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Aches and Pains


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Am I just getting old, 38, or whats up with my hips, knees, ankles and lower back?

While I can appreciate being sore from a good solid day of riding, I feel as though I am in constant "ach" mode in my hips, knees, lower back and ankles for most of the time. besides advil, are there any supplements I can take, like glucosamine or anything to help lessen the continual nagging aches.

I get to ride from 2-4 mornings per week and also do cardio and some weights at the gym 2-3 evenings per week, so I dont know if that influences it. I know I am not 22 anymore, but cmon now.

Any input would be appreciated and refrain from humor replies


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Maybe water and Bananas. Keep hydrated, all your joints depend on lubrication. Lack of potasium will cause some aches. Also check on your diet in general.

Google Potasium.

I second hydration...with the amount of exercise you doing make sure to stay hydrated. I would say just around a gallon a day if you can manage that much (and all the trips to the bathroom :)).

Potassium is also very helpful to get rid of craps and aches.

I also take a glutamine supplement when I'm having a heavy few weeks of exercise to help my body recover faster. Info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutamine

What is your normal activity level? Are you starting all the riding and cardio all of a sudden or have you gradually ramped up your activity level? Did the pains and aches just start? Or have they been consistent?

Other things to consider - take a long bath to allow your muscles to relax. Try adding light stretching every morning, then gradually increase to stretching every morning and night. And make sure you are getting a solid 8+ hours of sleep. As we grow older we tend to sleep less, but your body still needs the same amount of sleep time to relax and recover and heal over the night.

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IB doesn't "fix" anything, just provides temporary relief. Once they wear off, you are back to where you were. Water, water water! Stay hydrated on the hill, but just as important, drink lots of it after riding. If you drink coffee or booze, you'll need that much more. Supplements aren't very effective unless you take them on a regular basis. Glucosamine wont start working on your joints for a month or 2, though the liquid form will get you there a little faster(or so the say:confused:) My PT and massage therapist recommended vitamin E and fatty acids(fish oil, etc..) for muscle health and lubrication. Frequent light stretches are better then 1 intense session. Aches in the lower back, hips, thighs and knee's can often be attributed to a single problem area. If you can find what it is, taking care of it is that much easier. A massage therapist who specializes in sports injuries can help you diagnose it. It sounds like you are active most days of the week, you may want to figure in some recovery time. did I mention water?:biggthump Only 38? Just wait bro, it just gets more "interesting".:lol:

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At 44 I have found that strengthening my core has had DRAMATIC effects on aches & pains, overall fitness, ability to recover after big days, balance, posture, etc. I do a 20-minute routine about 5 days a week which doesn't sound like much but makes a big difference. The book I use is by Mark Verstegen.


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Try using Topricin cream on your joints. http://www.topricin.com/ It contains 11 ingredients (including arnica) for aches & pains. You can find it at most health/organic food stores. The stuff is fairly expensive but it works.

After I broke my pelvis last year, I worked out with a highly regarded ski coach out of Waterville Valley. He swears by Topricin and insisted that I try it. Just 11 months out from my crash & surgery, almost all discomfort & soreness in my hip has been eliminated. Also, the past few years my left knee would scream for cortisone shots midway through the season. This year, after using topricin, most of the chronic achiness and soreness in the knees has been dramatically reduced.

Also, as others have mentioned-- icing joints after riding, hot baths, and stretching all help me recover quickly.

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