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Kimo Is Down

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I don't check in for a few days and look what happens! :eek: Kimo, I was at SES this year too, and though we didn't officially meet, I remember seeing you there and was aware of your good vibe! :D Having experienced a little medical adventure with my own brain a few years ago I can assure you that your brain has an amazing capacity to heal! Don't worry if you are missing a few words here and there - give it a little time and your brain will figure out how to get all that back. And you can bet I'll be sending thoughts, prayers and good vibes your way as you heal! :biggthump

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It seems I'm improving slowly, but surely. The typing is much better, but I still have a long ways to go on the speaking. It looks I like will probably be out of the hospital Saturday, but I will a lot to do in outpatient care.

Your notes to get better REALLY help and I appreciate all the support I've gotten from around the world. If we keep strong, we will see SES 09.

Do a couple runs for me if your mountain is still open.

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I got a good whack on the head years ago in a car accident and had trouble talking for a while after. And for weeks I felt a little weird... tired, not fully aware... like I'd just woken up. Got a little better day by day though and now I are complztely nrmal aggin. Well, mostly.

A friend of mine went through basically the same thing a few years later, only he was really messed up at first, and recovery took longer. Now you'd never know, other than some bumps and scars on his head.

Best of luck with your recovery, Kimo. Expect it to take some time, and (perhaps most importantly) let your friends and family know that it sometimes takes a long while. Nobody told my girlfriend about that, and for a while she was really confused and worried about me. So now I tell these stories to everyone I know when stuff like this happens, because sometimes the doctors don't, or they don't tell this to everyone who needs to hear it.

Wishing you great success!


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Hey all... I'm home now. You wouldn't think you'd need to adjust to being home, but you can really get used to being in the hospital when you're sick. I think I will miss the a/c most of all.

Kimo, Originally thinking I was going to be released the day of my accident, changed pretty fast when I was told about some of the issues. After the first night of being woke up every hour and having those pump things on my feet expanding and contracting every few seconds, I was happy to just rest and enjoy the oxygen and phentonal (Sp). Not having to get up to pee and pretty good food a phone call away was a real bonus. Three days latter I looked back and was so happy I had not tried to leave on the first day.

No Air Conditioning? That is not acceptable. Can we get a small one installed in your bedroom for now? Let me know if I can help get this done.

Heal fast my friend, you are being covered in well wishes and prayers.


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Fortunately I never had any circulatory problems. I had the bootie things for a while at most.

Actually, if I'm moderately carefully with opening the windows at night and closing them during the day, I don't any need a/c.

I took a day out on the town today. I walk with my sister, Chipotle grill and a movie. It was a pretty good day out from the hospital.

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Fortunately I never had any circulatory problems. I had the bootie things for a while at most.

Actually, if I'm moderately carefully with opening the windows at night and closing them during the day, I don't any need a/c.

I took a day out on the town today. I walk with my sister, Chipotle grill and a movie. It was a pretty good day out from the hospital.

Excellent to hear you are out and about!! Thank you so much for the update!!


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Kimo I just read about your surgery,man thats a hell of an ordeal.I'm glad to here it went well and you were abel to go home and start your recovery.All my best wishes for a speedy recovery,and congatulations on new marriage please say hello to Cherie for me.I hope to see you next year at SES 09 Norman

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Hey Kimo,

I am sorry to hear of your predicament and I am relieved to hear that you made it through surgery OK!

Man I would never wish a cranium invasion on anybody. Please let us know if this is milignant or not. It would be easy to understand some non-normal tissue with all the blunt head trauma one enjoys learning this sport. But with brain tumors in the news lately it's a good opportunity for all of us to be thankful, and reflective, for the opportunities we have had, and to donate generously to the American Cancer Society who does help cure Cancer everyday. In any case stay strong and determined, we are all pulling for you!! You are on a deadline remember, you have just about 33 weeks to complete a full recovery, but I'd bet you won't need more than a couple.

Al & Felica

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I haven't updated in awhile so here goes. Officially, the worst thing that's happened in the past week is my computer going on the fritz. It was always a piece of crap, but it's very rapidly giving up the ghost. I can do limited web browsing, oddly enough, but little else works for me which is immensely frustrating considering how much of my life I run by computer. I've got a new one on order so never fear, I'll get back into the Bomber boards more regularly in a week or so.

They still say no snowboarding so I guess the end of the season is here for me. I feel physically able to ride, but I'm not allowed contact sports. Some business about there still being a hole in my head. Everybody has lots of holes in their heads. I think they're being a little to cautious maybe.

I've been debating whether or not to share with you all the what the pathology report said. Not because I don't want anybody to know, but rather because I think it's important to keep in mind that it doesn't necessarily guarantee one outcome or another. With that said, I will share that it's a

oligoastrocytoma with anaplastic regions grade III.

Boulder happens to have an amazing, nationally recognized neurosurgeon, Dr. Alan Villavincensio, who did my tumor resection. He got most of it, but because part of the tumor was in my speech area, he left did some small amount. I've found a neuro oncologist in Denver, Dr. Ed Arenson, that I feel really good about managing my radiation and, what for it... wait for it... CHEMOtherapy. I should start both in a about a week. Apparently, the drugs and radiation for what I have tend to have very low side effects too so I won't be sick as dog thru the whole process. I'll also get to do most of my treatment in Boulder.

The really bright side is that there is practically no reason to worry about missing SES 09. Maybe by that time I'll even be talking regular too, although the speech is coming back very quickly anyways.

Thor: I'm driving up to Snow Mountain Ranch tomorrow (well, I'm not the one driving) for a wedding. We're coming back Monday. If you're crazy enough to be home and not at the Basin, maybe it work to do lunch Monday or something. email me.

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Kimo, Great to hear your upbeat attitude. I had a friend recently go through the radiation chemo thing. It's not as horrible as it used to be. Better targeting, etc, etc. He hardly missed any work, just a little at the end, and recovered very quickly.

Good luck Buddy, We're all pulling for you.


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Thor: I'm driving up to Snow Mountain Ranch tomorrow (well, I'm not the one driving) for a wedding. We're coming back Monday. If you're crazy enough to be home and not at the Basin, maybe it work to do lunch Monday or something. email me.

Very encouraging report Kimo! :biggthump

Snow Mtn Ranch is just a few miles from my place and I don't have any plans tomorrow... holidays in this area make me want to stay home but joining you for lunch sounds good.

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Hey Kimo,

Thanks for the update! You are exactly right - diagnosis in no way determines outcome - I've seen that so many times. (My littlest sister is currently recovering well from a very advanced, difficult to treat lymphoma - doing great almost a year post treatment!) Sounds like you have great medical support, plus friends, family, the love of a most amazing woman... and a bunch of crazy carvers all pulling for you (some of whom you haven't even met!) I'll keep the good vibes going your way, for sure!:biggthump

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Wow, Kimo, I tried to google what it is that you have, but I don't think the page was written in English. Funny, they didn't offer me a translation page like they usually do :-)

Happy to hear that you're doing so well and there's heaps of good vibes coming your way. Stay strong and be happy, we'll see you in 09!!

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