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big mario

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Karver Kai and myself should be making our first appearance of the season tomorrow (Sunday). Should be a pretty short one as no physical activities have happened lately.



Glad to hear this, we have missed you two on the hill

Sund​ay 11/22

Last big day of ski teams on the on the hill, and for the more curmudgeonly amongst us, it couldn't come soon enough. GET OFF MY LAWN​!

 with lots of snow last week, things are shaping up nicely, ptarmigan lift, which will still be referred to as Reload, was up and running.  It was nice to have access to the practice field and sunshine. There was one minor collision today, Odd Job and myself decided to blindly cross trajectories on our heelsides.  Regular and Goofy should never ride back to back, it just kind of happened after a disorientating strafing run by the entire Bates Academy alpine team.  Neither rider was hurt, and all equipment seemed to be okay. In attendance today, Mr. Cogan, Mr Positve, Racer H, The Dude, Oddjob, Myself, and fresh off of the IR, James, his daughter, and son in law.  It was good to be on snow, though I spent most of the day in a rather rattled and discombobulated state.  The beverage manager has brought our official recovery drink back into the rat, especially for us, but only in individual servings.

T-Day 11/26

The much anticipated snow decided to stay on the front range as freezing rain, making the early parts of the drive rather interesting. Light snow and low temps where the order of the day today. I broke out my ugly ass 2001 182 hot blast for some " Blast from the past"(see what I did there?) riding.  It does like firm cord, which was something we had in abundance.  I do like riding this stick, it holds an edge, and actually turns pretty tight for a 15m board. I must say, it was a blast to ride, though it did have me grunting through turns as the day wore on.  Mr. Positive was slaying it as always, The Dude was on a Frankenstein Rev slalom mono contraption, Odd job, riding pretty awesomely since he stopped thinking, Racer H was challenging all for speed supremacy when she wasn't off to the side of the trail chatting with Everette, all in attendance today.

Black Friday, 11/27

Black Friday it was not on the slopes today. As Happy Bob would say, 6-8' and glassy. Cold, but sunny, with a few mid mountain cloud layers making for some occasional visibility issues.  Hopped back on the skinny 188 today, which I found myself  driving really hard after a day on the blast.  It really liked being pushed, and I liked pushing it.  After waiting impatiently til 8:31, The Dude and I pushed off into the maze at 1, feeling lonely and abandoned.  We rode into the sun at reload and lapped a few. I pointed out a swale that I hade been carving up, to which the Dude said "if it where me, I would be taking it up higher" . Since I am not one to shrink away from a challenge, I did, and decided at that very moment too tighten up my heelside.  I subsequently found a nice softspot in the groom, and exploded into giant snow ball.  So much for that throwdown.  We picked up  Johnny Danger(ously) on the lift ride, and latecomer Odd Job at the unloading ramp.  At the bottom, we where joinde by Eurocarver Andre,(b.free) looking rather like a sinister Bond villian in all black, with matching Kessler, accenting his ensemble with a pop of orange with his matching boots and helmet.  Eventually Racer H showed up, claiming a food coma made her late. Entertainment was provided by the Dude, absolutely tearing it up on his twin tipped 168 Donek demo mono, and Andre laying them down on that 185 Kessler. MR. Danger(ously) brought the comic relief after finding himself lost in one of my not so subtle trenches.  After locking into a couple of heel and toesides due to fatigue, I called it as the clouds moved in and the light began to fade around 11:30.All in all, a most excellent day

Edited by big mario
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Sunday 11/29

You are The Man!!!

