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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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I'm using Magichsine also. Two 900 lumens, one bar mount, one helmet mount. My first Magichshine was recalled due to the battery shenanigans. I finally received the replacement battery 6 months after sending the original in.

Out here the helmet mount is next to useless this time of year. The trails are way too dry and it is like driving with your high beams on in the fog. Too much dust unless you are leading!

I also have a Niterider HID that never sees the night time rides anymore. For the size of the battery and the light output Magicshine blows the HID away.

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hey mario - do you remember that one time we were snowboarding and you fell? yeah, that was funny!

Remember that one time you went down under lift 3 after you hit one of my trenches.......:eplus2:


Most awesum ride tonight, thanks for joining me, that was pure soul, back to the roots of riding.



Lovin the magic shines

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Remember that one time you went down under lift 3 after you hit one of my trenches.......:eplus2:


Most awesum ride tonight, thanks for joining me, that was pure soul, back to the roots of riding.



Lovin the magic shines

That was a spectacular night ride. From the sunset to the dark descent. I was lovin' it. Thanks for giving me the call to go ride. You were riding very well indeed.

hey mario - do you remember that one time we were snowboarding and you fell? yeah, that was funny!


Remeber that time you were trying the switchback on SilverFox and got a grip imprint on your chest? Now THAT was funny! Yah, we rode that last night and saw the scene of the "accident".


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Rode 12+ miles on centenial cone with Farmer yesterday, we parked at an upper lot, and Farmer let me ride the downhill to the mayhem gulch lot, and picked me up. Called me phukken shuttler:biggthump. Ink, I am in for Thursday night, I'll try and make it up a little sooner if I can


Ps found an old niterider handlebar mount and was able to screw my lite right to it, no more annoying lite vibration on the descents:biggthump

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Ink, I am in for Thursday night, I'll try and make it up a little sooner if I can

Any interest in riding Falcon tomorrow night? The Thursday crew will be there with antelope for grillin'. No worries if you don't, I like to ride my back yard. :)

very cool. meet you there as soon as the G can ride (he's just walking)

Good place to work on your skills as well. The place is a blast. More about Valmont here www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXx6to3GEFs

PC, get G a Strider type runbike now so that he can start working on the balance for riding. He won't need to go the idiot training wheel route and he will just ride away when he gets on a pedal bike.


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thanks for the info ink. you and your boy are my models.

You're welcome and Thanks.

Oh, the possibilities...

<object width='500' height='281'><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /><param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='always' /><param name='movie' value='http://www.pinkbike.com/v/147106' /><embed src='http://www.pinkbike.com/v/147106' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='500' height='281' allowFullScreen='true' AllowScriptAccess='always' /></embed></object>

heck, doesn't that mean he'll be ready to hit the slopes this year?

That's funny but, yeah, If he's walking get him out in the yard/neighborhood park and get him working on the basics. The only reason not to start on day 1 was that there wasn't any snow. :) Just like discipline... starts on day 1.


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Ink, it is incredible to see how far KK has come. I like how he was doing some quick edge to edge turns. Looks like you already have him riding some forward angles too. He should be rippin it up by the end of the season on the hardboots.

Can't wait for Christmas to get here, hope to ride with KK!

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4 1/2 hours for the Runes Ohana. You and Angie missed out! What a great way to start the season. Vid is posted at http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=353045#post353045


First season opener I've missed in 25 years:(

Kai... You ROCK little man. Your dad is the COOLEST dad ever...


Feed the addiction...:eplus2:

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