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big mario

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Family fun race this Saturday. Need to get redemption for my poor showing at the last one and knock the kid back into place. His head got a bit big for the doorways. I know Odd Job will be there, any other takers? It's free entry to play.


Wow. Gotta deflate that head before it gets permanent like mine.
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Family fun race this Saturday. Need to get redemption for my poor showing at the last one and knock the kid back into place. His head got a bit big for the doorways. I know Odd Job will be there, any other takers? It's free entry to play.



No can do, gotta play responsible job superintendent and open/close my site at some point on saturday


The more I read about these conditions, the more I think that it is only worthwhile to go mid-week - and then only on a powder day. The crowds are getting terrible.


ATC at Aspen was really refreshing. No lift lines. No crowded runs. 


The banners at Vail read "Vail - Like no other place on earth". The similar banners at Aspen read "Relax - It's Aspen". 


Very true. Now I'm really spoiled. The "good old days" may be behind us. 


Maybe I can hold Mario's quiver of rakes & pitchforks - "GET OFF OF MY LAWN!". 


The session was nice, though there were  a good number of scary jackasses on ruthies after 10:30

I am thinking that we should have a nice run of relatively empty days until the end of march at least, now that we are done with MLK, and Presidents day, with nothing else on the horizon until spring break, or the occasional powder day 

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Today at 1 they actually had to instituted the "front row" call out after scanning the front rows tix. Was a bit nutty. No racing for the RunesOhana as KarverKai's legs were tired from gymnastics and I was riding with some other friends. Wind blown everywhere with some nice groom thrown in for fun.


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I have no idea where some of these people are coming from. What happened to Vail?


Historically, Saturdays seem to have much higher levels of Jackassery, which is why I now ride on sundays, I do not need to add to the mix, though you do seem rather comfortable....



My lawn was rather Magnificently Mowed this Morning

And very few were on it

The Holy grail appeared under lift 4 today.

Scrub was groomed from tree Island to lift tower, a very rare occurance indeed, one that I have never seen  in the 2.5 decades  that I have been frequenting the land of Luv.

After a quick warm up lap on reload, Mr. Positive, Odd Job, and myself made no attempt to find James, and newcomer Erazz, we just ditched 'em and headed over to 4 for 5 lung searing, butt puckering, quad burning nonstop laps on lovey's steepest rarely groomed pitch.  Women, small children, and grown men where hurling themselves at our feet to bask in the rays of our awesomeness upon our completion of each lap.... 


Well maybe not, that last statement might have been an a little bit of an exaggeration. In any event, once we felt we had done enough damage to scrub and our legs, we packed up and headed back to one for some shenanigans on spillway and lower Richards. After playing on scrub for over an hour, spillway and the double fall line of lower lower Richards felt like child's play. Along the way we picked new LCI member Kevin "SmoothDougal" McDougal. We proceeded to tear up Richards and Mambo for a few additional laps until our legs were screaming  for mercy. Henceforth, we adjourned to The Rat for recovery libations and toasts to both our lack of injuries and our mad skillz. Looking forward to what next weekend has in store for us.


Edited by big mario
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Totally flailed and scraped off Mario's Yardland today and there was no one trying to chase me off with a rake. In fact, there was hardly anyone there at all. The snow was weirdly good. Wind scoured and scrapy is places, but crusty softness in others. The Hazelwood is like a friggin' icebreaker. Some spots were totally impenetrable, but the Donek was the right choice for today. Spent quite a bit of time on the ridge and a bit more riding the lift line under 8. The stuff off reload softened later in the day and, of course, a weekday at Loveland instead of at work, was glorious. And I escaped without tine-holes in my head from a crazy, bellowing lawn fascist. Whoever that may be.

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And I escaped without tine-holes in my head from a crazy, bellowing lawn fascist. Whoever that may be.

If you are speaking of me, hypothetically, you have nothing to fear for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we are never on the mountain at the same time, and secondly, I get the feeling, though I may be mistaken, that you are a competent rider, so there is no need for you to worry about the wrath of the rake


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Totally flailed and scraped off Mario's Yardland today and there was no one trying to chase me off with a rake. In fact, there was hardly anyone there at all. The snow was weirdly good. Wind scoured and scrapy is places, but crusty softness in others. The Hazelwood is like a friggin' icebreaker. Some spots were totally impenetrable, but the Donek was the right choice for today. Spent quite a bit of time on the ridge and a bit more riding the lift line under 8. The stuff off reload softened later in the day and, of course, a weekday at Loveland instead of at work, was glorious. And I escaped without tine-holes in my head from a crazy, bellowing lawn fascist. Whoever that may be.

