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'09 wcr metal released


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Hopefully they last longer than they used to. I went through two in a period of six weeks. The first lasted almost two weeks. I sent it back, and they said I voided the warrenty, even though I followed it. After weeks of discussion, they agreed to send me a new one, which lasted ONE DAY!!!!!!!!! I will never buy from them, even though it was a fun ride, their customer service and management was terrible. And for that price, why not fork up a little extra and get a kessler? At least it will hold up a little better.

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Don't want to highjake this thread but now you are asking. You have to call Bruce. Paid around 750 CAD last year excluding shipping. Don't know the price exactly because I paid CAD 1.000.-- including shipping to Europe and some custom art work (designed by Shred). I only know that I am planning to order the 3th board with Bruce (high craftmanship of the used materials and the boards last long). Can't tell you for the Priors. But they seem to have learned from others to put the titanal under the topsheet and under other materials (other alpine brands with titanal under the topsheet: F2, Völkl Renntiger, Coiler, Tomahawk, Tinkler and so on).

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I plan to get one of these before next season. I just have a few decisions to make:

1. Will these go on sale at Thanksgiving (Prior usually has a Turkey Day sale around that time)? If so, I'll wait until then to order.

2. Which graphics? (Leaning toward the new Haida eagle in black, but might consider something custom).

3. Which length? I was previously thinking of ordering a custom 169, but now that's a standard size for the metal. I tend to like shorter, turny boards, so that's probably what I'll get, but most folks recommend at least a 173 for my size (5'7", 160-170 lbs.)


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1. Will these go on sale at Thanksgiving (Prior usually has a Turkey Day sale around that time)? If so, I'll wait until then to order.

Don't forget, Prior is Canadian and Canadian Thanksgiving is about a month earlier than American Thanksgiving (unless they do it during the American one).

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3. Which length? I was previously thinking of ordering a custom 169, but now that's a standard size for the metal. I tend to like shorter, turny boards, so that's probably what I'll get, but most folks recommend at least a 173 for my size (5'7", 160-170 lbs.)BB

Those metal boards can be cranked down easily to shorter radius'. So I should go for a stable ride at high speeds. So at least the 173. I really can crank down my Coiler (170cm and 13.2 SCR) to short tunrs ( I weigh 184 lbs). I am into ordering a longer one with a shorter radius for more control and (for my own and others) safety at higher speeds :D

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Well I have to admitt that I love my '08 187 WCR-Metal and have not had any problems other than the minor dings from lift line num-nuts. Minor dings that result in significant damage. I do however, ride with baited breath, waiting for what appears to be the inevitable.

While I cannot forsee shelling out another $1,000 again this pre-season for an '09, I would be a great gesture to the carving community for Chris to offer a coupon to all of us who bought into the original hype and sprung for the original design. I would consider it then. I am confident that the buisness it would generate and the Prior reputation status created would be worth every (Canadian) penny.

I think I'll make that suggestion to the boys at prior.


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If you order one now with the maple leaf graphic, you can save $141.

From the latest Prior flyer:

"We hope you enjoyed the Canada Day festivities on July 1st! To commemorate Canada's 141st birthday, for the next 6 weeks, Prior is offering $141 off any snowboard ordered to be built with the Maple Leaf topsheet."

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Like you Al (and many others) I too have THOROUGHLY enjoyed my '08 Prior - Amazing ride! And I've managed to keep the top sheet protected and clean. Unfortunately, I spent a fair amount of energy and effort to achieve that. Furthermore, this effort was NOT prompted by maintaining aesthetics but the overall functionality of the ride. If it was about looks, I would have immediately peeled that protective layer and shined her up like some have here. I just want to protect my investment and make it last. I can live with scratches and nicks/dings on a glass deck w/traditional top sheet - they continue to function fine! The metal top sheets don't fair so well once they've been compromised. Like you said, it is inevitable. The metal layer protected by the top sheet just makes sense. Bottom line - I don't have another $900+ to plunk down.

I DO like your idea!

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I have a bare metal top sheet "fatjack" ( basically a 23 waisted 177wcr , quite stiff) that is a spectacular ride, the top sheet has faired well but I take nore than normal measures to preserve it,

I was lucky enough to get one of Chris's very first 2009 ti boards built while he was still working out the flex patterns for the new construction, mine came out a wee bit stiff ( actually quite beastlike) , Chris thought it would suit me. Its a 177 wcr and very stiff , shape is literally identical to my 08 quad glass 177 wcr which is a very sweet ride itself. Havent ridden the 2009 titanal yet as got it just as season shutting down for me.

As you can tell I am a big fan of the 177 spoon tail with an 11.9 sidecut.

Have attached a few pics, forgot to do the base, camera at work now, sorry ( black with neon green Prior logo ) side walls are white, pics are shrunk to the 600x800 but you should be able to see the skin over glass over recessed titanal.

Hope that helps




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