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Stratton Vt has been doing something similar over the past few years...with the exception of the $5 fee..I just took the "class" online last night. I would be angry if they started charging for this. I'm surprised to hear that some of you guys are thinking the fee is a good idea.


At Stevens, one of the parks where the started charging, they have to pay staff to monitor the entrance. So the park is less crowded and everybody in there is there for a purpose, staying out of each others' way. It also coincided with a step up in the quality of the jumps.

At Snoqualmie, the jumps get steadily worse, nobody checks for park passes, clueless people stand on/behind the kickers just as much as ever, etc.

The improvements in Stevens' park was a factor in me getting a season pass at Stevens for this season, after almost 15 years of getting season passes at Snoqualmie. Having to sit through a video and pay $5 is not an improvement in itself of course, but if it means they can pay gatekeepers and maintain a better park, then so be it.

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"So the park is less crowded and everybody in there is there for a purpose, staying out of each others' way. It also coincided with a step up in the quality of the jumps."

Our local hill has decided to effectively fence off the snow park and require a "Park Pass". Historically the park has been open to anyone. Despite having to ride under a huge banner extolling the dangers of the park and through a "cattle gate" style snow fence which has numerous warnings of the dangers to follow; it was a common occurrence last year for kids (under 8) to be flying through the park with/without parents in tow.

The parents nor the kids have any clue what they are doing and have struck several park rats who were waiting patiently for their turns to drop in (and had the nerve to blame the teenagers as well). This came to a head last year when a 7 yr old with his Dad following him decided to hit a fairly (20 ft gap) large "death knuckle" jump (flagged as a double black). As you can imagine the child had nowhere near the speed required to clear it and landed face first into the "knuckle" in true Bugs Bunny fashion and received serious but not life threatening or permanent injuries.

Dad decided he was going to sue as it was everyone's fault but his....he did not end up suing but the new park manager (who had brought the park light years ahead) was fired outright and the whole park was cut down to tiny kickers and rails and any "dangers" removed.....not much a of a park after that.

The rationale this year is that the small $ charge will pay for staff to check park passes and the fencing. They also redeployed an old T bar and are it using to service the park exclusively. This helps out everyone because:

1. The kids who ride park are not in the reg lift lines (good for me)

2. The kids who ride park tend to straight line the first 2/3 of the hill to get to the park at the end, now they are always in the park (good for me)

3. You cannot wander into the park by mistake.

4. The quality of jumps/features will be way better(good for my son)

5. Mom and Dad won't take an inexperienced child in the park as it will now cost $15 whereas before the park was just another "run"

I have no issues with the cost or signing a waiver for my 15year old son. The quality of each day is better for the park riders and piste riders.....I honestly believe we are all better off.


PS.. How about a post your 80's Stowe (or other)snowboard picture pass thread? You would of course have to post a current photo of yourself for comparison purposes. On a related note Lowell Hart taught that course at Stowe in '88 (in softies); I'm assuming it's the same guy as on BOL?

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I think Bumpy was saying if one kid has to sit in the class and saves him and his family a life of pain - that would be worth it.

I can agree with that. I get bent out of shape pretty quickly when someone creates the impression that they weren't responsible for their dumb*%$ move...seems there's always a lawyer present who'll agree. As one lawyer states on tv, "WE'LL GET MONEY FOR YOU!".. (oh, and they'll take 50% in fee's.).

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Vernon Valley (aka Mountain Creek now) also had a "licensing policy" the very first year it opened it's doors to snowboarding in the late 80's. That quickly fell apart within that first season and eventually any one could ride. I think that they used to have some type of park pass in order to ride in the park. There was an extra cost and possibly a video involved but that also is no more. Since the park encompasses all of the south mountain they no longer require a seperate pass.

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I can agree with that. I get bent out of shape pretty quickly when someone creates the impression that they weren't responsible for their dumb*%$ move...seems there's always a lawyer present who'll agree. As one lawyer states on tv, "WE'LL GET MONEY FOR YOU!".. (oh, and they'll take 50% in fee's.).

Everyone rags on the lawyers, until they actually need one. :nono:;)

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