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Holy Coiler!


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Hello from New Zealand everyone.

Just rode my first Coiler. And I hostly can't believe how much of an up grade from my 168 F2 Silberphile it is. It's left me breathless and speechless and surprisingly with unsore feet. It was with some trepidation that I jumped on the thing this morning. Fellow carvers here were saying that it would be to big and to fast for our tight and sometimes crowed slopes. But after my first run... lost for words... sooo much edge hold, even when I'm flapping in the breeze trying to hold on, beautifully damp in the after noon crud yet poppy in the tail (some gorgeous air out of the turns) lush initiation, uber turny and super easy to skid around. I just can't believe it. It actually made me look half good!

I know lots of people have raved about carving on Coilers. But I just had to share this here. You guys and girls are the few people I know would understand! :) Thank you so much Bruce, I'm utterly stoked. This has totally made my season.

Specs 180 RC T 11.5 side cut 18.8 waist 90kg riding weight with 20.5" center holes. Sorry no photos yet will try to sort that out tomorrow.

So who's coming to NZ in summer 09.... ;)


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Hey Silver. Hamiltron eh? There seem to be a few Expat Kiwis on this site. It sure would be awesome to ride with a few of you legends. It is so frustrating how hard it is to get any worth while feed back, there are no instructors here that do this stuff.

Here's a photo of my new 'precious'. Down at the mount ATM. (Please excuse the boot fitters foam for stomp pad, couldn't let the UPZ toe piece bolts at the top sheet)



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Yep, grew up in Auckland meself, and used to ride at Whakapapa on a nitro scorpion red board, black jacket and pants back in the day.

Big difference when you upgrade gear; just be careful not to look at that deck too much; you might give yourself a headache ;-)

I might head down in 2009 for a session, will bring my 185 to carve up the Knoll ridge then


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Nice!! I can imagine the stunned mullet looks that you get flying around Whakapapa on that.

I dare you to take it up there on a midseason Saturday and let 'er rip ...

Go south, young man. Take that bad boy to Hutt or TC and really see what it can do... the most fun you can have with boots on!

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Owwa you guys are so nice.. :) Thanks Jack nice Klub. Counting on you Allee for next years South Island mission and Hey Kip hows your Yacht?

'bout to go and let her rip on the last Saturday of the school holidays on a blue bird just after some new snow. :)) Now we'll see how turny she is!

South Island 09 bring it on.



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Just let it loose amongst the masses and had a ball. No incidents and lots of laid over arcs around parked groups :)

I found another carver that I had heard about but never met and we were carve for carve all over the hill. The first time I have ever had to privilege to do this, SAD eh. I'm sure it hasn't been seen on Turoa for many a year as well. Lots of interested comments and compliments from the lifts and ques. + "So do you snowboard as well?" Had to laugh at that one.

James I think most of us, well, the majority any way, have already got that particular ticket. ;)

Clean Lines


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Hey Silver. Hamiltron eh? There seem to be a few Expat Kiwis on this site. It sure would be awesome to ride with a few of you legends. It is so frustrating how hard it is to get any worth while feed back, there are no instructors here that do this stuff.

Here's a photo of my new 'precious'. Down at the mount ATM. (Please excuse the boot fitters foam for stomp pad, couldn't let the UPZ toe piece bolts at the top sheet)



You're killing me with the board porn here. This latest pic of the really shapely looking Coiler is actually standing beside a bed! Look at it, it's practically begging to be laid... deeply over into a turn that is.:rolleyes:

Everytime I look at this picture I want to call Coiler and order my own 180 RC. Only problem being as I wouldn't get to ride it because my wife would break my legs, as I promised her I wouldn't buy a new carving board until the 09/10 season. :eek:


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