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Kesslers from Catek


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This is probably old news, but I just popped over to Catek and saw that they are now selling a whole s##tload of different sized Kessler (150, 153, 156, 162, 168, 171, 174, 177, 180 and 185 - not just 162, 180 and 185 as before). And they are all $1425 with Catek's spacers.

Please help me from buying a 180...

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Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand it one of the major advantages of ordering getting a Kessler is that the board is specifically tuned to your weight, capabilities, foot size etc ... and while they are excellent boards, it makes much more sense to go direct and get one that is custom made, rather than order a pre-fab one from Catek. Is this true?

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Hi Guys,

CATEK does stock serial boards specifically designed for us by Kessler, but we also bring in full customs built for individual riders. We're happy to get that full custom board for you. Pricing is the same, but special orders will take more time.

For more information you can drop me a line via the CATEK website.


Scott @ CATEK

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Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand it one of the major advantages of ordering getting a Kessler is that the board is specifically tuned to your weight, capabilities, foot size etc ... and while they are excellent boards, it makes much more sense to go direct and get one that is custom made, rather than order a pre-fab one from Catek. Is this true?

Does Kessler even return phone calls/emails from people without FIS ranking??

If I was in the market for a new metal board and I didn't want to wait for a custom Coiler or custom Prior, I'd be all over a stock Kessler from Catek. Boards work for a pretty generous range of rider weight. Wish I could justify a 185 myself.

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Does Kessler even return phone calls/emails from people without FIS ranking??

If I was in the market for a new metal board and I didn't want to wait for a custom Coiler or custom Prior, I'd be all over a stock Kessler from Catek. Boards work for a pretty generous range of rider weight. Wish I could justify a 185 myself.

they did not return mine a couple years ago.

seems like ze einglich may be ze porblim

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Kessler doesn't really need to return calls to individuals. they seem to be more interetsed in working with groups/teams. I have had my success when approaching it from this angle...

i wouldn't take offense to hans not returning your call. he simply has bigger fish to fry.

any one who hasnt ridden one, should simply beg, borrow or kill to take 20 minutes on one. carving as you know it will never be the same.

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any one who hasnt ridden one, should simply beg, borrow or kill to take 20 minutes on one. carving as you know it will never be the


I had the pleasure of half a dozen runs on a 180 with Hangl plate. I tested it back-to-back with my Coiler NSR2 185, which has a strikingly similar effective edge, sidecut and camber profile. My Coiler has no Hangl. (Thanks to Shane G for loaning me the Kessler)

I came away from the experience thinking that the Hangl plate was making a bigger difference than the board. The Kessler + Hangl ride was very sure footed, very grippy. It was a lot of fun to get a rhythm going on it and the fact that it was frozen death marbles didn't seem to bother it in the least but it was a lot of *work* when I wanted to break the rhythm and make turns closer together. The Hangl plate is pretty frickin heavy!

In a lot of ways reminiscent of a couple of runs I took on oldsnowboards's Tinkler "Anton" 184 with binding plate. Very sold ride, unflappable, but I prefer something of more moderate weight, something more "flickable". I've ridden some other boards that are considered "heavy" (e.g longer Coiler Superboards) and these were quite flickable in comparison.

I'd be interested in trying a naked Kessler via my Coiler NSR2, to see what the "real" difference between the board is. The Hangl obviously added some torsional rigidity and that is what I think I felt (or rather didn't feel) on the frzoen death cookies, on the Kessler + Hangl.

Yes, it was an eye-opening experience, but my own "naked" Coiler held its own. Carving as I know it is still more or less the same. I would need to see a Hangl plate that is a lot lighter before I consider it for my own recreational use, because it made my front ankle hurt on the lift!

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I can tell you who does return phone calls and email: Sigi and Louis Renzler from Tomahawk. The turnaround time for a custom Titanal board is on the order of a month. They make beautifully crafted, quality products to your specification. Perhaps not as sexy as Kessler, but they make damned fine gear.

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