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Aspen Neanderthal Alert!


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Counter to the Aspen Cougars thread. .....Come on folks ya had to know it was coming....

Yes ladies - you too can have your very own Aspen Neanderthal!

If your lucky he will be balding (hair plugs that did not take) and overweight (a potential candidate for the Biggest Loser). His accessories will be protruding nose hairs and eyebrows that make you question his state of evolution. And as an extra treat he will be sporting some liver spots and possibly a bad comb over. You can find him nightly at your local Aspen drinking establishment armed with Viagra and leering at the twenty somethings across the bar. If you could read the bubble above his head it would read (wish I were 30 years younger and when are they going come up with a penis enlargement that actually works??) Due to years of cheap beer and a bad diet he is likely lactose intolerant and subject to very bad gas.*

Proceed with caution!!! :eplus2:

* No this is not some anti-men feminist come back - frankly not a big fan of feminism. But I loathe egos!!! And anyone that uses some overblown sense of entitlement too openly debase women in this forum is just a plain idiot!!

:rolleyes: hhhmm wonder how long before the double-standard kicks in and this thread gets pulled by the moderators? And I wonder if it will grant me the dubious honor of being the first female to be banned from the Forum?? If it is, I could not think of a better way to go!! :biggthump

JG may the Google Gods have mercy on you soul! - duck you suckas!!!!! :angryfire

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Guess I've led a sheltered life (no TV or high speed internet!) as I had never heard the term 'Cougar' before JG's thread showed up, but I was wondering if the male counterpart would look anything like these boys?


Of course these guys are mythical - with curves like those, you know they would have to be surgically enhanced. But a girl can dream can't she? :ices_ange


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If your lucky he will be balding (hair plugs that did not take) and overweight (a potential candidate for the Biggest Loser). His accessories will be protruding nose hairs and eyebrows that make you question his state of evolution. And as an extra treat he will be sporting some liver spots and possibly a bad comb over. You can find him nightly at your local Aspen drinking establishment armed with Viagra and leering at the twenty somethings across the bar. If you could read the bubble above his head it would read (wish I were 30 years younger and when are they going come up with a penis enlargement that actually works??) Due to years of cheap beer and a bad diet he is likely lactose intolerant and subject to very bad gas

I knew I shouldn't have added any BOL women to facebook...

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:rolleyes: hhhmm wonder how long before the double-standard kicks in and this thread gets pulled by the moderators? And I wonder if it will grant me the dubious honor of being the first female to be banned from the Forum?? If it is, I could not think of a better way to go!! :biggthump

huh? why would we pull this and/or ban you?

I thought it was funny.

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The only thing that might get you banned is if you don't put up any pics. And I'm not talking about ones you "found" with google, or any other search engine, but ones you've taken yourself, either blatantly, or clandestinely of aforementioned neanderthals.

post up,


Dave R.

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I just threw up in my mouth!

Counter to the Aspen Cougars thread. .....Come on folks ya had to know it was coming....

Yes ladies - you too can have your very own Aspen Neanderthal!

If your lucky he will be balding (hair plugs that did not take) and overweight (a potential candidate for the Biggest Loser). His accessories will be protruding nose hairs and eyebrows that make you question his state of evolution. And as an extra treat he will be sporting some liver spots and possibly a bad comb over. You can find him nightly at your local Aspen drinking establishment armed with Viagra and leering at the twenty somethings across the bar. If you could read the bubble above his head it would read (wish I were 30 years younger and when are they going come up with a penis enlargement that actually works??) Due to years of cheap beer and a bad diet he is likely lactose intolerant and subject to very bad gas.*

Proceed with caution!!! :eplus2:

* No this is not some anti-men feminist come back - frankly not a big fan of feminism. But I loathe egos!!! And anyone that uses some overblown sense of entitlement too openly debase women in this forum is just a plain idiot!!

:rolleyes: hhhmm wonder how long before the double-standard kicks in and this thread gets pulled by the moderators? And I wonder if it will grant me the dubious honor of being the first female to be banned from the Forum?? If it is, I could not think of a better way to go!! :biggthump

JG may the Google Gods have mercy on you soul! - duck you suckas!!!!! :angryfire

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I kinda dont know why you got so mad about JGs thread...it's not sexist. He's a man, and doesn't really notice the male idiots, just the female ones. The term cougar certainly doesn't apply to all women, or all women of a certain age even. It applies to middle age prowlers and shouldn't be taken so seriously.

