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Post here if you've had a crash that has put you out of commision.

Today at Stratton I caught a gnarly edge while trying to stop. Half in lose granulated stuff, half on cat-track ice. Went tumbling head first down the slope. My right shoulder kind of tucked underneath me and slammed hard on the ice.

Seperated my right shoulder.

Docs got me in a sling with limited range of movement. I should be off the snow for 3-6 weeks.



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Pansy. I separated two parts of my shoulder so that some stuff was sticking up, and tore my rotator cuff AND then played a football game on it. (Playing outside contain D-End and it was my inside shoulder no less!)

Then again, it's been 7 weeks and I can't curl more than 5 pounds. Funny, my doctor said I could snowboard but not ski due to poles. No more contact sports because of the 2 concussions..Oh well, there's next season. They want me on Varsitty. Toss an h in before the i, and you'll know why there are two t's. They went 1-9 this season, and the current right tackle, who will be a senior next year is getting kicked down to JV and I'll be taking his spot, as a sophomore. Ouch.

Don't baby it, or you'll never get the range of motion back. (figured that one out the hard way!)

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it wasn't snowboarding, but as soon as i read that you separated your shoulder I winced. about a month ago I got hit by a car riding my bike and separated my left shoulder. It doesn't hurt anymore but it still does some funky stuff whenever I'm lifting, and I still can't benchpress or do pushup's. heal fast, i feel your pain!

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Hey Chris,

Sorry to hear about the shoulder. I had a similar injury last season and it took a bit to feel better. As a recommendation, you may want to use your time off the hill to shop for a helmet. Get well and hope to see you soon at Stratton.

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Take care of that shoulder, Ace, and don't b e in a hurry to get back on the slopes. I ripped out mine last Feb and it's still giving me problems. Every other injury I've gotten healed with a little rehab and rest but the shoulder pain won't go away and every little fall involving those muscles makes it ache for days. Trust me, you don't want this injury to become chronic.

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As a recommendation, you may want to use your time off the hill to shop for a helmet.

Steph, you didn't notice the brand new helmet I was wearing on sunday? Or maybe you didn't know it was me.

I got a good deal at Dick's Sporting Goods. Only $45 for a Giro 9, half price!

In fact, I think the helmet saved my brain a little bit on that fall.

Thanks for the input guys. I'll take it easy for sure.

Carve some deep ruts for me.

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That blows-done my left wing 3x, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree seps.-I wish I could just broken the damn thing. Sling it for a while and phys. therapy made it better the 3rd go round for me- gentle mobility and exercise will help the stiffness. It's a lousy injury and hard to rush, and when in season, worse, 'cause you're gonna want to rush the healing. Highly rec. the anti-inflamms. Good luck. Hope you didn't ding up your Virus

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My left leg is still gimped up from a kitesurfing crash over a year ago. I've been meaning to get it scoped and fixed, I must've torn something between my femur and hip. I can still carve and kite but not as hard as I used to. It's lame having that little hitch in your step all the time. Running ? forget it. :nono:

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Ow. I know shoulder pain though. I'm currently dealing with my second "frozen shoulder." This time it is the left one. It doesn't really hinder my riding, but it hurts like @#$%! if I crash and tork the arm at all. Sometimes I can actually hear the adhesions ripping in there! According to the doc, it should get better on its own within 1-3 YEARS! Ugh.

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Broken tailbone, clavicle, ankle ripped to shreds, all on hardboots. I must be getting old, have been at Buck Hill the last two seasons coaching freestyle with some carving. Knees hurt each weekend after practice. Think I am getting too old for jibbing. Couldn't put weight on my left knee last night at all. Funny thing is that I have no knee problems on the race board. Must be my duck stance. :freak3:

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Be Well Mahn! Hate to hear any of it.Let alone at the start of the Season.Ice! Heat! you know the deal.

1 Story,

Out of all the insane stuff a person can get into @Jackson Hole.And I (we) did.It is something small that can get you.

Well I had a SB123 Boot pin fail on flat-ish ground in the trees (an Rocks)Stood me up and sent me back onto Right Shoulder.Low and slow.Pop/Crunch.Hardly Epic.

The pain was in the shoulder.But the Hard Part was being young and having a paid for Gold Pass an not be able to use it.To make matters worse I worked at a bizzy

Mid MT Cafe pulling Spro (coffee) and was responsible for all the Keg swap-age.Boss let me work in a sling.COOL!

Yet all the tourist had to ask or say something stupid about that sling.NOT COOL.

However as the daze past I did meet the best looking women in town as a result.......She became a Cocktail waitress at Beaver Dicks.

Oh life is getting better!

Weeks past at the Aspens gym rehabing,or trying.There I meet Rick.He said I have been watching you with that.(shoulder) All I could say was It's killing me not to ride.

It really was from the inside out.

Huh, he said and back to silence. I could see his own hamburger skin over colar bone.(All this taking place in the Sauna?)

I did not know this guy from Adam.

Let me show you something.Out toward the lockers he went. ok,I followed.This is what I have to do sometimes to ride. Rick showed me a roll of Duck Tape?

Then with out a word he started applying Duct Tape to my arm.Layer after layer in a pattern well thought,but all bizare as all h ll to me.

Just don't get it wet and just keep adding to it from the inside so it will stick.He eventauly asked if my board ended up like my shoulder.As it turned out he worked pt in repair

at the Aspens too and told me to bring the board in and I did.Some what perplexed but I did. The next day I worked on the Mt with out the sling for the first time having

traded it in for experimental Duct Tape for a few days. It was better for my mental health more than my shoulder. Rick had finished the board I assumed unrepairable.

Base welds an edge repair and all. He would take no money from me.You have no idea how bad we all could have used some.

Only missed 16 days. After weeks of riding and showing up at Beaver Dicks in the eve for pain management.(Free Cocktails....) I finally ran into Rick in the john next

to the Banquet room he was setting up.(Rick worked there pt too.) He was adjusting his Duct Tape Collar Bone in the mirror as I was there to do the same to my shoulder.

There was the typical long silence. With a shared knowing smile the silence broke with. So how is it? (Shoulder) It is good as can be Rick,as good as it can be.

And you? Oh the same.And out he went to the empty banquet room as I marveled at how God awfull the pain must of been for him setting up that room.

In that brief moment it did not escape me that how ever damaged we were.We were both able to ride.It did not escape me that only one of us knew exactly

how to to continue on.

The moment had gone as some lanky skier dude walked in to that banquet room as if it where his very own office or something.

I went back upstairs to to wait for my gorgious southern girl.

The year was 93.The guy that hooked me up was Rick Armstrong. Skier

The lanky Skier who came in to inspect the banquet room turned out to be Doug Coombs.A new era had begun.

Me? Slightly Bionic over all.Many,many after market Ti bits.

Went home for that shoulder work after 95 season never to return to Jackson or the snow.Until 07-08 season/55 days out of 92

Older now.I do Understand that.

The Point? Beyond Patience?

What is it that you have to do some times just to ride???

Only you can know for sure.Focus only on that!!!! And you will be well.

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