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Tinkler Rocketman


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Oh yea and for the rest of the posters Why not rocker? Think of all the energy you as a rider save by not having to provide the power to de-camper a board that is bent in the wrong direction you want it to bend in, also if you need to use energy to bend the board that means it is trying to bend back against the turn, That doesn't mean there is less pressure being distrubited to the tip and tail, the board is already a big lever there has to be energy going to the tip and tail, the tip diggs the trench and the goal is to get the tail to follow, you don't need camber to make that happen, Camber just adds more energy to bounce around and make the board feel crappy.

Billy Billy Billy, You know I love you too but must put in my 2 cents here.

The above statement makes it sound like you are riding on edge all the time. last time I went out I had to ride flat on plenty of occasions so tip/tail pressure was nice to have to make that easier and safer on the type of snow we experience the majority of time. . Its a balance of not having too much but enough to make the board perform in all situations. I have been and always will be an advocate of lower camber boards. It gives a nice balance. If you want any decent rebound energy from a board with less or no camber, you need to make it stiffer and by doing so you decrease the ability to bend it in a wider range which will limit turning capabilities. Been there, done that with lower camber.

And Jack, you know i love what ya do for BOL but... you really need to stop placing "racers' and "freecarvers" in seprate catagorys, all you are doing is creating unreal comparisions about the same sport. Racers are Freecarvers who have perfected the art of board riding. Come to terms with that and the sport should grow.... thats part of the reason this forum hinders the sport also.....but for some reason some posters have enough clout to keep the board beleiving "their Ideas about alpine riding" Not the "current state of alpine riding". Most of the reason I stopped posting here was becuase I had to field insults and ideas from airchair riders who base their Ideas on info read or imagined, not experanced.

Alpine riding is different for everyone. I have seen racers who cannot even carve a turn but got the biggest cheers from many more experienced racers as they came across the finish as just getting through the course was a big success for them . You cannot compare everyone to riders of your level who have the skills to execute the "current level of alpine". Many need different designs built in to accommodate the fact they are not superhuman and maybe can only get out a handful of times per season.

Maybe it should read: "Top level racers are freecarvers who have perfected the art of riding a board around sticks quickly"

From my perspective the equipment a racer uses and a freecarver uses are becoming more and more different each year so eventually you would think that also considering them a different aspect of the sport would somewhat make sense

None of the GS or PGS or SL race boards I have ever ridden have been out proformed or out free ridden by a "freecarve" stick and every freecarve board I have ever ridden needed improvment. Lots of improvment......

Again, at your level you may find some of the boards I build , which many people have given great reviews on, too boring as you like more demanding stuff for your skills.

Well in till I had enough and shaped some real free ride shapes based on the current level of the sport and board building, and not what I thought was good about my factory prime from 95... hence my new shape the Bsquared from Prior... Its a alpine snowboard.. not a race board or a freeride board, its all the tech of a race board with manners for everyone to enjoy!!!! Oh yea and it of course goes backwards...

Ummmm, didn't I see a post somewhere by one of your team where it was stated about the Bsquared and I quote:

" Billy Bordy has designed a board and Prior has built it to his specs. We had a run done and believe it to be a nice version of the stubby, in which he also had a hand in laying out".

About 3 years ago I started using the "current level of the sport" construction in user friendly shapes, 5 distinct board lines as of last winter anyways. The original Metal Stubbies were out at ECES 3 yrs ago.

NSR -eased off race boards

Monsters- big freecarve boards

Classics - first gen Titanal race board designs for freecarve and rec race use

Stubby- short and fun freecarve

All Mountain- tweaked AM designs to suit the metal construction.

Certainly something from these must sit in " current level" status.

Of course most of these are just me assembling good ideas from other builders and tweaking to user friendliness. All utilize up to date technology designed for their own end use.

I think your perspective is quite high end and currently I am getting old, lazy and like the easier stuff to ride a lot of times.

Hey bro, no hard feelings and correct me please if I have misspoken any of the facts.


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guys boards with no camber or banana camber are a joke sorry but the tip has no down force when riding flat and less down force then a cambered board when in turn, meaning nose flaps in the wind. Also you have to put less pressure onto nose meaning sit back, have fun on the steeps carving when sitting back. The reason so many love it, it certainly slides, feathers or enters turns easyly because you are realy not carving into turn, try taking any board detuning it or just buy a shorter board have fun on that.