I am told to lighten up a lot on here, or was before my hiatus....if you're really that angry about the cougars thing...you might consider it as well.

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I, too, wondered how long it would be 'til someone took issue with the 'Cougar posting.

Bad joke, pure sexism, and really cruel.

You missed a little on the Neanderthal description, though.

Said leerers almost always sit close to the john (enlarged prostate, you know) and prefer Cialis over Viagra. The Big C is much longer-acting and more likely to come through for you the next day if, as is probable, the object(s) of your lech do notice that you Are fat, you Are bald, you Are flatulent, and you Are so drunk you'd almost certainly exhibit the dreaded "brewer's droop" if they did take pity on you and give you an audience.

And yes, sadly, I would know...


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I had never heard the term 'Cougar' before JG's thread showed up
I'd heard it was Canadian in origin but it's certainly common enough these days. But it's not always used in a derogatory fashion, in fact when it first became in vogue it was more referring to single older women who were attractive and/or rich enough to chase younger men. I think now those women are sometimes referred to as MILFs.
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I'd heard it was Canadian in origin but it's certainly common enough these days. But it's not always used in a derogatory fashion, in fact when it first became in vogue it was more referring to single older women who were attractive and/or rich enough to chase younger men. I think now those women are sometimes referred to as MILFs.

MILF is usually just used for a hot older woman, when it's supposed to designate a hot mother of someone who's at least old enough to... ... err... reproduce.

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i believe the age range for cougars is more like early 40s to early 50s

my friend eddie is 24 and is looking for in his own words "a girl 22-35" *shrug* the rule my older guy friends made up for age was if the person is half your age plus 7 they are ok to date... ie... say the dude/woman is 30... then you can date a 22 yo LOL

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My wife and in-laws were talking about the cougar thread and the ages associated with it. Figured it was somewhere around 45 or so, and someone asked about women over 50 and my mother in law said "They're not Cougars they're Wolverines".

:lol: thats hilarious... are old men just dirty old men? do they have a cool name?

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I, too, wondered how long it would be 'til someone took issue with the 'Cougar posting.

Bad joke, pure sexism, and really cruel.

it is neither sexist nor cruel. Ridiculous, stereotypical people leave themselves wide open to be poked fun at. Are you aware that plenty of women call themselves cougars?

This is being taken way, way too seriously.

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but I didn't think it would happen quite so quickly.

OK, as I re-read the 1st post, it does get a bit hysterical toward the end, but as a card-carrying old fart, I was offended and saddened by John G's original Cougar post, and by the reality on which it's apparently based.

Aisling, regarding the term, "Dirty Old Men" - it's a complete redundancy. We're all "dirty," - most of us anyway. Forgive me if I quote the great Lauren Hutton who said, without a trace of irony or bitterness,

"Let's face it most men are sluts. That's what testosterone is supposed to do."

Given that harsh reality, my completely inadequate compromise would be to try to live up to the the sign-off in Bryan, Old Snowboards' (?) avatar.

That said, I retire, humbly, from the field.


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old women prowling younger guys ... old men prowling younger girls ... sketchy either way you go. nothing wrong with calling them cougars if they live up to the name, and anyways, its really just that women haven't come up with a name for the guys, accept skeezy old guys/etc.

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Everythin', everythin', everythin's gonna be alright this mornin'

Ooh yeah, whoaw

Now when I was a young boy, at the age of five

My mother said I was, gonna be the greatest man alive

But now I'm a man, way past 21

Want you to believe me baby,

I had lot's of fun

I'm a man

I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn

That represents man

No B, O child, Y

That mean mannish boy

I'm a man

I'm a full grown man

I'm a man

I'm a natural born lovers man

I'm a man

I'm a rollin' stone

I'm a man

I'm a hoochie coochie man

y'all should come check out some ski club partys up in north conway, nh

it's a.......COUGARAMA !;)


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