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Hey, I don't want to step in here telling people what to do and whatnot, but please refrain from using the term retarded, it's offensive, and it makes you no more intelligent souding than those you are critisizing.

Thanks guys, I understand how stupid this thing is, and it's just frustrating that someone does something like blame carving for falling when there are grinding rails which are 10 times more risky.

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Having a pdd person in the family, I appreciate that


Hey, mind if I ask what developmental disability they have?

I volunteer at a church down here for people with developmental disabilities, we do lots of good stuff, a summertime camp, Disneyland trips, carwashes, and tons of other stuff, just to get out in the community, instead of being trapped in grop homes watching Jerry Springer all day.

This is the sad truth about people with developmental disabilities, is they do get stuck inside watching absolute garbage on TV all day.

We may try to get a ski trip together next season at Mt. High, if any SoCal folks might be interested in helping out, please email me.

Alrighty, I'm done going off topic.

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Hey, mind if I ask what developmental disability they have?


that I would talk about this, but my son Tom has Aspergers (high functiontioning autism). People moan about all the politically correctness that is inflicted on us in the US, but until he moved here from the UK, his life had been miserable. He arrived here to start High school and was amazed at the lack of teasing and level of acceptance (political correctness). He's a junior at college now (poli sci).


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We have several educated members of our church. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting somebody with Asperger's Syndrome, as the bulk of our members have Down's.

One of our members is effectively 100% blind, and she is an extremely talented accordian player, and is a great pleasure to hear play.

I'm very happy that your son has not let his developmental disability affect his advancement in life.

God Bless.

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Hey, I don't want to step in here telling people what to do and whatnot, but please refrain from using the term retarded, it's offensive, and it makes you no more intelligent souding than those you are critisizing.

not sure if you were referencing my post or if someone else used the term "retard" in a derogatory way, but I used "RETARDATION".

Know what a word means before you get your panties in a Politicaly Correctness bunching between your cheeks.

<CITE minmax_bound="true">Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)</CITE> - Cite This Source - <CITE minmax_bound="true">Share This</CITE> <!-- google_ad_section_start(name=def) -->

re·tar·da·tion premium.gifthinsp.pngspeaker.gif/ˌrithinsp.pngtɑrˈdeɪthinsp.pngʃən/Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ree-tahr-dey-shuhthinsp.pngn]Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation–noun <TABLE class=luna-Ent minmax_bound="true"><TBODY minmax_bound="true"><TR minmax_bound="true"><TD class=dn vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">1.</TD><TD vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">the act of retarding or state of being retarded. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=luna-Ent minmax_bound="true"><TBODY minmax_bound="true"><TR minmax_bound="true"><TD class=dn vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">2.</TD><TD vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">something that retards; hindrance. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=luna-Ent minmax_bound="true"><TBODY minmax_bound="true"><TR minmax_bound="true"><TD class=dn vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">3.</TD><TD vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=luna-Ent minmax_bound="true"><TBODY minmax_bound="true"><TR minmax_bound="true"><TD class=dn vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">4.</TD><TD vAlign=top minmax_bound="true">Music. a form of suspension that is resolved upward. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I'll be sure to tell the Baker not to Retard the yeast tomorrow morning in the bread..........


EDIT: to eccho what Steve was saying:

folks routinely put their lives into my hands by purposely skiing through my predictable line as a sort of misguided protest;as if I will be the one lying on the ground face down twitching uncontrolably while suffering the effects of a high speed collision. Skiers,and jib monkeys for that matter,of all ages,still do not understand that we do not have eyes in the backs of our helmets.

This whole thing could,and maybe should be taken as a wakeup call to act by choice to enhance the acceptability and viability of our favorite past time,rather than be forced to defend it.

What people seen to ignore is common courtesy of sayig " PASSING ! or ON YOUR LEFT!" or just simply realising the person in front of you has the right of way.

I can't count the number of times I've has glorious runs nearly halted to a crawl with a "mother goose and goslings" wandering down a trail and using the entire thing like a giant snake train that is impossible to pass.

That OR whats worse, (and Jose can vouch for this one first-hand) is when you are on a black diamond and people are on it and clearly do not have the ability to be there, yet do not yeild the right of way to people passing , or trying to use the slope as intended. It just ruins the time, and causes near collisions and snappy words to fly from pissed off people on both ends.

Skiers blame boarders, boarders throw it back at the skiers, the cycle never ends. Jerks are there no matter what they are strapping to their feet.

