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Look Mom, I Gots Me A Tazer!!!!!!!


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You would prefer more officer involved shootings?

4 or 5 shocking headlines and you condemn all police and all use of tasers?

There's plenty of good cops out there and plenty of incidents of a taser being used to prevent injury or death to the officer or the suspect. Those never get the headlines, though. Our wonderful media and it's salacious shock culture.....

You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, man. You, an apologist for the authoritarian system that is CLEARLY growing?

oh that's so disappointing

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Time to take the Tasers away.

I have the distinct feeling that because they're considered non-lethal, conditions "warranting" their use are somewhat broader than for firearm use.

Either the regulations surrounding the use of less-lethal systems need to be reevaluated or they need to be homogenized with the lethal systems.

We can't have cops running around with less-lethal weapons that they feel they can use whenever they feel marginally threatened because it doesn't leave any lasting damage (on zee 95th percentile crash dummy).

If I were to whip out a Taser every time I felt someone was looking at me funny or treating me with disrespect, I would be arrested and charged with felony brandishing and/or assault with a (not) deadly weapon.

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Time to take the Tasers away.

too late.

I have the distinct feeling that because they're considered non-lethal, conditions "warranting" their use are somewhat broader than for firearm use.

agree. recently had a cop draw his tazer on me for NOTHING. No justification whatsoever. I actually wish he would have popped me one cuz I need the money.

We can't have cops running around with less-lethal weapons that they feel they can use whenever they feel marginally threatened


If I were to whip out a Taser every time I felt someone was looking at me funny or treating me with disrespect, I would be arrested and charged with felony brandishing and/or assault with a (not) deadly weapon.

People in the "justice" system and "law enforcement" get away with a laundry list of BS that us mere mortals are constantly busted for. The system is violent and extortionist towards us while "they" walk around looking down their noses.

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People in the "justice" system and "law enforcement" get away with a laundry list of BS that us mere mortals are constantly busted for. The system is violent and extortionist towards us while "they" walk around looking down their noses.

yeah, you see where a bunch of states are trying to charge inmates for room and board?

because these same people seem to think that turning loose convicted felons with a bill for 30k before they can renew their drivers license is a good idea.

I know some good cops, one of them told me to never trust a cop..........

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People in the "justice" system and "law enforcement" get away with a laundry list of BS that us mere mortals are constantly busted for. The system is violent and extortionist towards us while "they" walk around looking down their noses.

<i>broad-sweeping generalization ahead</i>

I am well aware of the existence of many good, benevolent, nice-guy police officers, and I have benefitted from their services. However it seems to me that cops in general are simply a different breed of people. I had a group of them in a snowboarding lesson once. I thought, cool, cops off duty, out of their element, maybe I can interact with them on a human level now. Not really. Although I had some good conversations with some of them, they would all slip back into cop mode now and then, and reveal an innate sense of superiority over the public. I was turned off. They really seemed to be wired differently. I'm sure it is very difficult to not become this way after years on the force, dealing with the absolute bottom of society on a daily basis.

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dealing with the absolute bottom of society on a daily basis.

Inherent fallacy regarding police work. A "stereotype" that basically encourages them to be dicks.

The vast majority of cops are simply ticket writers, drunk busters and fight breakerupppers (sorry)...the vast majority do not deal with "the dregs" on a daily basis.

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I think every America should attend Civics class and also a "ride along" with their local police force.

Would certainly LOVE to hear the story with Fin hitting the pavement with his rifle. Did he lip-off to the Silverthorne cops when they cuffed him or did he follow their orders?

Just like Powell said...you MUST respect authority. If not, it will be the Wild Wild West all over.

Are some cops corrupt? Yes. But, that is the exception, not the rule.

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I think every America should attend Civics class and also a "ride along" with their local police force.

Would certainly LOVE to hear the story with Fin hitting the pavement with his rifle. Did he lip-off to the Silverthorne cops when they cuffed him or did he follow their orders?

Just like Powell said...you MUST respect authority. If not, it will be the Wild Wild West all over.

Are some cops corrupt? Yes. But, that is the exception, not the rule.

Ride along? Ever watch the show Cops? Really stupid. They're always busting some guy sitting in his car smoking weed (not even a drug dealer with a kilo or two, just a little dime or dub sack for himself) or doing stupid stuff.

I've had ONLY bad experiences with cops, and there have been numerous times where they could have been helpful when one was present. I even had one completely drive past me when I was waving him down for help. Never there when I need them, and ALWAYS going on power trips. I have so many crappy stories I could tell, but it's not worth the time or effort.

I WISH I had a good story to tell, I really do, but unfortunately I do not. Also, for the record, I have no criminal record or anything like that, so it's not like I'm some hardened criminal with this bias against cops.

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I've had ONLY bad experiences with cops, .

Then you would certainly be a prime candidate for a ridealong. I can organize it if you want. Yes..I ride along with my cop friends (male and female) every few months. You sign a waiver and it's a fun time..esp the night shift.