To the guy about free riding and racing you are correct, though racing is at neck break speeds on terain 100 people just made the same turn at, and there lies the problem that needs to be solved stabality is a must no downforce is a joke when that tip starts flaping so that is why I laugh at banana camber, when I free ride I say to myself looks pretty clean over there and that is where I lay my turn, definetly different. Kessler and anyone else today using Titnal with bent nose you just like the stability of the metal it is a huge improving little thing Titnal, trust me and all the other ski racers out there, I would love to take the two sheets of Titnal out of WC racers skis and see his run he would look like a goey for sure.

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Now I have some more time since I did not sleep last night, Tinkler and his 1993 invention, was a stick in front of his binding pushing on the center of his board making his center stiffer and edges softer that was it. “TORSIONAL SUCK” Talk about the opposite of what I had already done with Ride Snowboards and Liquid Snowboards before my meeting with “the inventor of camber Mike Tinkler” See picture of Ride and Liquid Snowboards. My favorite is when Tinkler said the snowstick were under his binding as to insinuate the kildy flex being the same as his snowcraps, not to mention I would love to see the sticks under bindings one hell of a balancing act, why has no one ever seen that stick, they are the same today as they were back in 93 stupid, except now for some reason he pushes on the edges with his sticks (I told him to do in our meeting of 93 based off my already knowledge SEE PICTURE) as he mentioned with a signed non disclosure agreement, which means I cannot tell or make a Snowstick, oh no how will I succeed. Does anyone really view my Kildy Flex as a snow stick wow no comment, and all I can say is I laughed when I saw he put two sticks to the edges and mounted the snowstick’s from the middle reversing the problem now he has “TORSIONAL SUCK CENTER” piviot point same thing Jack ass. Now he just mounts his Snowsticks on a Kildy Flex and somehow he invented the Kildy Flex cracks me up the Derby on top of his boards is mine if he thinks the Kildy Flex and his snowsticks are the same why does he use or need both think about it u-all. The fact is I never cared enough to stop him because I was snowboarding in the Olympics and shooting for the next Olympics I still don’t really give a **** because by now I thought everyone already knew the truth, apparently not, so I will show you a very easy to understand drawing after this I am done and I will be posting my new snowboards very soon and you will see once again what I do when I sit down and invent, it is not stolen and it is like no one else, it is original and patented end of story. Does anyone recall Swix SL armor this was also my invention so is the oval ski pole, Hello Mark Archer, he can tell you all about that one. These are just a few of my inventions I have many on the way as we speak. Kessler invents this hilarious banana camber and suddenly you will see Tinkler do it oh ya he already has stolen Kesslers idea but just wait ten years it was tinkler who invented this gay banana camber invention, ask why the best skiers don’t beg their 1 billion dollar ski companies to come up with this awesome bent ski idea ya. Oh ya Tinkler I met the guy from Hawii that you stole your asymmetrical windsurf invention from he had some nice words to describe you with as well LOL. Now what I do have no doubt about Tinkler is your split “tip” invention that was sick, remember the one you sold to many that actually does not qualify to be a snowboard in any type snowboard race. You did this one month after seeing my split all the way through my board, NO ONE had ever done, but you should have read the rules before panicking and trying to speed things up so to take credit for my split through center. The split tail of 10 inches or so had been done so many years ago and Tinkler did not invent this either as he is appearing to be claiming, the Hexel guy worked at Sims who advised and made the Sims Burner for Fawsett, I was on his team I should know… by the way it did not have a banana camber who ever claimed that. Tinkler why again was your split board solid in center and out to the nose split same on tail oh ya because your Kildy Flex was split edge to edge in middle to avoid my patent as I instructed you how to avoid my patent, thinking you would never try such a lame idea but I now understand you will do whatever it takes to be the man… my mistake.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


If I piss anyone off sorry, I only dislike Tinkler and anyone in my shoes would.


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Hey Mr. B ...Pow stands for Powder...it is not for GROOMED OK!

It is an Idea based on my observations from years on skis as well as

snowboards in powder and the fact that powder offers similarities to the

fluid dynamics involved in surfboards...note also that it would have no metal

edges and they would be rounded. All the snowboards I have ridden and seen others on have so much surface area...one is forced to stay on top unless

your on pitches of 40 deg. or more...this is an Idea to try to get the boards

to submarine more without so much pitch OK...The Powder here in Colorado is Light and Fluffy

and I think this board could work here...sorry if this idea offends you...:p

Condescending time, is it? It seems like you have a few good posts, then revert to Butthole mode. Sorry if this idea offends you.