I saw a lot of people... on the groomers.
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Good news and more good news

Firecut was groomed.  Scrub was not.

If it was, we would have had to have ridden it.  Thems the rules

I like the fact that It only gets groomed  sporadically.  It is steep. It is an asskicker. It stays special that way.  Not short bus special, special like a treat that you can only have on rare occaisions. That is what makes it so delightful. And delicious.

I was on the board that would like to kill me.  As we spend more time together, we have developed a new dynamic. Though death is still a possibility, our relationship has morphed into more of a "I WILL BITCH SLAP YOU SILLY IF YOU DISRESPECT ME" vibe. I am okay with this, I think Mr. Positive's relationship with his new F2 has evolved along the same lines, though he was hitting some ridiculous speeds on it.

The order of desecration today was Firecut, Roulette, and finally Spillway/Richards. Odd Job might still be out laying waste to various runs, but the more seasoned amongst us decided to listen to our legs and call it quits at a more reasonable time.  (Damn Whippersnapper!)

Celebrating his return to the mountain and honoring us with presence, was none other than ArneBurner, back on the proper conveyance since tearing his Achilles back in the fall, welcome back, glad to have tearing it up again!  We now have a full chair of goofy's, so we don't have to intermingle with those regulars unless we want to.

James was onboard with us as well, it was awesome to see everyone just tearing it up today under sunny blue skies, light winds, spring temps, and very few interlopers on my lawn.

See you next Sunday,


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Good news and more good news

Firecut was groomed. Scrub was not.

If it was, we would have had to have ridden it. Thems the rules

I like the fact that It only gets groomed sporadically. It is steep. It is an asskicker. It stays special that way. Not short bus special, special like a treat that you can only have on rare occaisions. That is what makes it so delightful. And delicious.

I was on the board that would like to kill me. As we spend more time together, we have developed a new dynamic. Though death is still a possibility, our relationship has morphed into more of a "I WILL BITCH SLAP YOU SILLY IF YOU DISRESPECT ME" vibe. I am okay with this, I think Mr. Positive's relationship with his new F2 has evolved along the same lines, though he was hitting some ridiculous speeds on it.

The order of desecration today was Firecut, Roulette, and finally Spillway/Richards. Odd Job might still be out laying waste to various runs, but the more seasoned amongst us decided to listen to our legs and call it quits at a more reasonable time. (Damn Whippersnapper!)

Celebrating his return to the mountain and honoring us with presence, was none other than ArneBurner, back on the proper conveyance since tearing his Achilles back in the fall, welcome back, glad to have tearing it up again! We now have a full chair of goofy's, so we don't have to intermingle with those regulars unless we want to.

James was onboard with us as well, it was awesome to see everyone just tearing it up today under sunny blue skies, light winds, spring temps, and very few interlopers on my lawn.

See you next Sunday,


I just finished. I love pogo sticks!
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By the way, anyone know why they've left that stupid snowfence up on the skier's right of Firecut? Running close to those trees is one of my favorite Lovey spots...


Your Safety?

They have been setting a race course over there every once in a while.  Easier to leave it up than to keep taking it down I guess

You should try carving that once in a while, its kinda fun.  There was a rumor that your ride was spotted with cateks on it the other day, are you transitioning, or have you just been playing with your dipstick again?

Edited by big mario
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Your Safety?


That's what life insurance is for.


You should try carving that once in a while, its kinda fun.  There was a rumor that your ride was spotted with cateks on it the other day, are you transitioning, or have you just been playing with your dipstick again?


I'd thank you to leave my dipstick out of things. True, I did have the Donek up there this week, but the Cateks were FR2s, not OS2s. My plan was to try the OS2s out on my Tanker this season, but I'm not sure that will happen. As for carving Firecut, I'm not sure my technique is up to it, especially heel side. It's the not-finishing-turns and the resulting building-up-eye-watering-amounts-of-speed that's getting in my way.

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Mid-season (post ATC) apathy has set in for me. No significant snow for weeks. Hard to get motivated to awake at 5AM to drive up to Loveland and ride on old snow. And then maybe to have to fight home-bound traffic. I know that regular riding is good for me and will make me a better rider but there just isn't sufficient motivation. Wah-wah-wah. 


I haven't ridden since ATC and I likely won't ride again until mid-March. Will probably be out-of-town for the next 2 weekends. 


Anyway - good on you. Regular riding (especially in sub-optimal conditions) is what makes for better riders. 


Hope to see you all again mid-March.

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