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not sure if you were referencing my post or if someone else used the term "retard" in a derogatory way, but I used "RETARDATION".

Know what a word means before you get your panties in a Politicaly Correctness bunching between your cheeks.

Political Correctness?

You offended ME.

I was taking up something that offended ME.

You had no intention of the word being inferred as something being slowed down, you used it to take the stereotypical "DERRR SPECIAL EDUCATION" as a derogatory statement towards the ski resort.

So, look before you leap, don't fling out an insult towards somebody, there was no justification for your harshness or the attitude of your post.

Sure, I'm the new guy around here, but for Christ's sake, don't be so aggressive over a comment which offended somebody.

Also, clearly from my experience dealing with people who are labeled as such, I would understand the word, in all of its forms.

"The Ski lift was retarded due to the windy conditions" Not going to offend anyone, not the way you used it.

"That dude operating the ski lift was retarded!" That's insulting a being, clearly has a good chance of offending someone.

Learn the context of your own usage before telling me to learn the multiple meanings of a word.

Thank you.

<cite minmax_bound="true"></cite>

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Political Correctness?

Sure, I'm the new guy around here, but for Christ's sake, don't be so aggressive over a comment which offended somebody.<CITE minmax_bound="true"></CITE>

Oh boy... to say something or to not say something, that is the question.

You do realize that, while making your point, you have taken the Lord's name in vain. I'm sure you've offended somebody in the world in doing so... and you are a churchgoer and should know better.

Hey, I don't want to step in here telling people what to do and whatnot, but please refrain from using the term retarded, it's offensive, and it makes you no more intelligent souding than those you are critisizing.

...but telling people what to do is exactly what you are doing. I think you would have received a more favorable response from Dave if you had simply stated you find that use of the word offensive and explained why. Not only did you tell him how to conduct himself (eventhough you did say please), you threw in an insult on top of that. I think I would have been put on the defensive if I were in Dave's place.

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Political Correctness?

You offended ME.

I was taking up something that offended ME.

You had no intention of the word being inferred as something being slowed down, you used it to take the stereotypical "DERRR SPECIAL EDUCATION" as a derogatory statement towards the ski resort.

So, look before you leap, don't fling out an insult towards somebody, there was no justification for your harshness or the attitude of your post.

Sure, I'm the new guy around here, but for Christ's sake, don't be so aggressive over a comment which offended somebody.

Also, clearly from my experience dealing with people who are labeled as such, I would understand the word, in all of its forms.

KC - you chose to be offended by his words. unless DaveE edited somehow that I don't know. But he was quite technically correct in his use of the word. Perhaps because of your working so closely with some folks who have developmental issues.

And you can't possibly know someone's else intent from that post. At least not in the way I saw it used.

I don't know how it makes it right to use JC's name in vain to make your point by offending another group of people. For some reason I get upset when folks use Jesus name in vain. And in the overall scheme of things I am not a good Christian, I am sinner and I have lots of things I am working on but this one bugs me.

Was it your intent to offend Christians? I doubt it, but I couldn't know that from your post. Judge not, lest you also be judged.

This is friendly board with great people. Many have learned english as a second language.

So let's try to be a little more tolerant of all people.

Oh and I have enjoyed seeing your posts here, but didn't notice a reply to one of your threads about looking for boots. Still willing to help if you are interested.

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Oh boy... to say something or to not say something, that is the question.

You do realize that, while making your point, you have taken the Lord's name in vain. I'm sure you've offended somebody in the world in doing so... and you are a churchgoer and should know better.

...but telling people what to do is exactly what you are doing. I think you would have received a more favorable response from Dave if you had simply stated you find that use of the word offensive and explained why. Not only did you tell him how to conduct himself (eventhough you did say please), you threw in an insult on top of that. I think I would have been put on the defensive if I were in Dave's place.

Please pardon those responses.

I was frustrated by the use of the word, and I had no intention of making a complete jackass out of myself.

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^^ the moral of the story...

It's the internet. Get a thicker skin or stop posting. Not trying to be a jerk, but trying to impose your idea of morality or propriety on a bunch of anonymous people is just going to frustrate you and amuse the trolls.

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Also, I am VERY disappointed in myself for throwing the "Christ's sake" phrase in there.

That truly shows how little I was thinking, and how frustrated I was with his response, and how much I simply hate that word used as a derogatory statement.

He wasn't the only one using it, I simply would have let it bounce off if he was the only one, but seeing it repeated 3, 4 times was just too much.