At least that what some guy on softies pointed and shouted at me as he flew by us at the bottom of lift one.  I can't be The Man, sure, my hair is short, but I prefer Carhartt  to Armani.  He must have had me mistaken for someone else

Cold out there today, I thought it was because of the diet my wife has put me on, but no, after several serious discussion's, it was decided that it was, in fact really cold.  We had a nice crew out today, the usual suspects, Odd Job, The Dude, Mr. Positive, and I, as well as Ink and Kai, fresh off of their trip to Hawaii.  It was empty today, which was a nice change.  Firecut is open, but there is some funky lumpies going on below the pristine looking groom. Mr. positive hit it once, while I, being the designated dumbass, took a second run at it. Should be a lot nicer by next weekend after some additional snow and grooming.


The Dude has a fan club, this one guy that keeps following him around


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So I know this is the LCI thread, but come on by Copper this weekend and see the Bomber and Donek crews as we are participating in Colorado Demo Days.  We will have the whole fleet of demos there, so if you've been dying to try out a new stick, this weekend will be a great time for it.

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Good snow. 1 2 6 open. E-tow open on other side of 6. Might ride it today. Crowds not too bad.


^The succinct version^

Now for some of my longwinded blathering

S​unday 12/06


Broke out my old school/new to me 183 f2 yesterday, didn't want to take the coiler out again until we get more snow, too many shark teeth finding their way up to the groom and providing free base structure and edge serration. In the distance I see Mr. Positive sauntering up with  a ptex top sheet f2 speedster prototype he found on blue tomato for less than 4 bills! After a few runs, it was declared "the dampest board I have ever ridden"  Mine, not so much. Every time I loaded it up, It launched me into the next turn. With the hero/firm snow we have right now, the high signal to noise ratio was not a problem.  Sean may be onto some thing with that new/old legacy board he is coming out with.

On the hill today were the regulars, joined by Shelly , tearing it up on softies just 6 weeks after knee surgery, DT, Dusty Bottle and Family

Not much to report on the hijinks and stupidity spectrum, though I do have a nice deep bruise on my leading buttock from leaving my wallet in my pocket and laying down a screaming, butt dragging heelside in front of Odd Job( I think he had to check his shorts after that) Served me right

For you John, a conditions report:

Just about everything North and west of one to the south chutes is open, snow quality is good, but some heavy early tilling has brought some small sharp rocks up to the surface.  Snow is hero to firm, with some chunky spots on the manmade areas, such as firecut and I would assume E-Tow/Dealers choice. Spillway is okay, but there is a nice ice patch garinished  with pointy rocks dead center and about 10 yards down from the top. Mambo, Richards and Homerun are sublime. Roulette is bordering on firm+

Crowds are manageable and not tooo bad, but the new configuration at the top of 2 and the new reload lift is a little scary.  3 should be open next weekend, giving the lovey racers a place to train, and a place to hide from the weather and any kooks if need be. 

Morning Traffic is not bad, just try to hit Morrison by 6:15, eastbound afternoon was not bad yesterday, but we shall see how that goes as the season progresses


Edited by big mario
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Surfs Up!​

So apparently a foot fell between 8:00 and 8:30 yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised judging from my return trip from Fridays camera whoring expedition yesterday. Expecting soft conditions today, I broke out the big fat woody, and decided to lose the racer monkey style and go surfy.  What a fun way to spend the morning, though the Dude was really having a hard time adjusting to my easy going, laid back style both on the slopes, and on the lift.  I think some of the deeper trenches we were leaving took out a few of the unsuspecting, stylistically lacking, inattentive snow riders out on the slopes.

The usual cast of characters was out today, as well as John E, out for the first time this season, Shelly tearing up the bumps on firecut. as well as  DT dropping back and spending some time mentoring Terry. It was cold out there today, that famous lovey wind seemed to cut through my layers like a scalpel, sending a few of us onto the short bus, seeking sanctuary in the trees and lower elevation of the valley. Grooming was seriously weak, leading to a one and done.


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I am insanely paranoid of hooking up in one of your trenches mid carve... if that is possible.


My advice is to not ride parallel to them, try to cross them as close to 90 degrees as possible, like crossing railroad tracks on your bicycle.  Anything less could be painful.


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