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Makeshift Sleds


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Any folks out there that like to tinker? We have some snow headed to PA and I have no sleds for the boys, nor do I want to buy one of those hunks of sled junk at the store.

Anyone have suggestions of coming up with makeshift sleds. I was thinking length of lexan with rope in the front to pull up front of sheet.

I got the idea from a flexible back board I saw in the hospital a few weeks ago, but waytoo expensive, close to $200.


Also worse comes to worst, does waxing the bottom of a sled make it go any faster?

Let me know

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Krazy Karpets (thin plastic sheets) are cheap as dirt but don't work at all in soft snow, they're really slippery though! Long wooden toboggans are wickedly awesome as they float on top of soft stuff, but they're expensive. Longer/stiffer is better for powder, if it's hard anything that's smooth will work.

I assume that a piece of 1/4" plywood cut about 12" wide and 5-8' long with a couple Krazy Karpets attached to the bottom will be fun. Making an upturned nose will be a challenge. Put some ropes along the sides to hold on to, and some kind of leash is nice if the hill is long.

You can wax wood, but it soaks up a lot.

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Have had great success with putting a thermarest (not slick enough to slide by itself) over lunch trays before. You need to lie down to weight all the lunch trays and keep them from sliding out.

Thermarest+ the Krazy Karpet described above sounds like it might be a winner.

Or, don't you have some old powder/freeride boards you can convert?

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When I used to patrol, one of the lifties got done, shut off the lift after we got off and said "Good night". He then pulled a plastic garbage bag out of his pocket, got in, sat down, and was GONE! He did this down out main steep run, no control other than his hands on VERY hard snow. It was so cool!

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A sheet of Lexan sounds there's a good chance of limb or appendage severage.

How bout just one of those inner tubes or an old free style snowboard, bindings removed and a couple straps T-bolted through the deck in strategic places. You could probably even attach a small seat/chair to the thing.

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