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2008/2009 Aspen visitor baggage fee: $380

Pat Donnelly

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Published on Aspen Daily News Online (http://www.aspendailynews.com)

Aspen visitor baggage fee: $380


Andrew Travers


Air fares expected to increase 34 percent this winter

The average vacationer flying to Aspen to ski this winter will pony up an extra $380 to transport his or her gear and clothes.

United Airlines, Aspen’s largest commercial air carrier, has implemented and raised its fees for checking bags since last ski season ended. Passengers currently pay $15 for their first bag, $50 for their second and $125 for a third. (The second bag fee was originally $25, but the company doubled it on Sept. 15.)

The fees are tacked on to fares each way on a round-trip ticket.

“The implementation of these baggage fees is still new and evolving,” said David Perry, senior vice president of the Aspen Skiing Co. and chairman of the board of Stay Aspen Snowmass. “A lot of travelers will be surprised this winter if they’re not already aware. And skiers do have a lot of baggage.”

The average Aspen winter visitor checks three bags, according to Bill Tomcich, president of central booking agency Stay Aspen Snowmass. That adds up to $380 per person if the visitor flies in on United, as most Aspen vacationers do.

He noted this fact Tuesday in a phone address to the board of the Aspen Chamber Resort Association. When Tomcich quoted the $380 figure, it elicited audible gasps from some board members.

The bag surcharge on United comes in addition to what Tomcich said he expects to be an overall fare increase of 34 percent this winter over last year. That hike comes despite the April addition of Frontier Airlines service to Aspen, which was expected to bring competitive pricing to the previously United-dominated airport.

To ease the crunch on ski travelers, Tomcich said he is negotiating with Federal Express and other shipping companies in the hopes of offering alternative ways for visitors to transport their bags here affordably through his agency.

“Complaints are not surfacing yet regarding the fees,” explained Perry. “But we’re trying to get out in front of it.”

Presumably, the bag charges will be a boon to local ski equipment rental shops as travelers choose not to check their gear and rent it here instead.

One ski or snowboard bag with a boot bag weighing less than 50 pounds can be substituted for one regular bag per passenger on United. However, any additional equipment bags carry a $125 fee.

The vast majority of Aspen’s winter visitors — 85 percent according to the city’s most recent statistics — come here by plane, landing either at the Aspen/Pitkin County Airport, the Eagle County Regional Airport or Denver International Airport.

United began charging for bags in June and also for food and pillows in an effort to counteract volatile fuel prices and rising operating costs. They have said they aim to generate $700 million in additional annual revenue for the ailing company.

The three other airlines operating out of Aspen will all charge for checking bags for the first time this winter.

Frontier began charging for bags on June 10. Their rates are $15 for one bag, $25 for a second and third, and $50 for a fourth or more. Checking ski bags is $25 apiece.

Delta still allows passengers to check one bag free of charge, including ski bags. A second bag is $50 and a third is $125.

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God, as if the logistics of getting to Denver next year weren't bad enough, I'm seriously considering driving.

Just a reminder to all the overseas people coming in too ... if you're travelling on a visa waiver (ie you have to fill in the green form to clear customs) then you're caught by the ESTA changes that come in on Jan 12. Basically you have to tell them 72 hours or more before you land that you'll be there, otherwise they'll turn you back at the boarding airport. This applies to my NZ passport, the Aussies, and probably some of the Europeans as well.

More info here :


Just a heads up - I'd hate to see anyone get caught out.

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Might be cheaper just to book a second seat next to you and lean the board up in the asile or window seat with a nice girly flower-print dress over the bag.......... Just say your GF is "thin as a rail and doesn't talk much". LOL.

Buckle up!


Will be cheaper to ship a board to a central location, and then have someone drive up in a minivan or some kind of SUV with them all in the back for us to pick up at the hill with a pre designated rhondevous point, and then to just pay said person to "ship them back" for us so we don't have to hastle with UPS either.

Last thign I would want to HAVE to do on vacation is find a UPS store and ship my board back.....:AR15firin

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Last thign I would want to HAVE to do on vacation is find a UPS store and ship my board back.....:AR15firin

If you shipped it there, then you probably know how much the box weighs and you can pre-print a Fedex or UPS or even USPS shipping label with the postage already on it. Just bring that with you, along with some tape. Pack it all up at the end of the vacation and leave it with the concierge at your hotel for pick up the next time the fedex/ups/postman comes. A little harder if you stay in a condo, but I'm sure you could find the local PO or some other place to drop it off. A little planning should make it pretty easy. I suspect lots of people will be doing this in the coming season.

Heck, you could probably start a decent business just doing ski gear pack/ship in resort.

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Nicely done Michelle. That's a great arrangement. Kinda limits us to short boards, but cool nonetheless.
Thanks! We're trying....

Doesn't limit you to short boards, you'll just have to pay more to ship the big guys. UPS will charge us more for the larger items, sorry. How much will depend on how long it is, how much is the total weight, and how far it's going so I can't tell you exactly.

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