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Mark Your Calenders!!

big mario

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1 big mario - pass

2 snowman

3 angie

4 ink - pass

5 concussed - pass

6 shelly - pass

7 dt - pass

8 biggerwrangler - pass(?)

9 candice - pass(?)

10 kimo

11 thor

12 fairbanks

13 seraph

14 justk

15 shredderjen - gem card

16 bola - pass(?)

17 OldVolvosRule

18 blue bird

19 PCDenver - pass

20-21 Sean and GF

22 Accidental Chef - pass

23 cfj04

24 john conde - pass

25 michael pukas

26 arneburner - pass

27 balboajeff - pass(?)

28 tony - pass

29 miss kate - pass

30 redriver

31 barefootskier - pass(?)

32 denversteve - pass(?)

33 bjvircks

34 wjholm

35 wpcarver

36 xolufus

37 snowboardfast - pass

38 fin

39 bob - pass

40 jeff - pass

41 james

42 kathy

43 ice

44 skboards

45 Dr Scott

46 24/7

47 aussi scott

As of response to this thread


Lee W.

Tom and Lisa Palka


Greg Reger


Since SoCal, SoDak, TX, OK, WI, IA and now IL are being represented everyone else in CO should be able to show up.

The fun is just over 1 week away. Post here to let us know if you will be attending.


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All the paperwork is in and we are good to go!! With that in mind I have a few things for you'se guys:

Our favorite trails

From chair one there are Richards, Spillway, and Mambo

Mambo is a nice easy cruiser, Spillway is a short ,steep bitchslap if you aren't on your game, and Richards is a moderate pitch that has a few nice rollers that steepens up at the bottom right where the lift crosses over.

Off of chair 2 we have fire bowl, or the practice field, a nice cruiser that runs into Firecut. If it is groomed,the left side of Firecut is a moderately steep pitch with a natural half pipe at the bottom, hook a right after the tree island and hit the midway reload. From Fire bowl, cross under the lift,and hit a hard left into the tree alley, this is Drifter, short, tight, steep and fun. Be one with your sidecut or be one with the trees. Good fun. If you go straight, you will end up in Turtle Creek which you can take back to reload.

Chair 6

Directly under the chair is Roulette, the upper part is steepish with an off camber turn or 2, the pitch moderates as you travel down the trail. Take a right off of chair 6 and head down Deuces Wild, a short fun little pitch that dumps you onto Turtle creek, or point it across the hill and drop into drifter.

Here are a few more:

Scrub under chair 4 if it's groomed and you have the balls, Switchback and Twist down at the valley, and Chets Run under chair 8. If its clear,take chair 9 and some 02 to the top of the divide, check out the veiws, and hit rookie road to the north and do the 2 Indy 500 turns towards the bottom

Marking Runs

There are a few rollers and intersections we scout and mark, so if you see one of us standing on the side of a trail with one arm straight over head, hit the gas and go!! We may also point to the clear side of the trail. Arms crossed overhead, hit the brakes, gapers ahead.

See you all next week:biggthump


Cheif instigator,


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Guest shrederjen

My gem card is good for $10 off for a ticket or two if needed. I still have 4 pack passes (that I intend to use!) Let us know what we can contribute foodwise. I will bring a small card table, (table cloth - girly thing), and a few chairs. In addition, will do the chocolate, chocolate brownies and some margies, along with the left over light beer from Aspen. Its gonna be good!! :)

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I'll trade ya... hosting again in a couple weeks and could use the WP

most excellent. I probably won't get into town until 11 or so on Friday night. I will head over to the blonde's house. What time do you want to head for the boat on Saturday morning?

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Umm... Ink .. I think that should say "We make trouble by making trenches."

But at least you're thinkin'.

My quote came when one of the nice tele ladies came to their table, saw the Chief Instigator and said "There's trouble". I returned with "We don't make trouble, We make trenches". The side benefit to that is the trouble that others have dealing with our trenches.

If you would have arrived on time that day you would have known but instead you decided to sleep in.

I can't wait till LCS!


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We have a request Does ANYBODY have a MONOBOARD? MRS Wrangler Wants in on the carving Fest, and is feeling wierd about her skis...

If anybody needs a ride we have a little wrangler and can carry 1-2 extra people with gear might have to put on the luggage rack but more the merry.

We leave from Highlands ranch around 630ish and can pull a pick up along c470 and 170 connector. just hollar back

First come first serve

With This many people Should we call 9news !! epidemic rash of trenches being created everywhere!

Hmmmm Trenchfest? Time to work that goggle tan!

We have season passes no worries there mark the list if you would Ye old great inky! !

Snow the other White powder! We ride in anything, on anything anywhere, but put up some gates and its like crack!

Friends and beer Can overcome anything.... or atleast laugh, take pictures and offer a beer.

we have a extra heavy duty card table if needed, have snowboard vise, or a grill as well hollar if wanted asymons1@gmail.com

No frozen beers for mario this year rofl! thou with this many people should I put in for a large silver container of foamy?

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Lets let everyone know what your bringin'!


I got the BBQ Brisket, Shoulda' and beans coverd, bring your own personal beverages, and whatever sides/snacks/sporks and plates you wish, just let everyone here now so we dont have duplicates. I know Just K has the rolls covered, Ac, you out there? has the 'slaw coverd. Every one else, chime in!



I'm all about the subtlety

I like Smithwicks




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the marketing guy called me back, which was a nice

gesture on his part, but he said there's no way he could

get us a run

with 40+ carvers, we are going to be a huge presence

i think we just need to make sure we don't scare the

public, cuz we are certainly going to mark up the hill

see you all there

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