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Help with cholesterol


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I got a blood work back from the Doc and my cholesterol is a tad above the norm. I've been to the Grocer and checked out foods on my own and tried to do a search on-line and only found political garbage with pictures of Rush Limbaugh. I figure, fish, very good. Crab and scallops, also pretty good. Beef, Chicken, even Turkey, not so good.

With the nutritional facts on the labels, Chef Boy R D seems to be pretty good compared to most items containing meat in the same price range. Of course sodium levels high. I don't currently have high blood presure, but want to avoid it just the same. I know cholesterol can be passed down through genes but wanted to get some healthy peoples views (there are a few on here) how to lower cholesterol naturally. I'm already giving up eggs for breakfast and eating oatmeal, remember, "poor mans budget". Cheerios, Raison Bran, imitation crab meat, skim milk, orange juice, fish, lots and lots of beans (to the hardship of those around me), baked potatoes and other veggies have become my meals for the past few weeks. I've been able to keep it going so far, but wanted to know if there's anything I've missed that also could substitute the fast food lifestyle I've lived.

I did have a veggie pizza 2 days ago and I've had many meatless burritos, also without cheese or sour cream.

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I am a wheat free, sugar free thing right now. it's working for weight loss but I am doing it more for arthritis or ( joint pain anyway) and it does seem to help. A lot of folks seem to have a borderline reaction to wheat and I am checking it out.

Back to cholesterol. Been doing tons of steamed brocolli and I love it. My wife is so over it though, but my 3yr old eats as much as I do of the stuff. Instead of cheese or salt on it, try soy sauce, Braggs or a light vinagrette just to season it a bit. Or a light bit of parm.

do they do edamame where you are? ( Basically just young soy beans steamed in the pod) . I love em my daughters both love them. They dip into a little soy and eat the heck out of them. They are supposed to be heart healthy.

Good luck.

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Which part of your cholesterol is high? If it's HDL's - the more the merrier, no need to try to lower that. If it's LDL's, you need to figure out why they are high - LDL cholesterol serves a purpose. I've seen people make quick changes to their LDL levels by taking a good fish oil supplement (as Sinecure suggested) and cutting out sugar/refined carbs. Real whole food can do wonders for your health! :biggthump

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I am a wheat free, sugar free thing right now. it's working for weight loss but I am doing it more for arthritis or ( joint pain anyway) and it does seem to help. A lot of folks seem to have a borderline reaction to wheat and I am checking it out.

Back to cholesterol. Been doing tons of steamed brocolli and I love it. My wife is so over it though, but my 3yr old eats as much as I do of the stuff. Instead of cheese or salt on it, try soy sauce, Braggs or a light vinagrette just to season it a bit. Or a light bit of parm.

do they do edamame where you are? ( Basically just young soy beans steamed in the pod) . I love em my daughters both love them. They dip into a little soy and eat the heck out of them. They are supposed to be heart healthy.

Good luck.

My doc wants more grains, less meat, and less fried foods. I was doing the Chinese veggies, but my friend says it's not good either. Seems anything tasty is bad for your!:confused:

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. I was doing the Chinese veggies, but my friend says it's not good either. Seems anything tasty is bad for your!:confused:

Well, what kind of Chinese veggies? If it's something like in Chow Mein, it's just fried. Fresh veggies with soy sauce as recommended are pretty good.

Also, in the frozen foods aisle, you might find something called "Green Giant" frozen veggies. They can be nuked, and come with frozen bits of various sauces, one that's particularly good is the broccoli with some kind of pepper sauce. Unfortunately, you can't expect the sauce to be necessarily good for you..

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Well, what kind of Chinese veggies? If it's something like in Chow Mein, it's just fried. Fresh veggies with soy sauce as recommended are pretty good.

It's the "Vegetable Delight" (whatever that is) at the Chinese place I go to. I guess it's stirfried vegetables and rice. Kinda has a sweet garlic sauce on it.

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Fresh fruit or dried fruit is good, veggies are good, lean cuts of meat are good-chicken, turkey, pork or fish. Avoid shellfish because they are mainly made out of cholesterol. Fish, depending on where you get it, can have too much mercury in it. Avoid processed food-it has too much salt and fat in it.

Edaname is good-it's in the frozen food section with the other veggies.

Basically, you need to limit your fat intake to 30 % of your daily intake. If you want to count fat grams, figure what you need by taking your weight(or your ideal weight) dividing that number by 2.2 to convert to kilograms. Then take your weight in kilograms and multiply that by 30-that number is your daily requirement of calories. Take 30 % of that figure and divide by 9 (because there's 9 calories per fat gram)......anyway the resulting number is your fat grams needed.

Hope that helps....

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Fresh fruit or dried fruit is good, veggies are good, lean cuts of meat are good-chicken, turkey, pork or fish. Avoid shellfish because they are mainly made out of cholesterol. Fish, depending on where you get it, can have too much mercury in it. Avoid processed food-it has too much salt and fat in it.

Edaname is good-it's in the frozen food section with the other veggies.

Basically, you need to limit your fat intake to 30 % of your daily intake. If you want to count fat grams, figure what you need by taking your weight(or your ideal weight) dividing that number by 2.2 to convert to kilograms. Then take your weight in kilograms and multiply that by 30-that number is your daily requirement of calories. Take 30 % of that figure and divide by 9 (because there's 9 calories per fat gram)......anyway the resulting number is your fat grams needed.

Hope that helps....