Realistically, most of us need to use a ski lift in addition to hiking to access the kind of powder which would break the threshold determining whether this stick is a nuisance, or a party on snow. Not the stuff that falls after one storm and gets skied out after an hour or two, but rather powder that you see in Hard Attack or Apocalypse Snow. If you use a ski lift, chances are, you're gonna be riding on snow that SUCKS for this board. It's all a tradeoff, but it appears that many people are happy with Prior's Powstick.

Personally, I've ridden in powder twice. Once it was 2 feet deep, the other time it was 8 inches. I was on a deck 20cms in the waist. It wasn't my favorite, but the Boilers made it interesting.

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I do have one question? Why do you guys have patents if you are not going to defend them when the idea is stolen? By not defending a patent you have NO legal ground to ever go after an infringement again. The lawyers will say; You let this guy do it, why sue us????. The judge will agree.

Is it just so you can sell the idea to a company?

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There was a guy who was riding a k2 split to a couple inches from the binding this was probably 1992 or 93 and he said that the concept was something that was being explored In years past

Nice to hear so many ideas

BTW Bryan why not send Jack one of your tinklers and put your money where your mouth is

Maybe he'll send you the stubfari and you two can contrast and compare?

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Yes the K2 rider I know who u r talking about dang, fogot about him Sanders Nie small blond dude that is great all white boards I remember but that means Tinkler did not invent the split board oh don't tell him he will be bumbed out he truly believes his own bull**** you know the type I am talking about right. Any how good call that is funny, but no one period invented split from tip through tail no ski no snowboard I did it by myself no one held my hand including tinkler.

I am still fired up I will be better soon oops I wanted to remove that sorry I write stuff and remove it then I feel better

As to the patent and defend it issue I already told you I was busy and could give a **** at the time however all you folks out there questioning my integrety is not funy so now I do care but I did not pay for my patent I was simply the inventor on the patent 24/7 payed for it and they are long gone as a company so what do you want me to do call the x owner ask him for some doe to go get tinkler that is funny you owe my 500 dollars what ever but my new board has a totaly new patent I own it and I will defend it because the new one is the shizzz for sure two weeks you will all see it has a new derby alloy and a new Kildy Flex and new bottom board trust me when I say NEW and not Tinklers just pay attention everyone so when we (Tinkler and I) battle you all can get a good laugh

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Yes they should actualy be done just a few days into the next year technicaly soon after the new year so the photos will come after testing if you like cool looking space ships you may find these pretty hot. The boards are so crazy looking not sure on the performance but I am all about the looks any how, I will just ride them no matter what and make it work, no worries.

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Oops seriously I was not wanting to leave that I write stuff sometimes and plan to remove I am not that mean sorry that was kinda funny but my dad is not alive so now you may insert your sneaker into mouth OK ay no worries long time ago. I am done for the night you guys have fun gotta meeting in the morning must get ready.

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Good insight..

I just cant't belive that I/We own a Kildy ride race board and you are actually on this web post.. I just say I don't care what the input is from people, I just like to hear whats going on. The fact that I or my friends have a Kildy Ride race board and you are communicating is pretty cool.. very cool.. Some of us ride pretty well. I have enjoyed your take on all of this as well as others.. Thats how I talk to Bruce and try to make things even better or just easier to ride, and make things to just enjoy..

Thanks for your input. as well as other who responded... I know you have been around and im never going toot my horn by any means, but riding alpine for 25 years has been a joy.. lucky to ride every thing that was available..

Im glad the Coiler and Bruce makes me stuff that fits my needs.

Thanks again Kildy for all you gave me..!!


Right said Shred

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Your integrity or really anyones just pointing out that I I'd seen splits prior to the time mentioned by the other guy

I'd really like to see a tinkler demo, big claims behind these things, that's all

I'm real interested in your board too, could I ride one later in the winter?

Also, I must echo what shred said. Thanks for everything and for posting here

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no worries I have been trying to say the split is old I never claimed the split I said only I have the only split through board and under foot I am done but you guys are cool no worries I appreciat the conversations I love it trust me I just wish I could communicate better and finished my english classes

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