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Foreign Transaction Fees


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OK so I recently ordered a new Prior Metal (even though I told myself no new boards this year!) and was surprised to find that my credit card charged me $23 for a "foreign transaction fee"!!!:angryfire I checked their website and under misc. fees they do indeed list such a fee but it says I MAY incur a fee, not WILL. I called the credit card company and was informed that they are all doing that now. All transactions that take place out of the country will be assessed a 3% fee. Is this the going trend? Do Coiler and Prior accept Paypal? Is there a way around this?

OK, just had to vent a little. I'm better now. I'll be better still when I get my new board....

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Oh, you're lucky that they actually itemized the fee! In the UK they just roll it into the single line-item, so most people don't realize they're paying it. The standard rate here is 2.75% on top of the Visa exchange rate. There are only two UK credit cards I know of which don't charge you this, although as I said most people will swear blind that they don't pay it... but it's in the small print they don't read. The UK card I use which doesn't hit you with that charge is from the Nationwide.

Ways around it... find a card which doesn't charge it. There's probably one where you live if you look.

Bank transfers (which I used to use for heli-vertical before credit cards worked) have a single fixed charge at each end which is about £20 minimum), and of course you get no consumer protection (UK, although complicated in foreign transactions). As suggested you may be able to negotiate against the levy which the supplier charges for card transactions.

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Let me guess, Capital One in your wallet? Those are some ruthless money grabbing B---tards.

Take your complaint as high as you have to to get the charge cleared. That's total crap as no currency changed hands, it a wired transfer just like any domestic transaction.

Good Luck!

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WTFF? I know most banks charge it, but few of them are stupid enough to trumpet it. They normally just roll it in and stiff you on the exchange rate.

In a time when a banking transaction is just a matter of pushing a button and firing off some electrons, it's freaking rude. I hate banks with a passion. They're arrogant, condescending, nickel and diming ba$tards.

If you have an ombudsman, complain vociferously. People did in New Zealand, and the banks lost the court case and ended up having to refund millions for doing exactly this.

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No, no Capital One here. I had a LL Bean Visa through MBNA but they were bought out by Bank of America. Now Bean's has decided to go with Barklays. They have a higher interest rate but I like the Bean Visa. We'll see.

And I tried to dispute the charge but I was told that it's right there in (fine) print that they charge a fee for that type of transaction. My wife says I should threaten to cancel the card and see what that does for me. Maybe I should. It's getting so banks are charging for you to look at your own money. That's why I go through a credit union and not a bank.

As for the board, I saw the thread about early release '09's and thought I'd have a look. Turns out they had a new construction demo 177cm with 2 days on it. It hadn't been there earlier so I'm not sure when it turned up. It's white with a fluorescent green base. Yikes! It's standard construction-nothing special. I actually like the specs on it. Good width, scr looks about right and I assume he's got the flex right. And at 150 lbs, it's not like I need him to beef it up any. I bought a 4wd 169 last summer and had a hoot on it. It's soft and holds and edge well enough...at lower speeds. But as an all-around fun carver, it does the trick. I hope to love this one too. You all have been raving about it here so don't let me down!:D

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Ted, I have pictures of some one climbing the first bethel snowman.

LOL, never thought anyone would use that as a avatar here.

For those of you in the dark as to what I'm talking about, in Bethel, ME they build the world's largest snowman.

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I'm actually from Bethel but live in the Portland area now. My mom is still in town though, so I have a place to stay when I ride Sunday River. The snowman (snowwoman, actually) shot was nice so I thought I'd share. Besides, I don't think I have a singe picture of me riding.

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We seem to be following the same path with boards, except I like mine just a little shorter. I bought a Prior 4WD 164 last year and enjoyed it a lot as a versatile board that can go all over the mountain in any conditions and still carve well. And I just ordered a WCR metal 173, stock specs.

I got the maple leaf topsheet since it saves $141 right now. I would have preferred stealth black or the Haida Eagle black, but I can certainly live with the maple leaf for the money saved.

BTW, they apparently will have a new maple leaf graphic for '09. I like it. They have a standard WCR available with it:


I asked about getting the new maple leaf graphic, and was told that it is not available yet. The WCR that has it was a display model, and they haven't received their supply of those topsheets yet. So I ordered the old red and white maple leaf topsheet.


