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Gomer street bike riders ( not political ) just a rant


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So wtf is up with all these wannabe street riders, "stunting" without helmets, boots, leathers in jeans and tshirts????

Death Wish 2008 or is there something I am missing here.

Granted I did ride the Gpz to the laundry one day in flip flops and completely smashed my foot. Lesson learned on that one. But these guys are freakin insane.

Even the guys with helmets are in jeans, tennis shoes and Ts. WTF over?

The thing I really hate is when this crap gets shown without the crashes, over testosteroned kids think it must be ok, and they go do it and get smashed.

There is another one on break.com of a guy stunting who almost amputates his foot. Pretty graphic so didn't post, you gotta look for it if want to see it.

Almost as bad as jibbers. :eplus2::eplus2:

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I agree I have a foot because I wear Motorcycle boots....in addition to jacket pants helmet and gloves

I was working in Va. Beach summer before last and as we were headingback to the hotel one afternoon we were passed by a guy on an R1 in sunglasses, sneakers, jeans, and a T-Shirt he then pulled in front of us and proceeded to step onto the roadway at 60mph...yes I mean that his feet were on the road sliding as he drove the motorcycle down the road in rush hour traffic. My buddy driving was in such shock he couldn't even close the distance in hopes of being Darwin's helper:eplus2:

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I really like the guy who came past me on Deerfoot (the local highway) on the back wheel last summer. I was doing 70, he was going a lot faster than that. Helmet, check. But long sleeve shirts, jeans and sneakers are not good gear if you hit the asphalt at that sort of speed. All it takes is one idiot to change lanes without a signal (and there's plenty of them here) and you're toasted.

Eh. Darwin at work. That stupid shouldn't be breeding anyway. I just feel sorry for the poor guys that get to scrape them up.

My major cringe factor is guys riding in flip flops. When I got my bike my father made me take a defensive riding course before he'd let me take it out. They showed us a pic of a guy who'd come off wearing flip-flops, and it had split his toes, chopped right through his foot and ended up past his ankle. It was the grossest thing I'd ever seen, and I have never ridden in anything but boots since.

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Eh. Darwin at work. That stupid shouldn't be breeding anyway. I just feel sorry for the poor guys that get to scrape them up.

I had to help a buddy who high sided through a barb wire fence. Thank God, it wasn't nearly as serious as it looked. Horrible feeling watching a buddy crash like that.

The new machines have so much power, so smooth - until things go wrong.

Trying to get another bike, but it ain't gonna happen this year.

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I really like the guy who came past me on Deerfoot (the local highway) on the back wheel last summer. I was doing 70, he was going a lot faster than that. Helmet, check. But long sleeve shirts, jeans and sneakers are not good gear if you hit the asphalt at that sort of speed. quote]

My fav was the guy that was being chased by the po-po and thought he would try to beat the barriers at the C-train crossing around 42 ave s. and Macleod. The barrier caulght him and his bike kept going for about a block before it slowed enough to fall over. Not much damage to the bike ( a gsxr750rr, I almost cried when I saw the bike) but he came off pretty bad.

That Darwin guy is everywhere.

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Draggin jeans are a bigger hit on the street scene maybe? kevlar lined jeans pretty cool actually. doesn't excuse the tshirt though.

the problem with draggin jeans is that you still get damage and burns...my draggin jeans were cut from the knee down when I was in the ER...the jeans sadly had almost not damage just scuffed...my knee however had road rash from my boot top to mid thigh...

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the problem with draggin jeans is that you still get damage and burns...my draggin jeans were cut from the knee down when I was in the ER...the jeans sadly had almost not damage just scuffed...my knee however had road rash from my boot top to mid thigh...

yeah, I was looking into diamond gussets and heard similar stories from others about them, too bad. I wanted they to be the perfect solution!!!!!

still might buy a pair though

http://www.gussetclothing.com/defend.html I actually found them because I have these http://www.gussetclothing.com/msherpa.html and they are the best work pants I've ever owner, if any of you cut much wood or tromp through brush constantly I highly reccomend them.

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