I will stay out of this thread from now on, and again, please pardon my inappropriate behavior.


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Must you use the name "Petrol"

that might offend some global warming activists and Dinosaur rights groups.

****ing morons. Whoops - that probably offended someone too. Maybe we should call Al Gore - he invented the internet, I guess he can turn it off, too.

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I was not offended, but don't like the term.

It's a relatively new use of the word and people haven't given it much thought yet. It may not change though. The term spazz is still commonly used in the US even though it refers to someone sufering from cerebral palsy, a devastating disease. Interestingly, although commonly used in the UK, both terms are considered very offensive there.


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yer gonna need AT LEAST 500 posts before we take ANYTHING you have say seriously, kid.

work on replacing those supertramp and journey t shirts with something cool.

even a gap t would be a big improvement

don't take ANY of my advice seriously, either

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I am offended by the excessive emphasis on "political correctness",
I do quite like that line :)

My message wasn't interpreted as I intended. I simply was asking that the term not be used.

Hey, I hate political correctness just as much as the next guy, and I sure as heck didn't make this thread, some moderator did!

I can't think of a good way to put this..

Quite frankly, I don't give a damn about not bashing religion, politics, or whatever you want to hate.

But, you have to keep in mind, you might end up sounding like someone my age, and I don't know if that conveys a good message :P


Usage of gay there is essentially as intelligent as using Retarded, even though retarded may be a little more related than homosexuality and lack of skating ability.

Like I said, I've already made enough of an ass of myself, so there's no reason for this thread. :(

Willy- Only 400 something posts of complete BS until I'm a professional carver? I better get down to work.

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keep it up, divebummer is MIA.

there's so many great bands out there to listen to.....BUT ! If supertramp or journey are getting you laid, then, by all means , keep wearing the t shirts.

stressing over the misuse of "retarded" or "ghey" or "whatever" will only get your pantys bunched up needlessly.

John Lennon couldn't change the world, what makes ya think you can ?:rolleyes:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63EmfAClrhs&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63EmfAClrhs&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Retardation of spark plug ignition. Improved combustion chamber design that concentrates mixture near the spark plug and generates high turbulence sounds really ghey

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Just go away ideologue/censor types. Watch your own word usage and leave the rest of us alone. The pee pee dance people do (hold privates, point at the offender, jump up and down and say "....ooooh oooh") in response to a poor selection of a word or two is tedious. Go design software that omits any language that you feel is offensive.

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Go design software that omits any language that you feel is offensive.

ohhhhhhhhhhh ! Zinger !!


did this ACTUALLY happen to ya ?

btw, A DOOOOOOOOOOOD works on a ranch ! ya hear me ???!!!!

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hxOr3q7nrk&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hxOr3q7nrk&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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I do quite like that line :)

My message wasn't interpreted as I intended. I simply was asking that the term not be used.

Hey, I hate political correctness just as much as the next guy, and I sure as heck didn't make this thread, some moderator did!

I can't think of a good way to put this..

Quite frankly, I don't give a damn about not bashing religion, politics, or whatever you want to hate.

But, you have to keep in mind, you might end up sounding like someone my age, and I don't know if that conveys a good message :P


Usage of gay there is essentially as intelligent as using Retarded, even though retarded may be a little more related than homosexuality and lack of skating ability.

Like I said, I've already made enough of an ass of myself, so there's no reason for this thread. :(

Willy- Only 400 something posts of complete BS until I'm a professional carver? I better get down to work.

I have pretty much lurked here for about the past seven years, and don't post much, but this whole thing pisses me off. I think that your interpretation of retarded is retarded. The topic of the thread was that a ski area in MN was banning "aggressive carving". I ride at Welch. This affects all of us in MN, because it is a damn fun place to ride. You threadjacked it because you felt offended because of the "word" retarded. There was no harm meant. Grow a f>>>>>g pair. I own 685 acres and heat my home by wood. That being said I go out alot during the winter and cut up a faggot. Faggot is a bundle of sticks. Does the word faggot offend you as well? I accept the fact that you don't like the "word" retarded but dont EVER tell me what I can or can't say. That is my given right. My sister has a child with Down's and he "retarded". One of the neatest kids I have ever known. Technically "retarded" but damn cool. My sis is not offended by the word, doesn't like it, but she lives with it. You say that you hate political correctness and you didn't make this thread, but you imposed that upon the rest of us because your p***y hurt about the word "retarded". Trailer Trash moved this to off topic because that is exactly what it was...off topic. Piss off.....Flame on.

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