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Waxing the sidewall ?

Surf Quebec

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waste of time, IMHO

Most people here don't wax the base of their boards enough, worry about bottom first.

Most sidewalls are a extruded ABS type stuff that won't absorb any wax in the first place.

Ptex sidewalls are a different story but still I bet the benefit is hardly worth the effort.

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Like the other posters, I think waxing sidewalls isn't necessary.

It is a good idea, IMHO, to regularly check the sidewalls to ensure they are smooth, and to repair any small nicks or gouges that might impair gliding performance.

<img src="http://i29.tinypic.com/xo2lv6.jpg" border="0" alt="Jack Seddon, somewhere near Mt. Aspiring, Southern Alps, New Zealand">

You can use a sidewall planer, a surform, rasp, sandpaper, or emery cloth to smooth out any small dings you might find.

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