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Dear Buck Hill Diary III


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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td>Date</td><td>3/13/09 </td></tr><tr><td>Temp </td><td>mid 30's </td></tr><tr><td>Visibility</td><td>excellent</td></tr><tr><td>Conditions </td><td>started off not so great, warmed up and then it got easier</td></tr><td>Hardbooters </td><td>4 (me, bobd, schtubby, ben)</td></tr></table>

"Are You Another Welch Refugee?"

... asked the liftee. i was the first one in the line. "what?!? you heard about that?", i was laughing. "oh yeah, we heard." he responded.

Crossroads, Milkrun, Ballroom, Warners

bobd said the snow was not as good as yesterday. i started off with my 9m and the snow was faster than the board could handle. my tracks were wide, about 2-4 inches. i chattered a bunch. switched to my donek after an hour. around noon the snow softened and it was easier. crossroads and milkrun were decent. ballroom had a course set up on it. after they took it down there were ruts and ice spots. only took one run down warners way.

blond woman in green jacket complimented us carvers -- really fun to watch us. bobd said two other women said they'd like to try alpine next year. a skier said he used to ride hardboots but switched to skis, said something about he was holding out for swoard. an older skier jokingly said he had to beat us to ballroom before we wrecked it. went one piece hunting with bobd. crikey! she's a beaut!

it really felt great to be out. was there till 2:30 pm.

Das Schtubby

good looking board. dave had people's heads crained on the chair. they all wanted a schtubby. jawohl! :biggthump

dave had nice crisp lines.


ben took an extended lunch from work to come out this afternoon. at first i thought he was kidding but then he told me he was going back into work. that's gotta suck. misplaced priorities! i couldn't do it. for me, its an all or nothing deal. its like how i can't just eat one chip. ben, you're like chuck norris. glad you made it out.

i think he was out longer than 1-1/2 hours. if anyone feels like blackmailing him...

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td>Date</td><td>3/14/09 </td></tr><tr><td>Temp </td><td>about 42F when i left </td></tr><tr><td>Visibility</td><td>sunny</td></tr><tr><td>Conditions </td><td>game over</td></tr><tr><td>Hardbooters </td><td>2 (me, rufus)</td></tr><td>On skis </td><td> bobd</td></tr></table>


buck didn't groom. early in the morning snow was bumpy, soft, or icy. i think yesterdays conditions were better. photo was taken on before first run.


rough start at first. hard to hold an edge without pushing it out. i chattered alot. it frickin hurts my heel at the intec cable. i tried to keep my body over the edge. after an hour it softened up and it was tolerable. towards noon is was wet slush up on top. kind of bouncy. down at the bottom it was turning brown. milkrun was decent, crossroads had more bumps but was okay. ballroom was good as long as you rode near the fence and new chairlift.

i was making fat tracks. some wavy lines.


rufus was out too. his arc is the pencil thin one that mirrors mine. his kid needs an alpine board -- carving exceptionally well on a freestyle board.

bobd was on skis.

it wasn't the best conditions but i am glad i made it out. today might've been the last day for carving.

Sled Dog Skates

end of season tends to brings out the relics. there was a kid riding sled dogs. he was going straight down the hill, barely turning and was in a semi-tuck position. i have a hard enough time going down hills on roller blades. i can't imagine bombing a hill with snow skates. i saw a father with his kids riding them too. could it be they're so old that they're new again?



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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td>Date</td><td>3/15/09 </td></tr><tr><td>Temp </td><td>45F </td></tr><tr><td>Visibility</td><td>sunny</td></tr><tr><td>Conditions </td><td>terminal </td></tr><tr><td>Hardbooters </td><td>1 (pauly)</td></tr><tr><td>Softbooters </td><td>3 (me, mud, scuff)</td></tr><tr><td>On Skis </td><td>bobd</td></tr></table>


no groom. softboots. not much fun for me. i struggled with heelsides.

scuff and mud were carving it up.

karl, thanks for letting me try your burton.

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karl, thanks for letting me try your burton.

Sure! And thanks for letting me try out your Rossi -

That was a new challenge..I need to ride switch more often.:o

MUD thanks for swapping for a couple runs. I liked your Tanker - I'm even more impressed that you took it through the halfpipe. :eek:

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It will be cold enough to provide some good conditions Thurs/Fri - if they groom. Just have watch the cam, I guess.


And I did, Grooming for tomorrow :)

I had a couple my best hours of carving on some icey brown snow at the end of the season a few years back. Hope for a repeat tomorrow. Low of 22 and shouldn't hit 33 until noon.


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I am sooooooo sad about Buck closing. I am a week away from getting on a board again - the ankle is coming back to life quite nicely. I just pulled a 17 hour shift yesterday, and have put in roughly 80 hours so far this week and I NEED recreation soon. I want to board dammnnnit! I want to nap ON the snow! Serious withdrawl goning on here. But I still have to wait a week.

Looks like Spirit or Lutsen.


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I am sooooooo sad about Buck closing. I am a week away from getting on a board again - the ankle is coming back to life quite nicely. I just pulled a 17 hour shift yesterday, and have put in roughly 80 hours so far this week and I NEED recreation soon. I want to board dammnnnit! I want to nap ON the snow! Serious withdrawl goning on here. But I still have to wait a week.

Looks like Spirit or Lutsen.


Colorado is only 13 hours away. Go to Des Moines, take a right. ;)

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