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Inherent fallacy regarding police work. A "stereotype" that basically encourages them to be dicks.

The vast majority of cops are simply ticket writers, drunk busters and fight breakerupppers (sorry)...the vast majority do not deal with "the dregs" on a daily basis.

If you're going to call me out for using a stereotype, you better have references to back up your stereotypes. :smashfrea

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If you're going to call me out for using a stereotype, you better have references to back up your stereotypes. :smashfrea

don't stereotype me, bro!

Honestly...what I posted is my OPINION, but it's irrefutable. Most cops just write tickets, most judges are just extortionists. The "legal" system is institutionalized theft, fraught with corruption, cronyism, and entitlement for those with connections. The rest of us must bow down.

Oh, speaking of tazers:


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I actually, I knew a cop from my days in martial arts, and he was an extremely cool guy, but heres the caveat...

He thought all the other cops were morons, and mainly had a lot of negative things to say about the majority of cops he's worked with. He talked about power trips and ignorance etc. etc. He also said that that's how they have to be and what they have to do if they want to move up the totem pole and be "respected" in the department.

Needless to say, he was down lower at the bottom of the totem pole even after working on the force for over 12+ years. All he had to say was that he wasn't ever going to move up unless he compromised himself and became one of them. He refused to write speeding tickets by sitting camping around and only wrote them when it was clear blatant full on over the limit and if he was at the right place at the right time. When they tried to question him as to why he had written so few speeding/traffic tickets for the month, he would simply respond by asking his superiors if there was a quota or if they were trying to imply that there was one that he needed to meet (they're not allowed have quotas, but it's implied - according to him). Obviously that didn't sit well with them.

He wasn't some slouch when it really mattered though. Working in Los Angeles, he'd seen it all, been shot at, attacked with knives, been the first guy busting through the door when raiding buidlings, etc. etc.

He was going back to school to change his career at the time. He was getting tired of all the BS - not on the streets, but in the department...

Oh, and according to him, the most common gun shot wound injury for officers is to the hand (self inflicted... haha). Apparently he was saying that a lot of cops like to wave their hands at the criminals warding them to stay back and tend to wave their hands in front of their own guns...

So, all of this coming from another cop. A lot of them come into the force as "good people" but get transformed to do the job a certain way. There's good people there, just not very many "good" cops (not that they're corupt or anything like that)... I have yet to get acquainted with another cop to get another perspective on it.

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ntitlement for those with connections. The rest of us must bow down.

Oh, speaking of tazers:



Just. un****ingbelievable.

You don't do what I want. I gonna taze you. If I don't like you I gonna taze you.

And if you stick you thumb on your nose and wave your fingers at me I'm gonna taze you about 5 times.

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Then you would certainly be a prime candidate for a ridealong. I can organize it if you want. Yes..I ride along with my cop friends (male and female) every few months. You sign a waiver and it's a fun time..esp the night shift.

the more I learn about you the more your posts make sense.....

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I think every America should attend Civics class and also a "ride along" with their local police force.

why, so they can prove how terrible their jobs are?

you MUST respect authority. If not, it will be the Wild Wild West all over.


1)I respect those who are worthy of my respect. Respect is not a reflex it is learned and earned.

2)What we MUST respect is each others right to live without infringement. This manner of respect would lead to less authority necessary. Your argument that a lack of respect for authority would lead to chaos is ridiculous. We don't respect authority we fear it, and as more time passes that fear grows based on demonstrations by authority figures. Cops up to POTUS prove time and again that they deserve neither authority nor respect

Are some cops corrupt? Yes. But, that is the exception, not the rule.

Corruption isn't the issue. The rule is that cops are power-mongers. The majority are. Period. End of story. Do the majority do their jobs acceptably? Yeah, most likely. And actual corruption ie taking bribes or stealing is far more prevalent than authority lovers like yourself are willing to admit.

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why, so they can prove how terrible their jobs are?


1)I respect those who are worthy of my respect. Respect is not a reflex it is learned and earned.

2)What we MUST respect is each others right to live without infringement. This manner of respect would lead to less authority necessary. Your argument that a lack of respect for authority would lead to chaos is ridiculous. We don't respect authority we fear it, and as more time passes that fear grows based on demonstrations by authority figures. Cops up to POTUS prove time and again that they deserve neither authority nor respect

Corruption isn't the issue. The rule is that cops are power-mongers. The majority are. Period. End of story. Do the majority do their jobs acceptably? Yeah, most likely. And actual corruption ie taking bribes or stealing is far more prevalent than authority lovers like yourself are willing to admit.

You do realize that this attitude, if evident in your recent interaction with the police, probably had something to do with your "mistreatment".

I was pulled over a few weeks ago...71mph in a 40mph zone. If I was an *******, i would have gotten reckless driving, big fine, multiple points, etc...

But I was polite and respectful...$35 plus court costs thankyouverymuch...

Respect gets Respect.