Of course, what really matters is how it rides, and unfortunately I probably have at least 5 more months before I can find out.

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That new maple leave topsheet sure is purty! I have to say though that I try not to let a board's appearance influence me. Now if I were to have one custom built.....that's another story.

Brad, I thought the longer lengths might be a bit much too but I find that Prior boards ride short. Check out their effective edge. The 177 that I just bought has an effective edge about as long as an old 168 Morrow Rocket that I have. My Oxygen Proton 178 that I bought from someone here-I forgot who- rides much longer. Plus it has a 15 meter scr. So this board is going to be an interesting departure from what I have. But then that's the point, isn't it?:D

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I guess we shouldn't take the bank hating to the next level and discuss how the system really works:angryfire We might disturb the sheeple:eplus2:

ITs all electrons and its less work for them than an actual "cash" transaction. Worse yet your signature created the "money" there was in fact no currency involved in the transaction whatsoever. your signature allowed the bank to recieve a credit from the federal reserve for significantly more than the amount you "borrowed" This credit is in effect money created from thin air. no wonder the house of cards is falling:rolleyes:

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The credit card companies in Canada started doing that several years ago. I know that some of them did send us a notice announcing that they would charge something like 2-3%.

I agree it's total BS. I was quite pissed off when I first heard of it.

But it's still not as bad as what the Bank of Montreal tried doing many years ago. They announced a new policy: they would close all accounts that had something like $10 or less, and keep the money. Yes, you read that last part right. Needless to say, that got shot down before they had a chance to actually put it into practice.

Canadians have complained to the government many times about bank policies and fees. Now everybody has turned their attention to the banks cousins in crime, the telecomm companies.


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I had purposely deposited an extra $8000 in my Visa account to pay for my Real Estate taxes while I was out of town. In other words I had a credit balance with Visa. Before I made the transaction I called Visa (Which is USBank Northwest Airlines card) to make sure the transaction would go smoothly. They then informed me that they would be charging me $160 on the funds that were already in their possession. There would be another $240 charge from the property tax clearing house.

I can understand getting charged extra because the local tax assessor's office would have to pay that, but there is no way in hel- I was about to pay for using my own money.

Visa sucks. They make money everyway they possibly can, and you don't get anywhere unless you complain or know every possible way they can charge you.

By the way, I made them send me a check for my credit balance.

PS. The taxes were on 2 pieces of property, 1 of which is a rental. (You wouldn't believe the condition of the property that I live in, and the other is a manufactured home (taxes on this are $3800) Property taxes need to become more in touch with reality.

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And people wonder why I take my debit card with me now when I travel, rather than my Visa. I've found my debit card works in bank machines in any country that's half-pie civilised (Belize, Costa Rica and Peru) and I only get charged $3 for a withdrawal, as opposed to the 2-3% they take on my credit card. When travelling in a slightly dodgy foreign country, cash will often get you what you want much faster and easier than a credit card. I only use my credit card when shopping in tourist areas, and I carry a spare hidden in my luggage, in case I get mugged.

The other thing that scares me - a friend of my ex took a long anticipated trip to Europe, his first time out of the country in his life. So he takes and uses his credit card, it flags, they try to call him and of course he's not at home. So they cancelled it, and left him stranded four days into a 3 week trip with no credit facility. Nice!

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And people wonder why I take my debit card with me now when I travel, rather than my Visa. I've found my debit card works in bank machines in any country that's half-pie civilised (Belize, Costa Rica and Peru) and I only get charged $3 for a withdrawal, as opposed to the 2-3% they take on my credit card. When travelling in a slightly dodgy foreign country, cash will often get you what you want much faster and easier than a credit card. I only use my credit card when shopping in tourist areas, and I carry a spare hidden in my luggage, in case I get mugged.

The other thing that scares me - a friend of my ex took a long anticipated trip to Europe, his first time out of the country in his life. So he takes and uses his credit card, it flags, they try to call him and of course he's not at home. So they cancelled it, and left him stranded four days into a 3 week trip with no credit facility. Nice!

Excellent tips. Never thought of a debit card for foreign travel. It pisses me off about foreign transaction fees, particularly in Canada. Why should they charge me a foreign transaction fee in the 51st state.

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