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I need a surgeon!

Willow 15

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Can any BOL members perform stomach stapel operations. I am 5'10" and a 190lbs, this may seem quite reasonable but i want to be 159lbs. This is the reason why:- http://cgi.ebay.ch/KESSLER-SLALOMBOARD_W0QQitemZ120212119941QQihZ002QQcategoryZ59756QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Damn all skinny snowboarders.

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Ha! I weigh 70 kg...it's finally good to be a lightweight. How much is 2,000 CHF, and how do you say "I don't suppose you'd be interested in shipping to the US, would you?" in Czech?

Isn't >11m kind of a big SCR for a slalom board?

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Hey Dan, the board is actually in Switzerland and the starting bid is 500 Swiss Francs which equates to roughly 500 Us dollars. "Ich nehme an, Sie würden nicht daran interessiert, in der Schifffahrt in den USA, würden Sie?" is German for your question(thats a google translation) but the guy speaks English if you are interested. If you get it, i am one heavy jealous pie eater.

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I stopped with the beer... and I have lost wieght using my crack pipe.. and razor and mirror.. but I only do the suga twice to three times a day and stoke up and base up at night..

Worked pretty good in the 70's and it works pretty good today!!:freak3:

we talking cooking with baking soda? Or doing it the right way Richard Pryor style, amonia and a solvent.

I always was partial to the tweak, yeppers, methamphetamine best diet you can get AND it help you do your taxes. friggin' wonder drug!

To get your money's worth you find a light bulb get a torch lighter......... aww I better stop

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