issues around the front binding. I need to show it to you next time for a diagnosis? Might be needing a new go-to big carving board ?


Hmm, not sure Jim, I think it is Tuesday for me.

That doesn't sound good. Happy to look at it.

Do you have something to ride? Want to borrow the Coiler you rode last week?


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Hmm, not sure Jim, I think it is Tuesday for me.

That doesn't sound good. Happy to look at it.

Do you have something to ride? Want to borrow the Coiler you rode last week?


I have to volunteer at my daughters school tomorrow so its a no go ? Yes might need to borrow and will be looking for something like that ? If you see something then email me ? Would like a 180ish 18-19 waist with 12-13m radi board ? Maybe a roundtail or open for ideas?


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Today was without a doubt the best carving so far this year. The 7" of new MHM got a few days ago really freshened up the groomers. With cold temps it is still dry and carvy. Thursday should be the same. Today it had warmed up to maybe 8 degrees? Light winds, brilliant sun and overall great groomers. Got 3 first chairs and a 1st and 2nd chair on Vista!! That is how slow it was. When I left at 1PM there wasn't even 4 full rows of cars!! Oddly , SS Ridge was not the best run today. North Canyon and Daisy where both excellent. Most of the runs off Vista were really good. Runs off Cascade showed promise, however still suffer from both snow depth and routing issues. (like a big rock in the middle of lower gulch)

Dan L was the only other alpine snowboarder I saw.

More days like this please!! Sunny, great groomers, vacant, good board and a friend to ride with!.

Unfortunate news: For those of you that know long time local rider Randy K. Please wish Randy speedy recovery from his recent broken leg. Just above the ankle. He recently had surgery to plate it. I know he is very dissapointed about loosing much of his season.



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