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Beginner dialing in stance


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I have tried several runs and I am still trying to find binding positions that permit a stance that at least feels close to correct. My gear and setup is:

182 F2 RS Speedster

MP 30 Head Stratos

TD1s 0 front 3 rear

Stance width 19 3/4

Binding angles 53-58 front 48-58 rear

6'2 and 260lbs.

I started with angles set at 58f 54r and this has been the best feeling yet. The tail wants to swing toeside when going straight and toe to heel transition. I was able to get some carving going on when I got the speed up. Slight twisted knee feeling. More comfortable toeside.

Swung rear binding to match front at 58 degrees to try to eliminate the tail swing and this put my rear leg into a seriously twisted knee feeling. Worst was going from heel to toes but it was all around bad.

Last I tried 53 front and 48 rear. Extreme twisted knee feeling was gone but I could not square up my shoulders and found myself needing to have a more sideways stance with my trailing arm flailing for balance. Still the tail wants to swing out toeside. Had considerable toedrag with these angles and really could not pull off much of a carve.

So my first setup was the best if I could just lose that sorta twisted rear knee and the tail wanting to swing out.

I was thinking of more cant in the rear and or front would help my situation and am in the process of getting more disks to experiment with. Does anyone recognize my stance problems and have an easy cure?


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183 F2 RS



TD2, 3 degrees front and rear

Stance 20.5

63 degrees front, 58 rear

(Or, really: a little over 60, a little under 60, about 5 degrees apart)

Midpoint of the stance is the midpoint of the edge. I think that's the front set of the front inserts, and the middle set of the rear inserts.

I agree that 19 3/4 seems short for someone even taller than me.

Your angles seem a little low, too - try 65/60 and 60/55 for a couple runs each, and see how they feel.

When you say "twisted knee," which knee feels twisted, and in which direction? Bring a hex wrench, and experiment every run or three, until, like Jack said in another thread today, you don't notice the angles any more.

Also try more splay, like 65/55. I'm most comfortable with 5 degrees difference, but that's a totally personal thing. You'll have to experiment.

The issues with the tail wanting to slide out makes me think you're not quite comfortable with the alpine posture yet: shoulders square to the board (or almost so), and ass over the tail. If your body is trying to unwind, that would push the tail out. It just seems like more of a body thing than a setup thing.

That board needs to be moving pretty fast to carve. It's real easy to just fall to the inside when I switch to my F2 after riding anything else in my quiver, because it doesn't turn in to stay under me - unless I ride it faster than my other boards.

Tex: TD1s tilt like TD2s with the cant plate fixed at 0 degrees. So, it tilts the baseplate toward the center of the board. (I have a set on one of my other boards.)

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You can negate the fixed inward cant of TD1s by sandwiching nickels between the toe/heel pads and the baseplate on one side. Be very careful and torque the screws as much as you can. This modification is not sanctioned by Bomber Industries. I just used to do it myself on TD1s with good results. A few times the nickels fell out, but this did not cause damage or failure.

This will give you something close to pure heel lift on the back foot and pure toe lift on the front foot (get a 3 or 6 degree disk for the front foot too). This is a much better place to start. And yeah, at your height you'll want to be at a wider stance. Also I disagree about 10 degrees of splay, that's a lot and your knees will be going off in different directions. Try to stay at 5 or under.

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30.5 mondo

19" stance - I find that any wider and I feel unable to square my shoulders without feeling pressure on my knees/calfs

240 pounds


60f 60r

3 degree toe lift

3 or 6 degree heel lift

I don't know how to measure cant, but the rear has inward cant to some degree.

I have that same tail sliding out feeling when going straight. I don't think it is a body position thing, I stand shoulders square to the board and ass over the tail. Any thoughts on setup changes to help with the tail slide?



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30.5 mondo

19" stance - I find that any wider and I feel unable to square my shoulders without feeling pressure on my knees/calfs

240 pounds


60f 60r

Out of mild curiosity, how does that not give you some significant toe-heel overhang?

I'm thinking more of the Virus I got off you... I run about Mondo 26 or so, and I'm just slightly over at 59 heel, 63 front.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Still having problems with the board tail wanting to swing out on me.

I have tried a 6 degree disk in the rear and widened (As far as it goes) my stance to 20 1/2". This setup feels just right with no uneven liner pressure and comfortable angles. But I still get the tail swinging out on me when not on my toeside edge.

I went yesterday and when the board is not on edge the tail has a life of its own. So bad that I have an extreme twisting feeling in my rear leg when I have to rotate my upper body to keep the tail in line. So bad that when I skid to a stop the board wants to go backwards.

These problems remind me of similar feelings I had when first learning to snowboard. I had not figured I would feel that way again. I can carve pretty good on my Burton Canyon 168 when the conditions are right. It is basically the way I like to ride going back and forth across the fall line. So the edge is not foreign to me.

I did at one point feel the tail lock in when I had my center of gravity to the rear but it was pretty far and kinda got that loose feeling so I tried to keep it more centered.

I do have a GS 179 Speed I picked up because I'm sick like that. The board was too sexy. It has a bit less radius around 13m with the same waist as the F2. But after getting the sickness this board spreads I find myself actually caring about my gear. This board is new so I wanted to wax the base properly. Sadly this board put me in the doghouse so my funds have been cut off or I would buy a waxing kit. So I have been holding off using it till it sees some wax.

Thoughts? Questions? Answers!


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Sounds like you are trying to ride with your shoulders/hips too square to the nose.

Twisting in upper body, puts turning energy into the board. Very hard to counter.

I ride flat with about a 20 to 20.5 stance. 65 and 63 angles on an 18 cm waist with 28.5 boots.

Short legged, fat 6 foot guy. 31 inch inseam. God is such a Joker.

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got myself a new 'old' board this season.

Had to re-learn carving, still working out glitches.

5'8" 175 lbs

Catek OS1

19 3/4 stance

Front: 60° flat

Rear: 54° 3° heel

Also check your boot lean, I've tried square front and had a hard time... Leaning forward helps, just remember that too much lean may limit your range of motion.

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