I've gone hardcore on this. Today even I had a "Boca Burger"!!! Pure Soy, no meat. I'm getting extreme on this!!!! I have a second blood test in just over 2 months to see if I need meds. I will DIE if he gives me any prescription!!!! I am bound and determinated to fix this naturally. Science is the way of the Devil!!!!:angryfire Fish diet with veggies, lots of grains (carbs and callories, forggit' about it! I burn plenty!!!!) I'm not over 50, I'm not over 250lbs., and I'm not going to take a pill every day!!! Cholesterol first, fat grams second, sodium, very tasty, but still third, carbs and callories, a distant forth/fifth. Am I wrong or am I right?

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Don't forget exercise. I had moderately high cholesterol as well. Yes I changed my eating habits slightly by taking butter and salt out of my diet. But the best result was achieved through exercise. I run a minimum of 2 days a week and it has helped to keep my numbers down.

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we all die somehow... may as well enjoy the food we eat, but remail healthy about it :)

"Some" cholesterol or slightly higher than normal is not a big deal.

Try to drink more clear liquids, and flush the fats from yoursystem. Alcohol retains the fat cells, so cut out alcohol (if you drink), and you will see a big improvement when coupled with regular exercise.

As to diet, everything in moderation ;)

LDL type is what you want to control. It builds the plaque in your blood vessles.

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Science is everybody's friend....science is the reason you have a computer. Your computer assisted design program is the reason you have a snowboard.

Science that developed a storable form of wheat during the time of the ancient Egyptians is the reason we have beer.....

Lay off science!

Now statin drugs are another story-way too many people take them. The are designed to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and have no role if you have no other risk factors, like high blood pressure or diabetes, smoking, or a bad family history, and are under 50 because your risk of dying at that age is already extremely low. Many docs see an abnormal test and feel compelled to treat, though.

I also discontinue statin drugs if the person is over 80 for a similar reason-life expectancy at that point is measured in months not years and a statin is not going to add any more time

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Science is everybody's friend....science is the reason you have a computer. Your computer assisted design program is the reason you have a snowboard.

Science that developed a storable form of wheat during the time of the ancient Egyptians is the reason we have beer.....

Lay off science!

Sorry you couldn't smell the sarcasm!:smashfrea Actually I do think, and so does my doctor, that meds are too readily handed out. Natural is always better. And Nature is the stadium for science. Perhaps I should have said "man-made" science. You can also thank computers for internet porn, video games that keep children over weight, etc. Science isn't ALL good!:lol:

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we all die somehow... may as well enjoy the food we eat, but remail healthy about it :)

True, but if cutting out red meat means I can live to ride a few more seasons then fish it is!:biggthump

I'll still allow myself the occational "treat" on special occations, but not more than once every other week.

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Don't forget exercise. I had moderately high cholesterol as well. Yes I changed my eating habits slightly by taking butter and salt out of my diet. But the best result was achieved through exercise. I run a minimum of 2 days a week and it has helped to keep my numbers down.

I've been windsurfing and "fruit-boot'n" (inline skating). Can't run, at least not far, on these knees. Sold my bike last winter but plan on going to the pool where I can get some laps in this summer.

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Sorry you couldn't smell the sarcasm!:smashfrea Actually I do think, and so does my doctor, that meds are too readily handed out. Natural is always better. And Nature is the stadium for science. Perhaps I should have said "man-made" science. You can also thank computers for internet porn, video games that keep children over weight, etc. Science isn't ALL good!:lol:

Sorry...sarcasm and smoke from an imminent flame sometimes smell the same...

Don't even get me started about Ritalin, Adderall, and their ilk

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Glad to hear your take on statins skatha.:biggthump

There is some very good science that says we don't need to worry as much about cholesterol as we do. It really is secondary to the process of coronary artery disease. the latest research says that Acidic blood is the culprit (jury is still out on the cause of that) homocysteine is one likely suspect as are acid causing foods. Homocysteine is an amino acid byproduct from the breakdown of proteins. If you are deficient in Bvitamins you don't process it quickly enough and it acidifies your blood. there are many foods that would do the same thing. the worst offenders are highly processed and highly sugared foods.

The acid actually burns the lining of your arteries. your Bodies natural response is to manufacture its own cholesterol and use it to coat the burn. Its a protective response. If this happens over and over repeatedly you get clogged arteries. Sometimes the body adds calcium in extreme cases and youget hardening of the arteries.

ITs easily reversed and easily avoided by limiting acid forming foods in your diet. there are several alkiline diets out there. some foods will suprise you. oranges are acid but they are actually good at reducing blood acids.

Interestingly enough Cancer loves acidic environments and most disease causing bacteria do as well. Alkaline blood will help prevent most cancer and most bacterial infections.

One product that is easy to get (walmart has it the cheapest) and that works well at reducing this problem is called Emergen-C one or two packets a day over the course of a year (anecdotally) has been shown to dramatically reduce artery plaqueing.

It is basically The alkaline form of vit C combined with B vitamins. the alkaline chemistry buffers blood acids, the vit C strengthens the arterial walls, and the B vitamins help reduce homocysteine levels.

Statins are Bad. All of your brain hormones and neurotransmitters are built from cholesterol. Statin drugs are being found to cause DEMENTIA.

You need cholesterol to live. any level under 250 is ok in my book. especially if the HDL's are high as well. You may remember a few years ago the "Safe" levels were much higher. When the Drug companies maxed out market share they put out research that supported lower "SAFE" levels of cholesterol so they could sell more statins. The most recent research shows that people on statins have the same incidence of heart attack as those not on statins. So they don't help prevent heart attacks anyway.

Long winded sorry hope it helps:D

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