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You do realize that this attitude, if evident in your recent interaction with the police, probably had something to do with your "mistreatment".

I've been trying to find a way to voice just this thought. I've seen a few people who have not seriously violated any laws but have been such outrageous jerks that I felt that busting them up a bit might have been warranted. With regards to people who may not be violent (at the moment) but will not respond to respectful and fully needed instructions to comply (like a drunk or mentally deficient person who won't get out of the assigned seat you've paid for)... what would you have the police do next? Risk a knock-down, drag out fight? Club them senseless? Shoot them in the leg? I believe the Taser has it's place. I also believe more discretion is needed in its use.

Yesterday 2 officers were at my front door asking for my stepson. One of the officers had brought his taser (holstered and snapped closed) to the front of his belt. Was I threatened or intimidated? No. Was I civil? Yes, always... regardless if cop or not, taser or not.

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You do realize that this attitude, if evident in your recent interaction with the police, probably had something to do with your "mistreatment".

You're gonna piss me off here, bud.

1)If you are referring to my recent interaction with J. Law during which I was physically assaulted, threatened with a tazer, slammed on the hood of a police car and injured, you can KISS MY ASS.

I was grumpy but compliant from the get go. Any derision real or perceived does not warrant physical assault. Ever. If you and I were, say, oh I don't know having this conversation in person, and you pulled the "mistreatment" in quotes and I popped you one for it, would that be justified?


I was pulled over a few weeks ago...71mph in a 40mph zone. If I was an *******, i would have gotten reckless driving, big fine, multiple points, etc...

What if you pulled over immediately after being flashed, LITERALLY within 10 seconds, had a cop threaten to ram your vehicle, had him exit his vehicle with his hand on his gun YELLING at you, refusing to answer your legitimate questions, THEN calling multiple cars for backup, THEN grab you when you did what you were told (exit your vehicle,) had a rookie threaten you with a tazer, etc, etc? Hmmmmm?

But I was polite and respectful...$35 plus court costs thankyouverymuch...

Respect gets Respect.

You were in the wrong. The cop was likely ALSO polite and respectful to you, so you responded in kind. The relationship is a give/take, symbiotic one.

Respect, indeed, gets respect.

You lost a lot of mine just now.

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Yesterday 2 officers were at my front door asking for my stepson. One of the officers had brought his taser (holstered and snapped closed) to the front of his belt. Was I threatened or intimidated? No. Was I civil? Yes, always... regardless if cop or not, taser or not.

That's the kind of behavior that leads to them actually using it. It's called brandishing and is illegal for a civilian to do because it's a form of intimidation. Regardless of how you felt, thats what he was going for.

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I've been trying to find a way to voice just this thought.

To me, directly? If so, you can kiss my ass, too!

I've seen a few people who have not seriously violated any laws but have been such outrageous jerks that I felt that busting them up a bit might have been warranted.

Literally laughing my ass off at your sheople, compliant crap. The police are NOT here to punish us. That is NOT their job, nor is it anyone else's to "bust someone up." I am appalled and flabbergasted at these responses, and ultimately disappointed in them coming from people who seemed quite cool to me for years.

The police are not legistlators, nor are they adjudicators, nor are they penalizers. They aren't regulators, enforcers, or any other word. They are referees with the power to arrest.

Shame on both of you.

With regards to people who may not be violent (at the moment) but will not respond to respectful and fully needed instructions to comply (like a drunk or mentally deficient person who won't get out of the assigned seat you've paid for)... what would you have the police do next? Risk a knock-down, drag out fight? Club them senseless? Shoot them in the leg? I believe the Taser has it's place. I also believe more discretion is needed in its use.

Leave the dude alone. In this particular case...he won't leave a seat? BIG FING DEAL. There were 15 seats around him, possibly more, and the BIG BAD AUTHORITARIANS actually appear to have injured someone else who wasn't even involved in the initial fracas.

Your last statement is surprising considering your believe that people need to be busted up sometimes.

Yesterday 2 officers were at my front door asking for my stepson. One of the officers had brought his taser (holstered and snapped closed) to the front of his belt. Was I threatened or intimidated? No. Was I civil? Yes, always... regardless if cop or not, taser or not.

Was it you with the troublesome stepson? It was, right? Weren't you going to kick him out if he didn't shape up? I agree you have every right to do so, but this whole "I wasn't intimidated" crap has no bearing whatsoever. What if that cop drew that tazer with zero provocation. Would you accept his actions without a reaction of your own? If so, you may well be beyond hope and actually part of the problem and reason why we are gradually, blatantly becoming a fascist nation.

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"The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair." - H.L. Mencken

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Ahh .. the Classic D-Sub "you all suck...I'm outta here"

You've pulled that sh!t too many times for any of us to take it seriously.

See you in the winter, D

edit: I was not trying to demean your experience when I typed "mistreatment" - I could have just as easily typed "incident" or "body slamming"

whatever - I was trying to be polite.

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