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I cant believe that nobody has bought the Rossi 190 yet, this board friggin rips!!! I would jump on it but I already have one, don't need two, well then again...... No, I can't do it. Somebody buy this board and take it off the classifieds before I have a mind change.

Bordy, sorry to hear about the ankle, heal fast!! Snow is gonna fly in just a few short months!!!

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Dude you have 736 post and have been on this board for a bit now, perhaps you should ask the rest of the board their opinions about the rossi.

Its a 190 with a 17 meter radius its a nice soft SG style stick.

I have no idea how you ride and would assume from your previous posts and post count, and what not that you are more "in the loop" the cost of the board is 275 plus shipping if you want to purchase it and try it out then have at it.


Funny how you sold all this stuff and are now on a 146 guru... I am really not here to **** around, I need to pay some DR bills...............

If I know you and your joking around then thats great also, how ever I have no Idea who you are??????? Have I sold you anything in the past or do I know you? Sorry that I am drawing a blank..Due to screen names and all.



Oh yea I rember now Your the cat with my old Jasey 89 factory prime that I hung out in the garge with at SES! You know what they say, short term memory loss, or is it long term memory loss... I forget...

I'd keep the Guru it has better edge hold then the Rossi.

Hope to see you at SES, again!:lol:

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Billy please heal up fast! I'd like to ride with you at SES again! Worst case we can hang out in the garage again at the bomber house?!?! ;)

Funny I never actually carved with you at SES 06. I think you were on that Fish both days we rode together!

Sorry to add more useless posts to your sale post. I sure hope you are back on BOL this winter. Your posts are always very helpful for us novice weekend warrior types.

When you get healed up we should do some dirt riding together. Isn't Moab inbetween ABQ and SLC?

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Billy please heal up fast! I'd like to ride with you at SES again! Worst case we can hang out in the garage again at the bomber house?!?! ;)

Funny I never actually carved with you at SES 06. I think you were on that Fish both days we rode together!

Sorry to add more useless posts to your sale post. I sure hope you are back on BOL this winter. Your posts are always very helpful for us novice weekend warrior types.

When you get healed up we should do some dirt riding together. Isn't Moab inbetween ABQ and SLC?

Really want to go to Maob and ride when I heal up. That way it will still be warn down there. I'll let you know when it happens!

I should be at SES as always.

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Boardy, I'll take the Rozzi.

I was giving your first dibs guy a chance to "pony-up", but looks like he failed.

PM me you Paypal.


does that price include shipping>?

:smashfrea might as well beat ya up a bit more... not like you can hobble away from the hammer faster than I can run to paypal account :D

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Nice purchase Dave. I'm an East Coast guy and have the same board. I originally bought mine to leave in my bro in-laws basement in Denver for annual "visits". After a few days on it at Loveland and A-Basin I decided it was damp enough to hook turns in narrower spots at home. I'm about 215 lbs and it's fairly nimble and likes speed. Totally lethargic and cumbersome without speed, but when you reach the threshhold, it comes alive. Not much nose but that's okay because it's the board that I've most enjoyed sitting a little back on and snaking around. Can't wait!

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Boardy, I'll take the Rozzi.

I was giving your first dibs guy a chance to "pony-up", but looks like he failed.

PM me you Paypal.


does that price include shipping>?

:smashfrea might as well beat ya up a bit more... not like you can hobble away from the hammer faster than I can run to paypal account :D

ohh ****! we're gonna be seeing Dave haul assing around VT and jiminy this winter.

enjoy it!

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email sent.

And Bob, If ski patrol thought I was "too fast" before at Jiminy @ 44 mph on the radar guns......

with this thing under my feat......... I think I can break the 55mph range and perhaps then hold the reccord for Jiminy for comming down

Left Bank.


well worth getting "written up for".

Just need to do it when noone is on the hill.........

like first tracks on a monday :D

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Congrats ont he board purchase Dave, you will enjoy it. I rode mine for the first time at the end of the 2006-07 season. Hardpack in the morn, softening up till 1:00. I took two runs on it and was ready to sell it but I hung onto it and tried it out on some packed powder/corduroy runs the next year and fell in love with it. All the boards that I have purchased and sold through this site I think this one will stay in my quiver for a long time to come. The only bummer with the board is it is too long to take on plane trips.


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Thanks Bill, I got it today ;)

Its going to definately rail like a freight train.......

I just hope the stiffness is not too much, and the length of it will help in the crud as I get fairly forward (supermaning) it and also like to ride the tail (chillaxing) as well.

3 months till snowfall............. 4 months till I can ride this beast and not worry about those nasty stone sharks biteing the bottom of it !


EDIT: oh, and the Bomber TD2's are going on it... I got rid of the SNOPRO rubbish nearly 3 years ago ;)

no worries :p

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